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Öğe Biomimetic dental implant production using selective laser powder bed fusion melting: In-vitro results(Elsevier, 2024) Önder, M. Ercüment; Çulhaoğlu, Ahmet; Özgül, Özkan; Tekin, Umut; Atil, Fethi; Taze, Cem; Yasa, EvrenInstead of a textured surface with irregular pore size and distribution as in conventional dental implants, the use of lattice structures with regular geometric structure and controlled pore size produced by selective laser powder bed fusion melting (LPDF) technique will provide more predictable and successful results regarding osseointe- gration and mechanics. In this study, biomimetic dental implants with 2 different pore designs were fabricated by LPDF technique and compared with conventional dental implants in terms of surface characterization and resistance to biomechanical forces. Finite element analysis, scanning electron microscopy, computed micro to- mography scanning, ISO 14801 tests and detork tests were used for the comparison. The tested biomimetic implants were found to be as durable as conventional implants in terms of mechanical strength and detork values. They were also found to be 40-60% more advantageous than conventional dental implants with respect to surface area and volume. As a result, it was concluded that biomimetic dental implants with sufficient me- chanical strength and complex surface geometries can be made as designed without changing the reliable base material and can be produced using a different manufacturing method.Öğe Assessing the Potential Role of Artificial Intelligence in Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Information Sharing(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2024) Çoban, Elif; Altay, BerkanBackground: Artificial Intelligence, by answering questions about disease prevention strategies, can contribute to making diseases more treatable in their early stages. Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the quality of patient information by assessing the responses of the Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGPT, Open AI, USA) artificial intelligence model to questions related to medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). Study Design, Setting, Sample: The study was prospective cross-sectional design. The study was conducted within the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The study's questions were prepared by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon and directed to the artificial intelligence platform. The responses were evaluated by oral and maxillofacial surgeons using the Global Quality Scale (GQS). Predictor Variable: The predictor variable is question type. A total of 120 questions were categorized into six groups, which encompassed general information about MRONJ (Group 1), queries from patients about to initiate medication therapy (Group 2), questions from patients currently undergoing medication treatment (Group 3), inquiries from patients who had completed medication usage (Group 4), general treatment-related information (Group 5), and case scenarios (Group 6). Main Outcome Variables: The main variable is the GQS score. The GQS rates the quality of information and its utility for the patients. The scores are as follows: Score 1: Poor quality, Score 2: Generally poor quality, Score 3: Moderate quality, Score 4: Good quality, Score 5: Excellent quality. Covariates: Not applicable. Analyses: Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were applied for intragroup and intergroup analyses. The statistical significance level was determined as P < .05 and P < .01. Results: The average score for all questions was calculated to be 3.9 +/- 0.8, which is above the moderate quality threshold. Group 1 had a mean score of 3.4 +/- 1.1; group 2 had 4.1 +/- 0.7; group 3 had 3.8 +/- 0.8; group 4 had 4.3 +/- 0.6; group 5 had 4.2 +/- 0.7; and group 6 had 4.1 +/- 0.5. The variations in mean scores among these groups did not exhibit statistical significance (P > .05). Conclusion and Relevance: The artificial intelligence model has generated responses of moderate quality to questions about MRONJ. The use of the artificial intelligence platform may assist in patients gaining a fundamental understanding of MRONJ. (c) 2024 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsÖğe Avulse dişlerin replantasyonu: Olgu