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Öğe Association of MEFV mutations and vascular involvement in Behcet's disease: a study from Hatay, Turkey(Termedia Publishing House Ltd, 2022) Serarslan, Gamze; Cura, Sibel Elmacioglu; Kimyon, Gezmiş; Üçgül, Gökhan; Karadağ, MehmetIntroduction: In this study, we aimed to determine the frequency of MEFV mutations in Behcet's disease (BD) and to investigate the relationship between clinical findings of the disease and the MEFV mutations. Material and methods: A total of 66 participants (30 BD patients, 36 healthy subjects) were included in this study. The MEFV gene was analyzed by using DNA sequence analysis. Results: The distribution of MEFV mutations was not significantly different between the patients and the control group (p = 0.373). However, individuals with R202Q mutation had a risk of OR 4 times (95% CI: 1.1-14.5) higher than those without the mutation (p = 0.035). The rate of vascular involvement was statistically significantly higher in patients with the mutation than in patients without the mutation (p = 0.005). Conclusions: MEFV mutation was associated with vascular involvement in patients with BD. This is also the first study to indicate that the R202Q mutation may have a role in BD. However large series from different regions are required to compare these results.Öğe Evaluation of the combined effects of Turkish mad honey and 5-Fluorouracil in colon cancer model in rats(Ankara Univ, 2023) Kurtdede, Efe; Alcigir, Mehmet Eray; Alperen, Ahmet Mahmut; Baran, Berk; Karaca, Oğuz Kaan; Gülendağ, ErmanIt was aimed to evaluate the regressive effect of grayanotoxin-rich Turkish mad honey and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), separately and together by using the Nmethyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced colon cancer modelling in rats. Study groups were designed as control group (CG), cancer control group (CCG), 5Flourouracil group (FUG), Turkish mad honey group (HG), Turkish mad honey and 5-FU combined group (FU-HG). White blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte, eosinophil, basophil, serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total oxidant status (TOS), and total protein values of the rats in the CCG were significantly lower than the values of the rats in the CG, whereas serum Bcl-2 and survivin levels were significantly higher in the rates belonged to the CCG in comparison to those in the CG. The presence of anaplastic epithelial cells, vascularization, precancerous changes, and inflammatory infiltration detected in the colon and small intestine of the rats in FU-HG, FUG, HG were less intense (P<0.05) compared to the findings in the rats in CCG. In conclusion, mad honey and 5 FU reduced anaplastic cell growth and oxidative stress via suppressed antiapoptotic activity. Considering the histopathological findings in the liver and kidney, no toxicity occurred related to mad honey and 5-FU metabolization. Therefore, the combined use of these two substances may be an alternative method in the treatment of colon cancer.Öğe In vitro determination of the anthelmintic potential of Arum rupicola Boiss var. rupicola(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2023) Atalay, Tugrul; Yıldız, KaderArum rupicola Boiss var. rupicola is a preferred ingredient in traditional medicine in various countries, including Turkiye. The current study aims to establish the antiparasitic effect of A. rupicola Boiss var. rupicola on the eggs and larvae of T. canis in vitro. An ovicidal effect was not detected in the plant extracts, and embryogenesis in the T. canis eggs was not affected by the leaves' ethanolic extract and the distilled water extract of the rhizome during the incubation periods (6, 12, and 24 h). The larvicidal activity was observed in both extracts on the T. canis larvae after hatching. All T. canis larvae were motile after being incubated for 6 h with the leaf extract at 10 mg/mL. However, after 12 and 24 h of incubation at the same dose, the paralysed larvae rate was 9% and 15%, respectively. After 6, 12, and 24-h incubation with the leaf extract at 40 mg/mL, the paralysed larvae rates were 30%, 37%, and 42%, respectively. Dose and time factor analysis results were significant statistically in the leaf extracts (p < 0.001). The paralysed larvae rate was 10%, 12%, and 17% after 6, 12, and 24-h incubation, respectively, with the undiluted rhizome extract. Dose and time factor analysis results were statistically insignificant in the rhizome extracts (p > 0.05). Cytotoxic and haemolytic activities were observed only in the leaf extract. The paralysed larvae rate was 1.45 times higher in the leaf extracts than in the rhizome extracts (p < 0.001). Future studies may elucidate the effect of A. rupicola Boiss var. rupicola extracts on visceral larva migrans during in vivo experiments and determine the effectiveness of these plant extracts on other parasites.