Kolon anastomozu yapılan ratlarda nizatidinin anastomoz iyileşmesine etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Anastomoz iyileşme yetersizliği hastanede kalış süresi ve mortaliteyi artırmaktadır. Histamin vazodilatasyonla mezenterik kan akımını artıran bir mezenterik bölgesel kan akımı düzenleyicisidir. Histamin 2 (H2) reseptör antagonistleri (Nizatidin) histaminin vazodilatör etkisini inhibe eder.Otuz Wistar ratı; K (Kontrol) ve N (nizatidin) olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Preoperatif yedi gün ,N grubuna (15 rat) 2mg/kg/gün intraperitoneal nizatidin (AXID İV ampul 100 mg/4ml, LILLY) verildi; K grubu (15 rat) aynı miktar subkutan salin aldı. İntraperitoneal ketamin, xylasine ile genel anestezi altında orta hat insizyonla batın açıldı. Pelvik refleksiyonun 2-4 cm proksimal seviyede sol kolon transekte edilerek tek katmanlı uç-uca anastomoz yapıldı.Karın postoperatif 7. gün açıldı. Kalın barsak mukozası kan akımı, lazer doppler ile ölçüldü. Anastomoz bölgesi rezeke edildi, anastomoz patlama basıncı ve hidroksiprolin düzeyleri ölçüldü.Anastomoz patlama basıncı, ıslak ve kuru ağırlık değerleri ve su yüzdeleri açısından gruplar arasında istatistiksel fark yoktu (p>0,05). Hidroksiprolin düzeyi ve doppler ölçümü (anastomozun distalinde ve anastomozda); K grubunda, N grubuna göre yüksek bulundu (p<0,05).Bu çalışma, bağırsak kan akımı üzerine ilaçların etkilerini değerlendirme için daha fazla zemin sağlamıştır. Bu bulguların başka çalışmalar tarafından desteklenmesi gerekir.
Failure of anastomotic healing is associated with increased hospital stay and mortality. Histamine is one of the regulators of mesenteric blood flow, leading to vasodilatation and increasing the regional blood flow in the mesentery. Histamine 2 (H2) receptor antagonists (nizatidine) inhibit the vasodilatory effects of histamine.Thirty wistar rats are divided into 2 groups, as K (control) and N (nizatidine). Two mg/kg/day nizatidine (AXID IV flacon 100 mg/4ml ,LILLY ) was given to N group (15 rat) intraperitoneally while the K group (15 rats) received the same amount of saline subcutaneously for seven days preoperatively. Under general anestesia with intraperitoneal ketamine + xylasine, abdomen was opened with a midline incision. Left colon was transected at a level of 2-4 cm proximal to pelvic reflection and then one layer end-to-end anastomosis was performed.Abdomen was opened at postoperatif 7th day. The blood flow is measured with laser doppler in the mucosa of the large bowel. Anastomotic region was resected and anastomotic bursting pressure and hydroxyproline levels were measured.There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in anastomotic bursting pressure, wean weight and wet weight and water percentage levels values (p>0,05). Hydroxyproline and doppler levels (distal anastomosis and anastomosis) in K group were significantly higher than group (p< 0.05). This study provides the basis for further evaluation of the effects of drugs on gut blood flow. These findings should be supported by other studies.
Failure of anastomotic healing is associated with increased hospital stay and mortality. Histamine is one of the regulators of mesenteric blood flow, leading to vasodilatation and increasing the regional blood flow in the mesentery. Histamine 2 (H2) receptor antagonists (nizatidine) inhibit the vasodilatory effects of histamine.Thirty wistar rats are divided into 2 groups, as K (control) and N (nizatidine). Two mg/kg/day nizatidine (AXID IV flacon 100 mg/4ml ,LILLY ) was given to N group (15 rat) intraperitoneally while the K group (15 rats) received the same amount of saline subcutaneously for seven days preoperatively. Under general anestesia with intraperitoneal ketamine + xylasine, abdomen was opened with a midline incision. Left colon was transected at a level of 2-4 cm proximal to pelvic reflection and then one layer end-to-end anastomosis was performed.Abdomen was opened at postoperatif 7th day. The blood flow is measured with laser doppler in the mucosa of the large bowel. Anastomotic region was resected and anastomotic bursting pressure and hydroxyproline levels were measured.There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in anastomotic bursting pressure, wean weight and wet weight and water percentage levels values (p>0,05). Hydroxyproline and doppler levels (distal anastomosis and anastomosis) in K group were significantly higher than group (p< 0.05). This study provides the basis for further evaluation of the effects of drugs on gut blood flow. These findings should be supported by other studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel Cerrahi, General Surgery, , , , ,