sunumu(2007) Ercan, Ertuğrul; Dallı, MehmetBu klinik çalışmanın amacı avulasyona uğramış dişlere uyguladığımız replantasyon tedavi tekniğinidir. Otuz beş yaşındaki erkek hastada dental travma sonucu maksillar sağ, sol ve mandibular sağ daimi kesici dişler avulsuyona uğramıştı. Avülse dişler parmaklarla hafif basınçla alveol soketine yerleştirildi. Dişler yarı sert arch teli ile splinte edildi Hastaya splinte dişleri kullanmaması, diğer dişlerini fırçalamasını ve sadece yumuşak gıdalar yemesini asitli içecekleri tüketmemesi tavsiye edildi. Dört hafta sonra splint çıkarıldı. Tedavisi sonucunda dişlerde semptom ve renk değişikliği, dişeti apsesi, dişlerde devitelizasyon, ağrı ve kök rezorbsiyon gözlenmedi.Öğe Bifosfanat kullanımına bağlı çenelerde gelişen osteonekrozlar: Çok merkezli retrospektif çalışma(2014) Süer, Berkay Tolga; Coşkunses, Fatih Mehmet; Sinanoğlu, Enver Alper; Atıl, Fethi; Koçyiğit, İsmail Doruk; Kan, Bahadır; Tekin, UmutBifosfonatlar (BP), metastatik kemik hastalıkları ve osteoporoz tedavisinde kullanılan kemik rezorbsiyonu inhibitörleridir. Bifosfanat kullanımına bağlı çenelerde gelişen osteonekroz (BBÇO), çenelerinde radyasyon tedavisi görmemiş, bifosfanat kullanan ya da kullanmış hastalarda mandibula ya da maksillada 8 haftadan daha uzun süren kemik ekspozu ile karakterize bir durum olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada farklı merkeze yönlendirilen BBÇO vakaları retrospektif olarak sunulmuştur. 2012 ve 2013 yıllarında GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Diş Hekimliği, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, ve Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Ağız, Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi kliniklerine başvuran BBÇO tanısı konulmuş 18 hastanın demografik özellikleri, anamnez bulguları, klinik muayene bulguları, bifosfanat çeşidi ve kullanım bilgileri (süre, uygulama yolu) ve eğer varsa ilgili sebep açısından değerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır. Hastaların 12' sinde mandibula (% 67), 5' inde maksilla (%28) ve 1 hastada ise hem mandibula hem maksillada (%5) BBÇO izlendi. Hastaların 2 tanesi osteoporozis (% 11) nedeniyle 16 hasta ise (% 89) onkolojik tedavi nedeniyle bifosfanat grubu ilaç kullanmaktaydı. Tıp ve diş hekimliğini ortak olarak ilgilendiren konu olması itibariyle bifosfanat grubu ilaç tedavisine başlanacak hasta gruplarının ortak klinikler tesis edilerek takip edilmeleri ve bilgi paylaşımlarıyla ortaya çıkabilecek olası komplikasyonların azaltılabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.Öğe Ameloblastoma Ve Odontojenik Keratokistlerin Klinik Ve Radyolojik Davranışı: Vaka Serileriyle Birlikte Literatür Tartışması(2020) Mısırlıoğlu, Melda; Meşhur, Zahide; Akyıl, Yağmur YılmazAmeloblastoma cinsiyet ayrımı gözetmeksizin genellikle genç yetişkinlerde izlenen mine dokusunun diferansiye olmamış gerçek bir neoplazmıdır ve invaziv olarak büyür. %80’i mandibular %20’si maxillar bölgede olmak üzere oral tümörlerin yaklaşık olarak %1’ini oluşturur. Klinik olarak ameloblastoma yavaş büyüyen ve yüzde şişlik gibi herhangi bir bulgu vermeyen, asemptomatik lokal agresif bir tümördür. Radyolojik görüntüsü klasik bir multiloküler kistik radyolusent lezyon şeklindedir. Sabun köpüğü ve bal peteği şeklindeki radyolusent alanlar tipik görüntüsüdür. Keratokistik odontojenik tümör; dental lamina artıklarından gelişen agresif davranışlı ve çevre dokulara infiltratif özelliği ile benign odontojenik tümör sınıfına dahil edilen yüksek nüks özelliği gösteren lezyonlardır. Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (KIBT) diş hekimliğinde güncel kullanılan en yeni ve ileri görüntüleme yöntemidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı ameloblastoma ön tanısıyla tartışılan vaka serilerinin radyografik görüntüleri ve histopatolojik sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesidir. Bu çalışmada ön tanıdan farklı olarak beş vaka histopatolojik olarak keratokistik odontojenik tümör tanısı almıştır. Çoğu vakada ameloblastoma karakteristik olarak teşhis edilebilir fakat radyografik görüntü diagnostik değildir.