Öğe Serum trace element levels in dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2023) Gazyagci, Aycan Nuriye; Bilgiç, Bengü; Bakay, Berna Baysal; Tarhan, Duygu; Ercan, Alev Meltem; Erdoğan, Songül; Erdoğan, HasanCanine visceral leishmaniasis has been denoted as neglected despite being a very well-known disease. Trace element alteration has been recognized in humans with visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, together with canine visceral leishmaniasis. The trace elements occupy a vital position in the immunological system, and host immune responses mitigate defense against leishmaniasis. We aimed to select trace elements in a total of 45 dogs of several breeds; those at the age of 11 months to 6 and from both sexes (26 male and 19 female) were enrolled in the study. The dogs included in the study were divided into leishmaniasis-infected and noninfected groups. All cases in this study were included according to written owner consent. The trace element analysis of serum samples was carried out by using an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The results of our study revealed that between the canine visceral leishmaniasis infected group and the uninfected group, Leishmania-positive dogs had significantly lower levels of Se (p < 0.001) and Zn (p < 0.001) compared to the negative ones. These results should be carefully elucidated in an attempt to analyze immune responses in dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis.Öğe Koyun abomasumlarında teladorsagiosis(2013) Gökpınar, Sami; Yıldız, KaderBu çalışmada, koyunların abomazumunda makroskobik nodüllere sebep olan parazit türünün belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Abomazumlarda lezyonlu bölgelerden alınan doku örnekleri yapay sindirim sıvısı kullanılarak eritilmiştir. Bu örneklerden Teladorsagia spp. larvaları tespit edilmiştir. Abomazum lümenlerinden toplanan erişkin parazitlerin Teladorsagia circumcincta (%96,4) ve Haemonchus contortus (%3,6) olduğu saptanmıştır. Ülkemizde T.circumcincta’nın koyun abomazumunda oluşturduğu nodüllerin ortaya konulmasına yönelik ilk çalışma olması bakımından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir.Öğe Sığırlarda Neospora caninum doku kistlerinin araştırılması(2017) Yıldız, Kader; Gökpınar, SamiBu çalışmada rastgele seçilen 200 sığırda N. caninum seropozitivitesinin belirlenmesi, seropozitif sığırların beyin ve iskelet kası doku örneklerinde N. caninum doku kistlerinin percoll gradient santrifüj ve PCR yöntemleri ile araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda sığırlarda %5,5 oranında N. caninum seropozitivitesi belirlenmiştir (11/200). Percoll gradient santrifüj yöntemi ile incelenen seropozitif sığırlara ait doku örneklerinde parazite ait doku kistleri tespit edilmemiştir. Ancak iki seropozitif boğanın beyin dokusunda N. caninum'a ait DNA amplifiye edilmiştir (%18.1).Öğe Klinik Bakımdan Sağlıklı Görünümlü Koyunlarda Coenurosisin Yaygınlığı(2012) Gökpınar, Sami; Yıldız, KaderBu çalışmada incelenen 100 koyunun 12'sinin (%12) beyninde Coenurus cerebralis'e rastlanmıştır. Klinik olarak sağlıklı görünen koyunlarda ise C. cerebralis %11.1 oranında saptanmıştır. Dişilerin %24, erkeklerin ise %8'inde enfeksiyona rastlanmıştır. Enfekte koyunların %50'sinin 2 yaşlı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kistlerin %83.3'ünün serebral hemisferde, %16.7'sinin ise serebellumda yerleştiği tespit edilmiştir. Serebral hemisferdeki coenuruslar sağ tarafı (frontal ve occipital lob) tercih etmiştir (%77.8). İncelenen koyunların yalnızca birinde coenurosisin klinik bulgusu izlenmiştir. Bu koyunda C. cerebralis beynin tüm sol hemisferini kaplar tarzda gelişmiştir. İncelenen tüm koyunların beyninde yalnızca 1 coenurusun olduğu görülmüş ve kistlerin çapı 4 - 9.5 cm arasında değişmiştirÖğe Kapulukaya Baraj Gölü' ndeki kadife balıklarında (Tinca tinca) helmint enfeksiyonları(2003) Yıldız, KaderBu çalışma Kapulukaya Baraj Gölü'nden yakalanan kadife balıklarmdaki (Tinca tınca) helmintleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Canlı veya yeni ölmüş olarak laboratuara getirilen 100 kadife balığının otopsileri yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda balıkların % 84'ü helmintlerle enfekte bulunmuş, enfekte balıkların % 97,6'sında Asymphylodora tincae, % 26, l 'inde Pomphorhynchus laevis, % 15,4 ünde metaserker, % 5,9'unda Liguia sp. plerocercoidi ve % 2,2'sinde de nematod larvası tespit edilmiştir. A. tincae bağırsakta, P. laevis bağırsak ve karın boşluğunda, Liguia sp. plerocercoidleri karın boşluğunda, nematod larvaları ve metaserkerler ise deri ve solungaç filamentlerinde bulunmuştur.