İnvajınasyona bağlı intestınal hasarda selenyum'un koruyucu etkılerı
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Akman H, İnvajinasyona bağlı intestinal hasarda selenyum'un koruyucuetkileri. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık Tezi, Kırıkkale 2008.İnvajinasyon çocuklarda sık görülen akut batın nedenlerindendir. İnvajinasyon tedavi edilmediği durumlarda intestinal hasara neden olmakta ve barsak kaybıyla sonuçlanabilmektedir. Deneysel çalışmalarda invajinasyona bağlı intestinal hasarın önlenmesi amacıyla çeşitli antioksidanlar kullanılmış fakat bunlar klinik kullanımda yer bulamamıştır. Selenyum (Se), glutatyon peroksidaz aktivitesini arttırarak antioksidan etki gösteren bir eser elementtir. Selenyumun antioksidan etkinliği diğer iskemi reperfüzyon zedelenme modellerinde çalışılmış fakat invajinasyondaki doku hasarına etkisi irdelenmemiştir. İnvajinasyona bağlı intestinal hasarda selenyum'un koruyucu etkilerini değerlendirmek amacıyla deneysel bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya 40 adet Wistar albino rat dahil edilmiştir. Laparotomi sonrası periton içine NaCl infüzyonu yapılıp ileoçekal valvden 20 cm proksimaldeki 2 cm'lik barsak segmenti çıkartılarak kontrol grubu (n:10) oluşturulmuştur. İleoçekal valvden 20 cm proksimalde proksimal barsak segmenti daha distaldeki barsak lümeni içine stile yardımıyla itilerek 2 cm uzunluğunda invajinasyon segmenti oluşturulmuş ve 4 saat sonra barsak örneği çıkarılarak invajinasyon grubu (IG) (n:10) elde edilmiştir. Benzer invajinasyon oluşumundan 4 saat sonra dezinvajinasyon yapılıp diğer 4 saat sonunda 2 cm'lik barsak segmentinin çıkarılması ile dezinvajinasyon grubu (DIG) (n:10) oluşturulmuştur. Se grubu (SeG) (n:10) ise dezinvajinasyon modelinin oluşturulmasından 20 dakika önce 0.2 mg/kg selenyum (sodium selenate, Aldrich, USA) intraperitoneal uygulanması ile elde edilmiştir. Alınan barsak segmentleri histopatolojik inceleme ve oksidatif hasar belirteçlerinden katalaz (CAT), glutatyon peroksidaz (GpX), superoksit dismutaz (SOD) ve malondialdehit (MDA) düzeyleri açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Katalaz seviyeleri deney gruplarında azalmış, SeG'da ise DIG'na göre artmıştır (p<0.05). Gpx ve SOD düzeyleri, IG ve DIG'larında azalmıştır (p<0.05). Kontrol ve SeG'ları arasında ise fark yoktur (p>0.05). MDA düzeyleri SeG'de kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak artmış, IG ve DIG gruplarına göre ise anlamlı olarak azalmıştır (p<0.05).Sonuç olarak; Se, invajinasyona bağlı intestinal iskemik hasarda katalaz, SOD ve GpX düzeylerinin artmasına neden olarak oksidatif hasarı önlemesine rağmen histopatolojik değişikliklere benzer etki etmemektedir.
Akman H. The protective effects of selenium on intestinal injury due to intussusception. Kırıkkale University, Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery. Kırıkkale 2008.İntussusception is a common cause of acute abdomen during childhood. İntussusception may lead intestinal injury and loss of segmental intestine if left untreated. Although antioxidants were used to prevent intestinal injury in experimental studies, none of the antioxidants were used in clinical practice. Se is a trace element acting as an antioxidant by increasing glutation peroxidase activity. Se is used as an antioxidant in many ischemia reperfusion injury models but it has not been evaluated in intussusception models previously. An experimental study was performed to evaluate the protective effects of Se in intestinal injury due to intussusceptionForty Wistar albino rats were enrolled to the study. In laparotomy, 2 cm of intestinal segment, 20 cm proximal to ileoceacal valve was removed after intraperitoneal NaCl infusion as control group (n:10). Intussusception was performed at 20 cm proximal to ileoceacal valve by pushing the proximal intestinal segment distally through a stile. Four hours later, 2 cm intestine was removed to have intussusception group (IG) (n:10). After intussusception was obtained in similar method, intussusception was resolved and 2 cm of intestine removed at the end of another 4 hours to have deintussusception group (DIG) (n:10). Se group (SeG) (n:10) was obtained by performing 0.2 mg/kg selenium intraperitoneally, 20 minutes before deintussusception. