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Öğe Dental Treatment of a Patient with Treacher Collins Syndrome Under General Anaesthesia: A Case Report(2019) Soğukpınar, Aslı; Almaz, Merve ErkmenThis article reports a case of Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) in a five-year-old male patient treated in Kırıkkale University, Department of Pediatric Dentistry. We defined the clinic signs and symptoms of the case and suggested a treatment plan. Treatment procedures for malformations caused by the syndrome should be planned and performed specifically for the patient. In our patient with low treatment compliance, dental examination, filling and partial prosthesis treatment was successfully applied under general anesthesia.Öğe A rare case of an immature incisor with horizontal root fracture traumatized at the time of eruption(2018) Almaz, Merve Erkmen; Sönmez, Işıl; Oba, Aylin AkbayDental trauma resulting in root fracture is a rare condition that affects up to 7% of permanent teeth, and injury to immature teeth is even rarer. This case report aimed to show the prognosis of a horizontal root-fractured immature maxillary incisor traumatized at the time of eruption. Because of an accident, a 6-year-old boy was referred to our clinic with horizontal root fracture of the permanent maxillary left central incisor associated with an extrusive luxation. The coronal segment was repositioned, and a dental splint was applied for 7 weeks. After 48 months, clinical examination revealed a positive response to electrical pulp testing and an absence color change of the tooth. Continuation of root development and calcification of the coronal pulp space was observed radiographically. It was concluded that fixation of teeth is a conservative treatment for immature teeth with horizontal root fractures, resulting in the pulp vitality and spontaneous healing with no other treatment.Öğe 7-15 Yaş Arası Çocuklarda Dental Anksiyete Sıklığı Ve Ebeveynlerin Anksiyetesi İle İlişkisi(2020) Sert, Tuğba; Oba, Aylin Akbay; Arıkan, Volkan; Şahin, Necibe DamlaBu çalışmanın amacı, okul çağındaki çocuklar arasındaki dental anksiyete düzeyini değerlendirmek ve çocukların dental anksiyetesini ebeveynleri ile karşılaştırmaktır. Toplam 304 çocuk ve ebeveynleri çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Çocukların yaşı 7-15 arasında değişmektedir. Dental muayene yapılmadan önce her çocuktan bağımsız olarak Çocuk Dental Anksiyete Ölçeği (CFSS-DS) anketini doldurması istenmiştir. Ebeveynler arasında dental anksiyeteyi değerlendirmek için dental anksiyeteyi beş seviyede kategorize eden, Modifiye Dental Anksiyete Ölçeğinin (MDAS) Türkçe versiyonu kullanılmıştır. Yaş, eğitim düzeyi ve ebeveynlerin mesleki durumu gibi demografik veriler kaydedilmiştir. Muayene edilen 304 çocuğun (176 kız, 128 erkek) 77’sinde (%25,3) (CFSSDS ? 38) dental anksiyete saptanmıştır. Çocukların anksiyete seviyeleri ile cinsiyetleri ve yaşları arasında ilişki tespit edilememiştir. Ebeveynlerin 42'sinde (%13,9) dental anksiyete olduğu bulunmuştur. Ebeveyn MDAS skorları ve CFSS-DS ile ölçülen çocuk dental anksiyetesi arasında pozitif korelasyon tespit edilmiştir (r = 0.410, p <0.05). Bu bulguların, çocukların dental anksiyetesini önleyecek veya hafifletecek müdahalelerin tasarlanmasına yardımcı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Böylece ebeveynlerin dental anksiyetesi azaltılarak, çocukların dental anksiyetesi de azaltılabilir veya önlenebilir.Öğe Apical microleakage of various biomaterials in simulated immature apices(2019) Tulumbacı, Fatih; Arıkan, Volkan; Oba, Aylin Akbay; Sönmez, IşılBackground:In the treatment of open apex teeth, one-step apexification has been reported as an alternative method to the use of long-term calcium hydroxide. Materials and Methods: The present study evaluated and compared apical microleakage when ProRoot MTA (Dentsply) (Group I), DiaRoot BioAggregate (Diadent) (Group II) and Biodentine (Septodont) (Group III) were used in the endodontic treatment of the teeth with simulated immature apices. To simulate immature teeth, 57 bovine maxillary incisor roots were prepared and randomly divided into three groups (n = 15 per group). The remaining teeth were included in negative (n=6) and positive (n=6) control groups. The materials were prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions and a radiograph was taken for each sample to confirm proper obturation of the samples. Apical microleakage was assessed using the dye penetration technique. Linear dye penetration was measured at 30X magnification and the data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA.Results:Group I showed the lowest apical leakage with a mean dye penetration of 4.64 mm (±SD), whereas the leakage was highest in Group II with a mean dye penetration of 5.45 mm (±SD). The difference between the leakage in Group I and II was statistically significant (p<0.05), but the differences between other groups (Group I-III and Group II-III) were not (p > 0.05).Conclusion:Based on the findings of this study, we conclude that the MTA and BD (especially Al) have the best sealing ability among the tested materials for treatment of obturated immature teeth.Öğe Annelerin Süt Dişlenme İle İlgili Bilgi Ve Deneyimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi(2018) Almaz, Merve ErkmenAmaç: Süt dişlenme ile eşzamanlı olarak birçok semptom ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, dişlenmeye spesifik herhangi bir semptom veya belirti olduğuna dair yeterli bilimsel kanıt mevcut değildir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, annelerin süt dişlenme ile ilgili bilgi düzeyini ölçmek, çocuklarının diş sürmesi sırasında yaşadıkları deneyimleri ve bunlarla ilgili uyguladıkları çözümleri değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırıkkale ili merkezinde seçilen ilkokullarda 1. sınıfta okuyan çocukların anneleri çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Çalışma verileri anket yardımıyla elde edilmiştir. Veriler tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve ki-kare testi ile analiz edilmiş, p değeri <0.05 olduğunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: Bu kesitsel çalışmaya toplam 307 anne katılmıştır. Annelerin büyük çoğunluğu, süt dişlerinin 6-7 aylıkken sürmeye başladığını (%81.1) ve ilk olarak alt keser dişlerin sürdüğünü (%84.4) bilmektedir. Cisimleri ısırma isteği (%83), ateş (%79.4), salivasyon artışı (%76.2), iştah kaybı (%71), uyku bozukluğu (%70.3) ve dişeti iritasyonunun (%68) süt dişlenme ile ilişkili olarak en sık görülen belirti ve semptomlar olduğu anneler tarafından bildirilmiştir. Dişin sürmesi sırasında oluşan ağrının giderilmesi için, annelerin %83.7’si çocuğuna sistemik analjezikler verdiğini ve %72.3'ü topikal analjezikleri diş etlerine uyguladığını belirtmiştir. Sonuç: Süt dişlenme ile ilgili eksik bilgi düzeyi ve yanlış inanışlar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Annelere dişlenme hakkında ve bu dönemde karşılaşabilecekleri problemlere çözüm bulma konusunda eğitim programlarına ihtiyaç vardır.Öğe Pediatristlerin Ağız Ve Diş Sağlığı Konusundaki Bilgi Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi(2018) Arıkan, Volkan; Sert, Tuğba; Yelken, Nuri; Döğer, CihanAmaç: Pediatristler, bebekler, çocuklar ve adölesanların tıbbi bakımı ile ilgilenen birincil doktorlardır. Bu gruplar için ağız sağlığı, genel sağlığın ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Ancak diş hekimliği farklı bir alan olarak kabul edildiğinden, pediatristlerin oral sağlık konusundaki bilgileri kısıtlıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Ankara ilinde çalışan pediatristlerin ağız ve diş sağlığı konusundaki bilgi düzeylerini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada, Dr. Sami Ulus Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde görev yapmakta olan toplam 120 pediatriste, 5 bölümden oluşan bir anket formu dağıtıldı. Anketin birinci bölümünde hekimlerin yaş, cinsiyet ve meslekteki çalışma süresi gibi sosyo-demografik bilgileri sorgulandı. Anketin ikinci bölümü, pediatristlerin ağız hastalıklarına ilişkin risk faktörleri konusundaki bilgi düzeyini ölçerken; üçüncü ve dördüncü bölümlerde ise ağız hastalıklarının önlenmesi ile muayene ve tedavisi konusundaki davranışları ile ilgili sorular soruldu. Beşinci bölümde ise çocuk hekimlerinin, ağız hastalıklarının önlenmesiyle ilgili düzenli bilgi alıp almadığı ve söz konusu bilgilerin kaynağı sorulmuştur. Veriler arasındaki ilişki Pearson Ki kare testi ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya anketteki sorulara yanıt veren, %87 (n=67)’si kadın cinsiyette olan toplam 