Öğe Kırşehir İli Çiçekdağı İlçesi’nde Yetiştirilen Süt İneklerinde Neospora caninum’un Seroprevalansı(2017) Yıldız, Kader; Gökpınar, Sami; Sürsal, Neslihan; Değirmenci, RukiyeAmaç: Günümüzde dünya üzerinde sığırların en önemli abort nedenlerinden biri olarak kabul edilen Neospora caninum hem et hem de süt endüstrisinde önemli ekonomik kayba sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Kırşehir İli Çiçekdağı İlçesi’nde yetiştirilen süt sığırı işletmelerinde örneklenen ineklerde N. caninum seroprevalansının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada 116 inekten serum örneği toplanmıştır. Toplanan serumların N. caninum antikorları bakımından ticari Enzyme-Lin- ked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) test kiti (VMRD c-ELISA) kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Sığırların % 18,1’i N. caninum yönünden seropozitif bulunmuştur. Neosporosis seroprevalansı döl tutmama problemi olan ineklerde % 23,4, abort yapanlarda ise % 33,3 oranında tespit edilmiş, klinikçe sağlıklı görünümde olan ineklerde ise bu oran % 7,8 olmuştur (p=0,006). En yüksek seropozitiflik görülen ırklar sırasıyla Holstein, Simental ve Montofon olmuştur (p=0,008). Sonuç: Çiçekdağı ilçesindeki sığırlarda neosporosisin yayılmasını önlemek için hem parazitin son konağı olan köpekler hem de sığırlar yönünden kontrol tedbirleri alınması gerekir.Öğe Kedilerde Bağırsak Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığı ve Halk Sağlığı Bakımından Önemi(2016) Korkmaz, Umut Fikret; Gökpınar, Sami; Yıldız, KaderAmaç: Bu çalışmada kedilerde bağırsak parazitlerinin yaygınlığının dışkı bakısı ile araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Kırıkkale'de sahipli ve sahipsiz toplam 100 kediye ait dışkı örnekleri alınmıştır. Örnek alınan kedilere ait epidemiyolojik veriler (yaş, ırk, cinsiyet vb.) kaydedilmiştir. Dışkı örnekleri önce sestod halkaları yönünden makroskobik olarak incelenmiştir. Daha sonra dışkı yaymaları Carbol fuchsin ve Giemsa ile boyanmıştır. Geri kalan dışkı doymuş şekerli su ile santrifüj flotasyon yöntemi ile hazırlanmış ve ışık mikroskobu ile incelenmiştir.Bulgular: İncelenen kedilerin %47'sinin dışkısında parazite rastlanmıştır. Kedilerde protozoon (Isospora spp. ve Cryptosporidium spp.) oocysti, cestod halkası (Joyeuxiella spp.) ve nematod (Toxocara spp. ve kancalıkurt) yumurtaları tespit edilmiştir. Kedilerin %48,9'unun tek türle, %44,6'sının iki türle, %6,3'ünün üç türle enfekte olduğu belirlenmiştir. En sık rastlanan parazit türleri Isospora spp. (%65,9) ve Toxocara spp. (%48,9) olmuştur. Parazitlerin sokak kedilerinde daha yaygın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada örneklenen kedilerde bağırsak parazitleri oldukça yüksek bulunmuştur. Ev kedileri özellikle dışarı çıkmasına izin veriliyorsa önemli düzeyde parazit enfeksiyonu taşıyabilir. Bu kediler mutlaka düzenli olarak veteriner hekim kontrolünde olmalıdır.Öğe Çevre kirliliğinin izlenmesinde parazitlerin rolü(2008) Yıldız, KaderAğır metallerin organizmalar üzerine zehirli etkileri bilinmektedir. Kurşun, kadmiyum, cıva gibi bazı zehirli metaller çeşitli kaynaklardan doğaya salınmaktadır. Son yıllarda parazitizm ve çevre kirliliği arasındaki ilişki ile ilgilenilmiştir. Özellikle Acanthocephala olmak üzere çeşitli helmint türleri vücutlarına ağır metal biriktirmeleri yönünden araştırılmıştır. Bu makalede çevre kirliğinin izlenmesinde parazitlerin rolü tartışılmıştır.