Öğe Obstruktif Uyku Apnesi Sendromu Açısından Yüksek Riskli Bireyler İle Düşük Riskli Bireyler Arası Sino-Nazal Bölgede Anatomik Varyasyon Ve Patoloji Görülme Sıklığının Karşılaştırılması(2015) Adışen, Mehmet Zahit; Mısırlıoğlu, MeldaAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu için yüksek riskli ve düşük riskli olarak belirlenen bireyler arasında, sino-nazal bölgede anatomik varyasyon ve patoloji görülme sıklığının, konik kullanılarak karşılaştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamız Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Ağız Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi Anabilim Dalı'nda, Ocak-Haziran 2014 tarihleri arasında kliniğimize rutin muayeneye gelen, 18-30 yaş aralığındaki 50 genç erişkin hasta ile yapıldı. Her hasta için kimlik bilgilerini, sigara anamnezini, Berlin Anketi ve Epworth Uykululuk Ölçeği'ni içeren hasta bilgi formu dolduruldu. Hastaların anketlere verdikleri cevaplara göre 25 yüksek riskli, 25 düşük riskli hasta belirlendi. Radyolojik ölçümler için hastalardan konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntüleri alındı. Bulgular: Epworth skoru ve sigara kullanım oranı risk grupları arasında anlamlı olarak farklılık gösterdi. Sinonazal bölgede anatomik varyasyon ve patoloji varlığı açısından gruplar arası istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı. Ancak yüksek riskli hasta grubunda düşük riskli hasta grubuna göre maksiller sinüs mukozasında kalınlaşmaya daha sık rastlandı. Sonuç: Çalışma sonuçlarına göre sinonazal bölge anatomik varyasyon ve patolojilerinin Obstrüktif Uyku Apnesi için primer risk faktörü olarak değerlendirilemeyeceği ve nazal cerrahinin sadece seçili hastalara uygulanması gerektiğini düşünmekteyizÖğe Çene yüz kırıklarının demografik özellikleri ve etiyolojik faktörleri: Retrospektif çalışma(2018) Özgül, ÖzkanAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı bölgemizde görülen çene yüz kırıklarının demografik ve klinik özelliklerini, etiyolojik faktörlerini ve tedavi protokollerini retrospektif olarak analiz etmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamızda Nisan 2015- Kasım 2017 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde çene yüz kırık tanısı ile tedavi edilmiş hastaların medikal kayıtları deg?erlendirmeye alındı. Yas?, cinsiyet, etiyolojik neden, kırıg?ın lokalizasyonu, uygulanan tedavi yöntemi belirlenerek veri dağılımı analiz edildi. Bulgular: Medikal kayıtların incelenmesi ile, 40’ı erkek (%77), 12’si kadın olan 52 hastada 62 çene yüz kırığı tespit edildi. Ortalama yaş 33.3 (9- 67), etiyolojik faktörler sırasıyla darp (%42), trafik kazası (%33), düşme (%25) olarak bulundu. 62 kırığın %92’si mandibulada; lokalizasyonlarına göre sırasıyla angulus (%34), simfiz (%31), kondil (%14), korpus (%8), ramus (%5) ve %8’i de maksillada görüldü. Sonuç: Çene yüz kırıklarının etiyolojisi ve insidansı; sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve çevresel şartlara bağımlıdır. Farklı coğrafik, ekonomik ve sosyal özelliklere sahip olan ülkemizde yapılacak çok merkezli çalışmalara ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır.Öğe Use of spongious bone chips and fascia temporalis in alveolar bone defects(2004) Tüz, Hakan H.; Akal, Ümit K.; Cambazoğlu, Mine; Kişnişçi, Reha Ş.Graft materials are used for inducement of regeneration in bone defects. Organic and synthetic bone graft materials facilitate remodelation or healing of the bone and induce new bone formation in the area of bone resorption caused by pathological, traumatic, and physiological reasons. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of spongious allogenic bone graft and fascia temporalis membranous collagen tissue on the healing of bone defects clinically and radiologically. The study was carried out on 90 bone defects of 81 patients who underwent apicoectomy, cystectomy, and curettage of chronic infections in the maxilla and mandible. Defects were divided into 3 groups with respect to the way they were treated before soft tissue flap closure: with bone chips alone (D1), with bone chips and fascia temporalis (D2), and with no treatment (D3). Clinical and radiological examinations were carried out 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. Complications were observed in 5 defects in D1, 4 defects in D2, and 5 defects in D3. All defects ameliorated after treatment of the complications. All 3 groups showed similar complication rates after surgery. Spongious bone chips either alone or covered with fascia temporalis reduced the overall osteogenesis period and prevented collapse of the mucosal soft tissue into the defect when compared with the controls.