77 pediatrist dahil edildi. Hekimlerin %10.4’ü şeker kullanma sıklığının çürük oluşumuna etkisi olmadığını, %24.7’si ise şeker yeme sıklığı-çürük ilişkisi hakkında bilgi sahibi olmadığını belirtmiştir. Pediatristlerin %90.2’si hastalarının beslenme alışkanlıklarını değerlendirdiklerini, %50.6’sı ise her zaman oral muayene yaptığını bildirmiştir. Araştırmamıza katılan hekimlerin cinsiyeti ile anketlere verdikleri cevaplar arasındaki ilişki değerlendirildiğinde; kadın pediatri hekimlerinin, diş çürüğü (p=0.044), gingivitis (p=0.044) ve malokluzyon (p=0.044) oluşumu açısından ağız boşluğu anatomisini yüksek risk faktörü olarak gördüğü belirlendi. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar ülkemizde pediatri hekimlerine yönelik, ağız ve diş sağlığını kapsayan uzmanlık sonrası eğitim ve kurslarının yararlı olabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Ayrıca, pediatri hekimlerine yönelik bilimsel dergilerde, diş hekimliği ile ilgili içeriklerin bulunması konu hakkındaki farkındalığın artmasını sağlayabilir.Öğe Florid içerikli restoratif materyallerin florid salımı ve floridle yeniden yüklenebilme özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi*(2020) Karaca, Zehra; Oba, Aylin Akbay; Özalp, Nurhan; Derkuş, Tuğçe Özmen; Taştekin, MustafaAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı florid içerikli farklı restoratif materyallerin (Geleneksel cam iyonomer siman, İonofil U; Rezin modifiye cam iyonomer siman, Photac Fil Quick Aplicap; Cam hibrit restoratif materyal, Equia Forte; Cam karbomer, Glass Fil ve Giomer, Beautifil II) in vitro koşullarda florid salım özelliklerini ve floridle yeniden yüklenebilme kapasitelerini karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Restoratif materyallerinin her birinden 16 adet disk şeklinde örnekler hazırlanmış, örnekler, deney periyodu boyunca 5 ml deiyonize su içeren polietilen tüplerde, 37°C’de bekletilmiştir. Örneklerin florid salım konsantrasyonları 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21 ve 28. günlerde ölçülmüş, 28. günde örneklere 4 dakika boyunca 2 ml % 1,23’lük Asidüle fosfat florid jel (İonite) uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21 ve 28. günlerde materyallerin florid salım konsantrasyonları ölçülerek, floridle yeniden yüklenebilme kapasiteleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: İonofil U’nun ilk iki gün boyunca istatistiksel olarak diğer materyallerden daha fazla miktarda florid salımı ve floridle yeniden yüklenebilme kapasitesi gösterdiği belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Takip eden 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21 ve 28. günlerde ise Equia Forte’un istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde diğer materyallerden daha yüksek konsantrasyonda florid salımı ve floridle yeniden yüklenebilme kapasitesi gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Tüm deney periyodu boyunca, florid salım konsantrasyonu ve floridle yeniden yüklenebilme kapasitesi en düşük olan materyalin ise Beautifil II olduğu saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Sonuç: İonofil U ilk iki gün maksimum düzeyde florid iyonu salmasına rağmen, daha sonraki günlerde deney periyodu boyunca Equia Forte’un diğer materyallerden daha yüksek oranda florid salımı ve floridle yeniden yüklenebilme kapasitesi gösterdiği saptanmıştır.Öğe Comparative evaluation of four endodontic biomaterials and calcium hydroxide regarding their effect on fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth(ARIESDUE SRL, 2020) Sogukpinar, A.; Arikan, VAim Single-session apexification treatment with MTA is an alternative to the root-canal treatment of immature teeth. Since its results are far from ideal, research with MTA-derivative biomaterials continues; however, the number of studies is limited as of yet. This study aimed to compare the fragilities of in vitro-simulated immature teeth in single-session apexification with MTA and newly-developed calcium-silicate-based MTA derivatives. Materials and methods Two hundred seventy human permanent upper incisors were randomly divided into study (n = 180), positive control (Ca (OH)(2)) (n = 45), and negative control (NC-intact) (n = 45) groups. The study groups used ProRoot MTA (MTA-PR), MM-MTA, NeoMTA-Plus, and Biodentine (BD). Two-week, two-month, and