Öğe Deneysel enfekte beyaz farelerde Strobilocercus fasciolaris' e albendazol ve preziquantel ' in etkisi(2001) Yıldız, Kader; Doğanay, AhmetThis study was conducted to analyze the effects of albendazole and praziquantel on the development and treatment of S. fasciolaris. In order to determine the prophylactic effects on the development of S. fasciolaris, the drugs (albendazole and praziquantel) were given 2 days before the infection and for a period of 30 days. Also, to determine the effects of treatment, both drugs were given on the 63rd day of the infection and for a period of 14 days. The dosages of albendazole and praziquantel were 15 mg/kg (150 ppm) and 200 mg/kg (2000 ppm) respectively. They were given with the normal daily diet. In the group in which albendazole had a prophylactive effect on the development of S. fasciolaris, no macroscopic cystic development was observed. However, in the histological sections of the livers, some microscopic cystic structures were found. In the group in which the effects of the drug were tested all the cysts were affected. In the group in which the prophylactic effects of praziquantel on cyst development were tested, it was observed that the drug had no effect on the development of cysts, but compared to the positive control group (no drugs given), the drug reduced the number of cysts in the liver. The effects of praziquantel on the developing S. fasciolaris were calculated to be 27.2% . The preventive effect of praziquantel on the developed S. fasciolaris was calculated to be 93.4%. As a result, while prophylactic effects of albendazole on the development of S. fasciolaris were observed, no such effects were observed with praziquantel. Both drugs were effective in the treatment of developing cysts.Öğe In vitro investigation of NETosis reaction developing from dog polymorphonuclear neutrophils to Toxoplasma gondii(SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY-TUBITAK, 2020) Karakurt, Gunes; Yildiz, KaderToxoplasma gondii is known to develop extracellular traps from neutrophils in some animal species such as mice, cattle, sheep, cats, and donkeys. This study aimed to investigate the extracellular trap structures formed in dog polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) to T. gondii tachyzoites in vitro. Dog PMN was isolated using Percoll dilutions (45%, 54%, 63%, and 72%). After incubation with tachyzoites, the extracellular traps originating from the dog PMNs were observed in the extracellular areas. Histones (H3), myeloperoxidase (MPO), and neutrophil elastase (NE), the characteristic features of NETosis reaction, were detected in extracellular areas. The tachyzoites were observed between the extracellular trap structures. A positive correlation was detected between the parasite concentration and extracellular traps formation but they were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Time-dependent relationships were also not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The extracellular traps released in the PMN-tachyzoite culture increased until the 60th min of incubation. Reactive oxygen species, MPO, and NE activities were observed in the PMN-tachyzoite culture during the incubation period. The development of extracellular traps against T. gondii in dog PMNs is reported for the first time in this study. However, it could not be determined whether the extracellular traps released from dog PMNs only mechanically immobilize or have some lethal effect on tachyzoites.Öğe Feline Giardiasis In Turkey: Prevalence And Genetic And Haplotype Diversity Of Giardia Duodenalis Based On The Beta-Giardin Gene Sequence In Symptomatic Cats(ALLEN PRESS INC, 2020) Sursal, Neslihan; Simsek, Emrah; Yildiz, KaderGiardia duodenalis is a common zoonotic protozoan parasite with a broad host distribution. The main objectives of the present study were to determine the prevalence of giardiasis and to reveal the genetic and haplotype diversity of G. duodenalis in symptomatic cats in Turkey. Fecal samples were collected from cats (n = 102) with diarrhea that were admitted to different pet clinics in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. All samples were analyzed by microscopic examination (ME), rapid immunochromatographic test (ICT), and PCR targeting the beta-giardin (bg) loci of the parasite. Phylogenetic, haplotype, and network analyses of G. duodenalis based on the bg gene were carried out. Overall, G. duodenalis was detected in 70/102 (68.6%) of the cats with diarrhea by ME (38/102, 37.3%), ICT (51/102, 50%), and PCR (30/102, 29.4%). According to sequence analyses of the bg gene region, all isolates were identified as G. duodenalis assemblage B. Haplotype analyses revealed 2 known and 8 novel haplotypes for G. duodenalis assemblage B. This study provides first prevalence and genetic and haplotype diversity data on G. duodenalis assemblage B from cats in Turkey.