Öğe Pediatric dog bite injuries of head and neck: An algorithm for the treatment of our clinic(WOLTERS KLUWER MEDKNOW PUBLICATIONS, 2020) Sanli, Elif; Altay, BerkanBackground: Dog bite injuries are more frequent injuries than they are supposed to be in our country. Aims and Objectives: This study presents our pediatric dog bite injuries of head and neck and a simple algorithm of the treatment. Materials and Methods: A retrospective screening was done of the cases, and data was collected. Descriptive statistical analysis was done about age, sex, type of injury, time of injury, type of dog breed, and closure options. Results: A total of ten children were enrolled to the study. The mean age was 6.4 years, and most of the cases were preschool-aged children. Scalp was the most affected region at head and neck. Pit bull was the only known dog breed. The common time of the injuries was morning. Major injuries were more than minor ones, and they were closed with graft or flaps. Conclusion: We think that dog bite injuries are an important problem in our country. Therefore, further detailed multi-centered studies should be done.Öğe The evaluation of the relationship between cervical vertebral anomalies with skeletal malocclusion types and upper airway dimensions(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020) Adisen, Sirin Rabia; Adisen, Mehmet Zahit; Ozdiler, Ferabi ErhanObjectives: To compare the prevalence of cervical vertebral anomalies (CVAs) in different skeletal malocclusions and to evaluate the relationship between upper airway dimension and vertebral anomalies. Methods: A retrospective study was performed on lateral cephalometric radiographs of 2062 patients aged 7-49 years. Skeletal malocclusion type, presence of CVAs, and upper airway area of 1856 patients who met the inclusion criteria of the study were recorded. The obtained data were transferred to the SPSS program for statistical analysis. Results: The mean age of the patients was 13.8 +/- 3.7 years. The prevalence of CVAs was 45.7%. There was no significant difference in prevalence between skeletal malocclusions (p = 0.89). According to airway measurements, no significant difference was found between patients with and without CVAs (p = 0.718). Conclusion: The present results suggest that there is no direct effect of skeletal malocclusion type and upper airway dimension in the etiology of CVAs.Öğe Effect of Systemic Oxytocin Administration on New Bone Formation and Distraction Rate in Rabbit Mandible(W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC, 2020) Altay, Berkan; Dede, Eda Ciftci; Ozgul, Ozkan; Atil, Fethi; Kocyigit, Ismail Doruk; Orhan, Kaan; Tekin, UmutPurpose: The main disadvantage of distraction osteogenesis is the prolonged treatment protocol. Recently, oxytocin (OT) has been found to have anabolic effects on bone metabolism. In this experimental study, the effects of OT on the mandibular distraction gap in rabbits at 2 different distraction rates were evaluated. Materials and Methods: This experimental study was conducted on 28 male New Zealand white rabbits. The animals were divided into 3 experimental groups and 1 control group. Group A (control group, n = 7) consisted of animals with distraction at a rate of 1 mm/day, and group B (n = 7) consisted of animals with a distraction rate of 2 mm/day; groups A and B received postoperative saline solution injection. Group C (n = 7) consisted of animals with distraction at a rate of 1 mm/day, and group D (n = 7) consisted of animals with a distraction rate of 2 mm/day; postoperative OT injection was performed in groups C and D. Results: Both histomorphologic and micro-computed tomography evaluations showed increased bone healing in the OT-treated groups. Conclusions: On the basis of the evaluation of both the histomorphometric and micro-computed tomographic data, systemic OT administration was found to increase new bone formation and bone healing with distraction osteogenesis. (C) 2020 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsÖğe Clinical Performance of Zygomatic Implants-Retrospective Multicenter Study(Mdpi, 2020) Davo, Ruben; Bankauskas, Simonas; Laurincikas, Remigijus; Kocyigit, Ismail Doruk; Sanchez de Val, Jose Eduardo MateThe main objective of this analysis was to evaluate (1) implant survival, (2) biologic complications, and (3) demographics associated with zygomatic implants placed according to the zygomatic anatomy-guided approach (ZAGA). This