Hastane okulları ve hastane okullarında verilen görsel sanat eğitimi üzerine bir inceleme
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Çeşitli sağlık sorunları nedeni ile hastanede yatan çocukların eğitim-öğretim yaşantısından geri kalmamak adına hastane okulları açılmıştır. Böylelikle okul dönemi çocuklarının, hastanede geçirecekleri süreye bağlı olarak, okul hayatında kayıplar yaşamaması hedeflenmiştir. Herhangi bir sebepten dolayı hastanede uzun süreli ya da hastanede yatarak tedavi görmesi gereken çocukların sosyal hayatı ve eğitimi sekteye uğramaktadır. Oysa eğitim; dil, din, sosyal statü, ırk ayrımı gözetmeksizin her çocuğun sahip olduğu temel haklardan birisidir. Bu çalışmada, herhangi bir sağlık sebebinden dolayı örgün eğitim hayatından yoksun kalan çocukların hastane ortamında yani hastane okullarında nasıl eğitim aldığını, hangi olanaklara sahip olduğunu incelemektedir. Bunu yaparken de araştırmanın odağına sanat eğitimini ve çalışmalarını konu almaktadır. Hastane okullarında verilen sanat eğitiminin içeriği ve sanat eğitiminin çocuklar üzerindeki etkisi araştırmanın çerçevesini oluşturmaktadır.
Hospital schools have been opened for children admitted to the hospitals for inpatient treatment for various health hazards to have them catch-up with education-learning life. Thus, it is targeted that children continuing their formal education should not have losses in education life depending on the duration their stay at hospitals. The social and education lives of children having to stay at hospitals for long terms for any reasons or needing inpatient care at hospitals are interrupted. However, education is one of the basic children's rights regardless of language, religion, social status or race. This study reviews how children deprived of formal education due to any health hazards are educated in hospital atmosphere, i.e. hospital schools, and what types of facilities are provided for such children. The focus of the study has been identified as art education and works. The research framework has been constituted with the content of arts education given at hospital schools and the impact of arts education on children.
Hospital schools have been opened for children admitted to the hospitals for inpatient treatment for various health hazards to have them catch-up with education-learning life. Thus, it is targeted that children continuing their formal education should not have losses in education life depending on the duration their stay at hospitals. The social and education lives of children having to stay at hospitals for long terms for any reasons or needing inpatient care at hospitals are interrupted. However, education is one of the basic children's rights regardless of language, religion, social status or race. This study reviews how children deprived of formal education due to any health hazards are educated in hospital atmosphere, i.e. hospital schools, and what types of facilities are provided for such children. The focus of the study has been identified as art education and works. The research framework has been constituted with the content of arts education given at hospital schools and the impact of arts education on children.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Resim Ana Bilim Dalı, Resim Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training, Güzel Sanatlar