one-year follow-ups data were recorded. A fracture resistance (FR) test was performed at the end of each period. The results of the biomaterials at the different follow-up timepoints were statistically analysed and compared. Results The two-week FR medians were significantly lower in MM-MTA, NEO, MTA-PR, and Ca (OH)(2) groups (p<0.001, p<0.001, p=0.003, and p<0.001. respectively), compared to NC. The two-month FR medians were significantly lower in BD, MM-MTA, NEO, MTA-PR, and Ca (OH)(2) , (p=0.005, p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.001, and p<0.001, respectively) compared to NC. The one-year FR medians were significantly lower in the BD, MM-MTA, NEO, MTA-PR, and Ca (OH)(2) groups (p=0.002, p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.001, and p<0.001, respectively) compared to NC. For all groups, FR at the one-year mark was significantly lower compared to the two-week and two-month marks (p<0.001, p<0.001). Statistics: All groups were compared with each other regarding fracture resistance at two weeks, two months, and one year. Also, for each group follow-up data on fracture resistance were compared. Conclusions Since FR was significantly higher at the two-week and the two-month mark compared to the one-year mark for each material, filling the root canal completely with biomaterials used in our study leads to tooth denaturation over time, with effects like Ca (OH)(2).Öğe Efficacy of Licorice Lollipops in Reducing Dental Caries in a Paediatric Population: A Systematic Review(QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO INC, 2020) Nuvvula, Sivakumar; Nunna, Mahesh; Almaz, Merve E.; Mallineni, Sreekanth K.Purpose: To assess the efficacy of licorice lollipops in reducing dental caries in children. Materials and Methods: A literature search was confined to the English language using MeSH terms congruent with PICO format in 'PubMed', 'Cochrane Library' and 'Ovid', covering the period from April 1967 to December 2017. Searches in Google Scholar, grey literature and hand search of cross-references were performed to find additional data. Suitable studies were selected based on the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Quality analysis and risk of bias of the selected studies were performed using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for risk of bias. Results: Overall 519 articles were retrieved, 516 (electronic databases) and 3 (Google scholar). 516 publications were excluded due to non-availability of abstracts, or because they were unrelated studies, narrative reviews, and systematic reviews as well as letters to editors. Only three studies were included for final analysis. Quality analysis of these three studies showed that only one was of high quality, whereas the other two were rated as low. Conclusion: Licorice lollipops showed a promising effect in reducing caries by decreasing Streptococcus mutans counts in the saliva. Further research using randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT) designs with large sample size are recommended.Öğe Antibacterial activity of fluoride varnishes containing different agents in children with severe early childhood caries: a randomised controlled trial(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2020) Almaz, Merve Erkmen; Oba, Aylin AkbayObjectives The aim of this study was to compare the antibacterial activity of fluoride varnishes containing different agents in children with severe early childhood caries (S-ECC). Materials and methods The study was conducted in 92 children with S-ECC. Patients who completed dental treatment under general anaesthesia were included in the study. Patients were divided randomly into four groups: 5% sodium fluoride (SF) control group (n = 23), 5% SF with tricalcium phosphate (TCP) (n = 23), 5% SF with xylitol-coated calcium and phosphate (CXP) (n = 23) and 5% SF with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) (n = 23). Saliva mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli (LB) levels were evaluated by taking saliva samples at baseline (T-0), 1 month (T-1) and 3 months (T-2) after treatment. Results All groups showed a significant decrease in MS and LB levels at T-1 (P < 0.05) except the CXP group. Only the TCP group exhibited significantly decrease MS and LB levels indicating less