retrospective multicenter study reviewed data from the charts of 82 consecutive patients who had received 182 zygomatic implants. Patients were fully edentulous (62.2%), partially edentulous (22.0%), or had failing dentition (15.9%). Most patients (87.5%) did not have previous sinusitis and 11.3% had been previously treated for it. Additionally, about half of the patients (53.8%) did not present periodontal pathology, and one-third (36.3%) did, but were subsequently treated. Most implants (93.8%) were loaded immediately, i.e., within 48 h of placement. Implants were followed for 10.5 +/- 7.2 months, and all were recorded as surviving and stable at last follow-up. Post-operative complications were infrequent and included sinusitis (10.1%) and peri-implant hyperplasia (0.8%). The low complication rate and 100% implant survival and stability indicate that zygomatic implants offer a viable treatment option when performing graftless restoration of severely resorbed maxilla, including immediate loading protocols.Öğe Effect of hyaluronic acid on the osseointegration of dental implants(Churchill Livingstone, 2019) Yazan, M.; Kocyigit, I. D.; Atil, F.; Tekin, U.; Gonen, Z. B.; Onder, M. E.The mechanism of osseointegration is related to many factors, including the quality of the bone, the biocompatibility and surface characteristics of the implant material, the surgical technique, and functional loading. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hyaluronic acid gel on the osseointegration of implants placed in defined areas of the mandible in rabbits. Hyaluronic acid is known to have an osteoinductive effect during regeneration of bony defects, and we thought that it might also have a favourable effect on osseointegration, a specialised mechanism to heal bone. Ten New Zealand rabbits aged 10 weeks and weighing 2.5-3.0 kg were used, and sites for implants that were far enough from the apices of the teeth in the mandibular molar area were chosen. Two cavities were prepared in each rabbit, one (anterior) for the control implant, and one (posterior) for the implant with hyaluronic acid gel (Medical Instinct GmbH, Bovenden). New bone and the osteoid matrix content around the dental implants were evaluated histologically and histomorphometrically two months after the operation, and no significant difference was found between the two groups. (C) 2018 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Oral rehabilitation with implant-supported fixed dental prostheses of a patient with cleidocranial dysplasia(Mosby-Elsevier, 2018) Atil, Fethi; Culhaoglu, Ahmet; Kocyigit, Ismail Doruk; Adisen, Zahit; Misirlioglu, Melda; Yilmaz, BurakThis clinical report describes the oral rehabilitation with implant-supported fixed dental prostheses in the maxilla and mandible of a patient with cleidocranial dysplasia. Cone-beam computed tomography and a tilted implant protocol in the mandible helped to establish a conservative approach for bone preservation, prevent surgical complications, enable proper implant positioning to avoid anatomic structures, and support the fixed dental prostheses.Öğe Choosing Implant Type for Using with Allogeneic Bone Ring Graft: Guidance of Stress Analysis-Part I(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2018) Ozgul, Ozkan; Kocyigit, Ismail DorukObjective: The aim of this study is to compare the stress distribution of three different implant macro design applied with allogeneic cancellous bone rings using three dimensional finite element analyses. Material and Methods: Finite element models of maxilla and mandible that augmented with allogeneic bone ring graft with implants were created. Vertical force of 100 N and oblique force of 100 N at 45 degrees angle were applied to three different (variable thread, cylindrical, standard thread) macro design implants. Results: Stress concentrations in the conjunction of neck of the implant and allogeneic bone ring were higher than other areas. The highest calculated values of Von Misses stresses were observed in standard thread implant with oblique loading in mandible model. In all models the highest stress values were greater for oblique loading compare to vertical loading. Discussion: Implant macro designs shows different distributions to implanted bone or graft. It should be considered when choosing an implant in the cases augmented with allogeneic cancellous bone ring.