Öğe Optimisation of Indirect ELISA by Comparison of Different Antigen Preparations for Detection of Antibodies Against Schmallenberg Virus(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2020) Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Aksoy, Emel; Yildirim, Murat; Yildiz, KaderSchmallenberg virus (SBV) infection, discovered in 2011, was reported in Europe including Turkey, Africa and recently in some Asian countries. Commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits were widely used by researchers in many epidemiological studies and SBV diagnosis. The aim of this study was to optimise indirect in-house ELISA that is based on different antigen preparations of cell-culture derived whole SBV particle. Antigen preparations were maintained with various methods: PEG precipitation, ultracentrifugation, dialysis, and antigen inactivation. Following antigen optimisation, steps of antigen coating, blocking, conjugate and stop solution were optimised and in-house ELISA was compared to commercial indirect SBV ELISA kit. The best result in ELISA antigen preparation for SBV was gained by 30% PEG purification method followed by formaldehyde inactivation. Although results of this study demonstrated that in-house ELISA for detection of SBV specific antibodies was equally sensitive and specific as commercial kit, purified SBV antigen based in-house ELISA development could increase S/P ratios.Öğe Occurrence and First Molecular Characterization of Cryptosporidium felis in a Cat in Turkey(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2020) Sursal, Neslihan; Simsek, Emrah; Yildiz, KaderCryptosporidium species are highly prevalent and significant zoonotic protozoan parasites that cause severe diarrhea in many hosts. To date, cryptosporidiosis has been molecularly reported from humans and different animal hosts in Turkey. The aim of this case report is to reveal the molecular characterization based on small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence of Cryptosporidium oocysts that were microscopically found in a three-month age female cat with severe diarrhea. SSU rRNA gene of Cryptosporidium was amplified for sequence and phylogenetic analyses. According to sequence analysis, Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts were characterized as C. felis (isolate name: ANK_1; accession number: MN394123). ANK_1 isolate showed a range from 99.1% to 100% identity with the most of C. felis sequences available in GenBank. However, it also exhibited high genetic distance (1.5-4.3%) with some of C. felis sequences. The intraspecific genetic differences among all SSU rRNA sequences of C. felis isolates included in the data set were determined ranged from 0.0% to 6.9%. As a conclusion, we provided the first microscopic and molecular evidence of the occurrence of C. felis in a house cat in Turkey. Although C. felis has a relatively low zoonotic risk to public health when compared with C. parvum, infected cats should not be neglected for zoonotic transmission due to close relationships between cats and humans.Öğe Extracellular Trap Formation by Donkey Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils Against Toxoplasma gondii(Elsevier Science Inc, 2019) Yildiz, Kader; Gokpinar, Sami; Sursal, Neslihan; Babur, Cahit; Ozen, Dogukan; Azkur, Ahmet KursatToxoplasma (T.) gondii is an obligatory intracellular apicomplexan parasite. The donkey is one of the intermediate hosts of T. gondii. There are almost no data about T. gondii infection in donkeys, apart from a few seroprevalence reports. The aim of the study was to detect the formation of extracellular traps by donkey polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) when exposed to T. gondii tachyzoites in vitro. Tachyzoites were observed to be entrapped within extracellular traps (NET) structures. Myeloperoxidase, neutrophil elastase (NE), and histone (H3) were observed in NET structures. NE and reactive oxygen species activity increased with time and was higher in the PMN-tachyzoite cocultures. Some tachyzoites were seen close localization to the nucleus of neutrophils. Degranulation and extracellular traps were observed simultaneously in some donkey neutrophils after incubation for 1 hour. The tachyzoite invasion rate decreased in PMN-tachyzoite cocultures in comparison to the controls. NETs can negatively affect the viability of entrapped tachyzoites in addition to their action of physical entrapment. NE may play a key role in the viability of T. gondii in donkeys. The amount of extracellular DNA increased with incubation time in the PMN-tachyzoite cocultures (P < .001). This is a first report regarding the formation of donkeys NETs after exposure to T. gondii tachyzoites in vitro. Unlike sheep and cattle PMN, degranulation and extracellular traps developed in the same neutrophil. Further studies focusing on signaling pathways may shed light on what determines the behavior of donkey neutrophils after exposure to T. gondii. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe The First Report of Tritrichomonas foetus in Cats from Turkey(Israel Veterinary Medical Assoc, 2019) Yildiz, K.; Sursal, N.Tritrichomonas foetus has been identified in the ileum, cecum and colon of cats with large bowel diarrhea. The objective of this study was to identify whether T.foetus was present in cats with chronic diarrhea in Turkey. Fecal samples (n=45) were collected from cats with diarrhea presented to a number of pet clinics in Ankara province, Turkey. Fecal analysis was performed using saline wet mount preparations, cultures and PCR. T.foetus was detected in 4 out of 45 (8.8%) of the cats with chronic diarrhea by PCR analysis.The infection rate was highest (12%) in the age group <= 6 months (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the frequency of infection in male and female cats (p>0.05). All cats in the study were mixed breed. The frequency of infection was higher in owned cats than in shelter cats (10% versus 6.6%), but this difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Giardia spp. and Toxocara leonina were found as co-infections in the cats infected with T. foetus. Two PCR positive results were sequenced and deposited in GenBank (MH400076 and MH490937). Pairwise genetic distance between our isolates and the isolates submitted to GenBank from other geographic areas displayed variation ranging from 0.0% to 1.2%. This is the first report of the presence of T. foetus in cats in Turkey. The results support the significance of T.foetus as a cause of chronic diarrhea in cats.Öğe Neutrophil isolation from feline blood using discontinuous Percoll dilutions(Georg Thieme Verlag Kg, 2018) Sursal, Neslihan; Cakmak, Ayse; Yildiz, KaderObjective: Some studies have performed in vitro neutrophil isolation from feline blood. The major limiting factor for these studies is the small volume of blood that can be collected without development of potentially life-threatening complications. In the present study we attempted neutrophil isolation from feline venous blood samples using discontinuous Percoll gradients. Material and methods: Blood was collected from the cephalic vein of clinically healthy adult cats. The blood samples were layered on Percoll dilutions (72 %, 63%, 54% and 45%). After centrifugation, the feline polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) accumulated as a band between 72-63% Percoll dilutions. The total cell count was calculated using light microscopy counts. The percentage of the neutrophils was determined microscopically after staining with Diff-Quik stain. Neutrophil viability was evaluated with a 0.01 % Trypan blue assay. The activation was determined based on intact cell morphology in the isolated neutrophils. Results: The mean PMN number was 22 x 10(5) per ml (minimum-maximum: 20-26 x 10(5)ml). Neutrophil homogeneity was > 95% in the cell suspensions. The viability of isolated neutrophils was > 98%. The technique did not result in neutrophil activation. Conclusion and clinical relevance: Discontinuous Percoll gradients (72%, 63 %, 54% and 45%) can be used to isolate neutrophils from blood samples of cats. The technique was simple to perform and neutrophil activation was minimal.Öğe Genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus obtained from cattle slaughtered in Kirikkale Province(Ankara Univ Press, 2017) Gokpinar, Sami; Degirmenci, Rukiye; Yildiz, KaderStrain differences are responsible from some important differences such as host specifity, growth rate, antigenic properties, sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents, transmission dynamics and epidemiological variations in Echinococcus granulosus. In this study, it was aimed to detection strain identification of E. granulosus obtained from liver and lungs of cattle slaughtered in Kirikkale region. For this aim, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and 12S rRNA genes of E. granulosus isolates amplified by specific primers and then COI gene sequence was made. In the present study, the isolates were identified as G1-G3 complex according to COI sequencing results.