than 10(5) CFU at both T-1 and T-2 compared with the other groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion Fluoride varnish with TCP provided significantly more reduction in MS and LB levels than other fluoride varnishes. Clinical Trials registration number NCT03625310Öğe Evaluation of the Efficacy of Erbium, Chromium-doped Yttrium, Scandium, Gallium, and Garnet Laser in Partial Pulpotomy in Permanent Immature Molars: A Randomized Controlled Trial(ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2020) Tozar, Kamile Nur; Almaz, Merve ErkmenIntroduction: The use of the erbium, chromium-doped yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser in vital pulp therapy contributes to the formation of dentin bridges and a sterile zone as well as the maintenance of the vitality of the pulp. However, no prior studies have used the Er,Cr:YSGG laser in partial pulpotomy of immature permanent teeth. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of partial pulpotomy treatment using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) alone and MTA with the Er,Cr:YSGG laser in permanent immature molars. Methods: A total of 90 caries-exposed permanent immature molar teeth were included and randomly divided into 2 groups: the MTA group (n = 45) and the laser 1 MTA group (n = 45). In the MTA group, MTA was applied to the exposed area on the pulp after bleeding control. In the same session, the tooth was restored with a composite resin. In the laser 1 MTA group, before MTA condensation, the Er,Cr:YSGG laser was applied to the exposure area. Patients were recalled at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment. The MannWhitney U and chi-Square tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: The success rate (95.5%) of the laser + MTA group was similar to that of the MTA group (88.8%). There was no significant difference between groups in terms of the frequency of at least 1 pathologic clinical or radiographic failure at 12 months (P > .05). Conclusions: Partial pulpotomy treatment showed a high success rate in immature permanent molars; however, the use of the laser did not contribute to the success rate compared with MTA alone.Öğe Effect of Er,Cr:YSGG Laser on the Prevention of Primary and Permanent Teeth Enamel Demineralization: SEM and EDS Evaluation(MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC, 2020) Ulusoy, Nur Burcu; Oba, Aylin Akbay; Cehreli, Zafer CavitObjective: To evaluate in vitro the effect of the erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser on resistance of primary and permanent human enamel to demineralization using water cooling and fluoride coapplication as variable parameters. Methods: Enamel specimens were prepared from extracted primary and permanent teeth (n = 225 each). The specimens were separated into 15 subgroups (n = 15/group) based on laser application at three different power settings (0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 W), laser application with and without water cooling, and application of acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) gel before laser treatment. Morphological changes were assessed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the specimens' chemical contents were determined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Results: In both the primary and permanent teeth, the highest Ca and P content was observed in the noncooled 0.75 W laser group (p < 0.05), irrespective of APF pretreatment (p > 0.05). The Ca and P content for the noncooled APF +0.75 W laser group was lower than that for the APF group and the noncooled 0.75 W laser group. For both dentitions, the F mass content for the APF+laser groups was significantly higher than laser-only groups (p < 0.05). Under SEM, both the primary and permanent enamel exhibited cracks, craters, and surface roughness without water cooling, consistent with increased power output. Conclusions: Er,Cr:YSGG laser application at 0.75 W without water cooling increased enamel resistance to demineralization. Compared with topical APF application, Er,Cr:YSGG laser application barely improved enamel resistance against demineralization, and coapplication did not result in a synergistic effect.