Öğe Allogenic versus Autogenous Bone Rings in Dental Implant Surgery: Guidance of Stress Analysis-Part II(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2018) Ozgul, Ozkan; Altay, Berkan; Atil, Fethi; Onder, M. Ercument; Tekin, Umut; Yilmaz, Seda; Kocyigit, Ismail DorukObjective The aim of this study is to compare the stress distribution along the alveolar bone following the allogenic and autogenous bone ring assisted immediate dental implant surgery using three dimensional finite element analyses Material and Methods Finite element models of maxilla and mandible that augmented with autogenous and allogenic bone ring graft with dental implant were created Vertical force of 100 N and oblique force of 100 N at 45(degrees) angle were applied to root formed design dental implant and abutment Results The highest calculated values of VonMisses (VM) stresses were observed in oblique loaded mandible model which augmented with allogenic graft In all models the highest VM stress values were greater for oblique loading compare to vertical loadings Allogenic bone ring grafts contribute the stresses more evenly through the implant, as for the autogenous grafts stresses are concentrated in the neck area of the implant Discussion Allogenic and autogenous grafts applied with implant placement create different stress distributions Stress distributions should be considered when choosing type of biomaterial.Öğe Evaluation of Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin (A-PRF) on Bone Healing. Is It Better than Old Version? A Histological Animal Study(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2017) Titirinli, Kubra; Tekin, Umut; Atil, Fethi; Onder, M. Ercument; Senguven, Burcu; Ozgul, Ozkan; Kocyigit, Ismail DorukObjective: This study aims to evaluate the effect of fibrin, which is formed with an alteration to the standard PRF centrifugation protocol, on the bone formation. The study additionally aims to assess cell-distribution, and to evaluate the effects of alterations in the speed and duration of centrifugation on the changes in cell-distribution and the formation of hard tissue, by making histological investigations. Materials and methods: Ten New Zealand rabbits were used in this experimental animal study. PRF (2700 rpm, 12 min) and APRF (1500 rpm, 14 min) were placed in the standard bone defects that formed in the right corpus of the mandible randomly. No additional material was placed in the left mandible defect, as a control group. Rabbits were sacrificed after two months, the histological evaluation was performed. Results: There were no marked differences between groups in regard to the quantity of bone formation and bone quality. The quantities of new bone formation were (mean) 56.9%, 55%, 42.5%. Discussion: It may be considered that PRF and its variations have positive effects on the new bone tissue and cell number, and may lead to more rapid ossification compared to the unprocessed bone defects.Öğe Effect of Locally Administered Alendronate on Onlay Grafts(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2017) Tekin, Umut; Ozgul, Ozkan; Tuz, Hakan; Korkusuz, Petek; Kocyigit, Ismail Doruk; Atil, Fethi; Onder, M. ErcumentObjective: The present study compared the effects of local alendronate application on the osteogenesis of autogenous and xenogenous onlay grafts implanted in rabbit mandibles. Material and Methods: 28 New Zealand rabbits were used in this experimental animal study. The animals were randomly divided into 4 groups according to graft material as follows: D1: autogenous graft-saline; D2: 60% autogenous graft-40% alendronate D3: xenogenous bone graft-saline; D4: 60% xenogenous graft-40% alendronate. 3 histologic parameters were evaluated: the ratio of new bone formation to the total defect area, the active osteoblast-lined bone length, and the ratio of osteocyte-filled lacunae to total lacunae. At the same time, the grafted zones were evaluated using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and the Bone mineral density scores were measured. Results: The present study showed better results for the group receiving alendronate applied to autogenous graft when compared to other groups. Discussion: The administration of alendronate increases the resistance of autogenous graft; it may also enhance new bone formation and increase the viability of xenograft. Further animal studies supported with biomechanical tests are required prior to human studies.Öğe Is the Level of Nitric Oxide in the Dental Follicular Tissues of Impacted Third Molars With a History of Recurrent Pericoronitis a True Marker of Oxidative Stress?(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2017) Hendek, Meltem Karsiyaka; Senses, Fatma; Kisa, Ucler; Aksoy, Nurkan; Tekin, UmutPurpose: Nitric oxide (NO) is an indicator of oxidative stress in several tissues. Its role in dental follicular (DF) tissues of impacted third molars with a history of recurrent pericoronitis is not well elucidated. The present study compared NO levels between inflamed and noninflamed DF tissues of impacted third molars with a history of recurrent pericoronitis. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed. The study sample included inflamed DF tissues (test group) with certain local inflammatory symptoms, such as pain, tenderness, swelling, and erythema and noninflamed DF tissues (control group) without local inflammatory symptoms of impacted mandibular third molars. Each patient contributed only 1 specimen to the samples. All tissues samples were biochemically investigated for NO levels as an indicator of oxidative stress. The primary predictor variable was inflammatory status; secondary predictor variables were age and gender. The primary outcome variable was NO level. Descriptive and comparative analyses were conducted. Results: The test group consisted of 57 patients (28 men, 29 women; mean age, 23.28 +/- 5.16 yr) and the control group consisted of 57 patients (30 men, 27 women; mean age, 23.02 +/- 5.42 yr). No relevant inter-group differences were noted for demographic findings such as age and gender. NO levels were significantly higher in inflamed DF tissues of impacted third molars than in noninflamed DF tissues (P < .05). Conclusion: Results of this study showed that NO might be used as an indicator of oxidative stress and the necessity to remove impacted mandibular third molars with a history of recurrent pericoronitis. (C) 2017 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.Öğe Effects of Local Low-Dose Alendronate Injections Into the Distraction Gap on New Bone Formation and Distraction Rate on Distraction Osteogenesis(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2017) Alp, Yunus Emre; Taskaldiran, Alper; Onder, Mustafa Ercument; Karahan, Siyami; Kocyigit, Ismail Doruk; Atil, Fethi; Tekin, UmutBisphosphonates that constrain bone resorption have a direct effect on osteoclast function. In this experimental study, the effects of low-dose local alendronate injections on the distraction gap (DG) in rabbit mandible at 2 different rates were evaluated. The experimental study was conducted on 20 male, New Zealand white rabbits. The animals were divided into 3 experimental groups and 1 control group. Group 1 consisted of animals with distraction at the rate of 1 mm/day, receiving postoperative local low-dose alendronate local injections into the DG. Group 2 consisted of animals with distraction at the rate of 2 mm/day, receiving postoperative 0.75 mu g/kg of alendronate local injections into the DG. Group 3 consisted of animals with distraction at the rate of 2 mm/day, receiving postoperative 0.2 mL local saline injections into the DG. Group 4 consisted of animals with distraction at the rate of 1 mm/day, receiving postoperative 0.2 mL local saline injections into the DG. All the injections were performed immediately postoperatively and for all groups at 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks following surgery. The distraction zones were evaluated using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and histological analysis. Histologically, bone healing was found to be significantly accelerated in Groups 1 and 4 compared with Groups 2 and 3 (P<0.05). Bone healing was superior in Group 1 and the difference was statistically significant compared with Group 4. There was a significant increase in mean bone mineral density in the 1 mm daily rate groups (Groups 1 and 4) compared with the 2 mm daily rate groups (Groups 2 and 3) (P<0.05). Local low-dose alendronate injections could be an effective way for improving bone formation in distraction osteogenesis. Furthermore, the results of this study did not support the hypothesis that injections of local low-dose alendronate may allow 2 mm/day instead of 1 mm/day of elongation in the rabbit mandible.