Öğe Growth-enabling modified Groper appliance for the replacement of permanent maxillary incisors: Report of two cases(AUSTRALIAN SOC ORTHODONTISTS INC, 2020) Arikan, Volkan; Ocal, Duygu; Akcay, Merve; Altug, Ayse Tuba; Ozer, Levent; Cesur, EmreThe aim of this case report is to introduce a modified Groper appliance that enables transverse growth of the maxilla in addition to improving the aesthetics of patients with missing anterior teeth. Patient 1 was a 16-year-old young woman in the late stages of growth who presented with a congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisor. Patient 2 was a nine-year-old girl missing both of her maxillary central incisors due to trauma. The missing teeth were replaced by artificial acrylic teeth bonded onto growth-enabling, maxillary, fixed palatal space maintainers. A tube was soldered onto one of the arch wires of the maintainer and the opposite arch wire was threaded into this tube, allowing it to slide until the patient completed growth. Intermolar width increased by approximately 1.9 mm in Patient 1 and 2.6 mm in Patient 2 over the three-year review period. The in-tube mechanical design of the device allowed transverse growth of the maxilla without interference during and throughout long-term wear.Öğe Thermal, morphological, and spectral changes after Er, Cr:YSGG laser irradiation at low fluences on primary teeth for caries prevention(WILEY, 2021) Erkmen Almaz, Merve; Ulusoy, Nur Burcu; Akbay Oba, Aylin; Erdem, Umit; Dogan, MustafaThe aim of this study was to determine the temperature increase in the pulp chamber and possible thermal effects on molecular structure of primary teeth during the irradiation with Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Primary central incisors were divided into three groups (n = 20). Labial surfaces in each group were irradiated by Er,Cr:YSGG laser within different power and frequencies as following groups: I: 0.25 W, 20 Hz, II: 0.50 W, 20 Hz, III: 0.75 W, 20 Hz. A thermocouple was placed inside the pulp chamber so that the temperature increments were recorded during the enamel irradiation. Morphological changes of enamel surfaces were experimentally evaluated by SEM. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and RAMAN analyses were carried out to determine the differentiations in the molecular structure. The experimental results obtained were analyzed statistically by means of one-way analysis of variance. Statistically significant differences were detected between groups (p < .05). Group III exhibited the highest values for the temperature parameters. Besides, the conical craters, cracks, and formation of ablation areas were observed for all the groups. Also, it was obtained that the hydroxyapatite lost the hydroxyl ions due to the thermal effect of the laser. Temperature rise throughout the Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation for prevention of primary enamel demineralization presented a positive correlation with the laser output power level. The formations of adverse morphological and spectral changes were detected on the surface of teeth after the laser application. On this basis, the Er,Cr:YSGG laser applications should be treated with much more caution considering enamel surface and pulpal tissues in primary teeth.Öğe The evaluation of MTA and Biodentine as a pulpotomy materials for carious exposures in primary teeth(Springer Heidelberg, 2019) Celik, Burcu Nihan; Mutluay, Merve Safa; Arikan, Volkan; Sari, SaziyeObjectiveThis study examined the effects of MTA and Biodentine on the clinical and radiographic success rates of pulpotomies performed on primary teeth with carious pulp exposures.Materials and methodsThis study was conducted with 44 mandibular primary molars requiring vital pulpotomy. Carious dentin surrounding the exposure site was used as the inclusion criteria for all teeth, which were randomly divided into two groups according to pulpotomy material [MTA group (n=24), Biodentine group (n=20)]. Treatment was followed up clinically and radiologically for 24months. Pulp canal obliteration was not regarded as a failure.ResultsClinical and radiographic success rates at the end of 24months were 100% for the MTA group and 89.4% for the Biodentine group. Success rates did not vary significantly between the groups (p=0.646). Pulp canal obliteration was observed in two teeth (8.3%) in the MTA group at 6months, but the teeth were found to be stabilized by 24months.ConclusionThe long-term clinical and radiographic success rates obtained in this study indicate that both MTA and Biodentine are appropriate options for pulpotomy treatment of primary teeth with carious exposure in patients whose teeth should be retained for long periods of time.Clinical relevanceThe etiology of exposure determines pulpal response, making it crucial to distinguish between mechanical and carious exposures. The carious exposure is presumed to be accompanied by severe inflammation, which makes the prognosis of treatment unpredictable. Biomaterials can be used especially in cases with carious pulp exposures.Öğe Salivary LL-37 and periodontal health in children exposed to passive smoking(Wiley, 2019) Hendek, Meltem Karsiyaka; Almaz, Merve Erkmen; Olgun, Ebru; Kisa, UclerBackground Antimicrobial peptides play an important role in the local defence of oral cavity. Cigarette smoke has detrimental effects on immune defence mechanisms. The effect of passive smoking on salivary LL-37, as an antimicrobial peptide, in children has not yet been reported. Aim The aims of this study were to evaluate salivary LL-37 levels in PS-exposed and PS-unexposed children and to investigate the association between salivary LL-37 levels and periodontal clinical parameters. Design Unstimulated salivary samples were collected from 180 children (90 PS-exposed [38 girls and 52 boys; mean age: 9.36 +/- 1.60 years] and 90 PS-unexposed [43 girls and 47 boys; mean age: 9.02 +/- 1.71 years]) in this study. Periodontal clinical parameters, including plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment level (CAL), were recorded in all children. Salivary cotinine and LL-37 levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results PI and GI values in PS-exposed children were significantly higher than those in PS-unexposed children. The mean salivary cotinine concentration was significantly higher in PS-exposed children than in control subjects. The mean salivary LL-37 concentration of PS-exposed children was significantly lower (100.71 +/- 72.14 pg/mL) than that of PS-unexposed children (151.84 +/- 107.89 pg/mL). Conclusion Passive smoking could suppress salivary LL-37 concentrations in children.Öğe Postoperative morbidity in pediatric patients following dental treatment under general anesthesia(Istanbul Univ Press, Istanbul Univ Rectorate, 2019) Almaz, Merve Erkmen; Oba, Aylin Akbay; Sonmez, Isil SarogluPurpose The aims of this study were to investigate post-operative complications in pediatric patients 24 and 72 hours after general anesthesia (GA) and to identify any associations between dental procedures and complications. Materials and Methods One hundred and thirty three healthy pediatric patients who had undergone dental treatment under GA (age range: two to nine years) were included in this study. The project was designed as a prospective, observational study supported by a questionnaire that collected data on children's post-operative complaints. Preoperative data were obtained from patients' files and included age, gender, medical condition and admission type (inpatient or outpatient) variables. The postoperative complaints were assessed either by phone contact or by face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire 24 and 72 hours after treatment. Results 69.9% of children reported one or more complaints after 24 hours and 35.3% after 72 hours. Coughing and pain (27.1%), inability to eat (24.8%), psychological changes (24.1%) and a sore throat (21.1%) were the most common complaints during the first day. After 72 hours, the severity and rate of the complications decreased significantly (p < 0.05). Conclusion Post-operative complaints following dental treatment under GA tended to be of mild severity and were mainly limited to the first day after the procedure.Öğe Effect of mouthwashes on the discolouration of restorative materials commonly used in paediatric dentistry(Springer, 2018) Ulusoy, N. B.; Arikan, V.; Oba, A. AkbayThis was to investigate the effects of Klorhex, Tantum Verde, Kloroben, and Listerine on the discolouration of composite resin, compomer, giomer, and resin-modified glass ionomer. Fifty disc-shaped specimens from each restorative material (n = 50) were prepared; initial colour values were measured with a spectrophotometer. Forty specimens from each group were placed in the four different types of mouthwashes (n = 10), while the remaining 10 specimens were immersed in distilled water for 2 min, twice a day for a period of 3 weeks. Colour change (Delta E*) values were obtained and the results were evaluated statistically. The Delta E* of composite resin in Klorhex (0.84 +/- 0.37) was significantly lower than that of the other mouthwash groups. Moreover, composite resin showed the least colour change when compared with the other materials in all four mouthwashes. Resin-modified glass ionomer values were significantly higher in Tantum Verde (6.36 +/- 2.82) when compared with the other mouthwashes (p < 0.05). Clinically appreciable discolourations were observed in the resin-modified glass ionomer specimens placed in Tantum Verde and Listerine. Nano-filling composite resins are the most successful aesthetic restorative materials, whereas the commonly used resin-modified glass ionomers exhibit more aesthetically divergent results following the use of mouthwashes.Öğe Investigation of SOSTDC1 gene in non-syndromic patients with supernumerary teeth(Medicina Oral S L, 2018) Arikan, Volkan; Cumaogullari, Ozge; Ozgul, Betul-Memis; Oz, Firdevs-TulgaBackground: The etiology of supernumerary teeth is still unclear however heredity is believed to be a major factor and this idea was supported by several case reports. Recently, a relationship between supernumerary tooth formation and deficiency of Uterine Sensitization Associated Gene-1 (Usag-1), a rat gene that is expressed in sensitized endometrium, was reported in mice. The human homolog gene for Usag-1, Sclerostin Domain Containing 1 (SOSTDC1), shows 85% identity with mouse Usag-1. The present study aimed to investigate SOSTDC1 coding regions in non-syndromic patients with one or more supernumerary teeth. Material and Methods: Twenty-five non-syndromic patients (21 male and 4 female) aged 5-15 years, with one or more supernumerary teeth were included in the study. Saliva samples were collected from patients and DNA samples were isolated and analyzed using PCR. Results: Eight phenotypes of supernumerary tooth formation were observed in the study. From the DNA analysis, 2 novel and 3 previously identified sequence alterations were identified however, in investigating the Usag-1 homolog SOSTDC1 gene, the present study could not find any phenotype-genotype relationship. Conclusions: There are many SOSTDC1 homolog genes in the human genome and future studies should investigate these candidate genes. Also studies in larger case groups including family members may reveal the hereditary pattern.Öğe Efficacy of a sugar-free herbal lollipop for reducing salivary Streptococcus mutans levels: a randomized controlled trial(Springer Heidelberg, 2017) Almaz, Merve Erkmen; Sonmez, Isil Saroglu; Okte, Zeynep; Oba, Aylin AkbayThe aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of an herbal lollipop containing licorice root extract on salivary Streptococcus mutans in caries-free and high-caries-risk children. The study was conducted in caries-free and high-caries-risk children, aged 5-11 years (n = 108). The groups were caries-free children (group A); high-caries-risk children whose dental treatment was completed before lollipop use (group B); and high-caries-risk children who did not comply with dental treatment (group C). The groups were divided into two subgroups: herbal (A-1, B-1, C-1) and placebo lollipops (A-2, B-2, C-2). Saliva samples were taken before dental treatment, before and after consuming lollipops, and at 3 months after consuming lollipops. The results were statistically analyzed with chi-squared test. Only in group C-1 (high-risk, using herbal lollipops) that significant reduction was observed in salivary S. mutans levels after lollipop use (p = 0.033), and only in the same group (C-1), there was significant difference between after lollipop use and third month levels (p = 0.006). Herbal lollipops could be recommended to children with high-caries risk who do not comply with dental treatment in place of high-carbohydrate snacks. The paper provides a perspective on using herbal products in high-risk children for reducing salivary S. mutans counts.
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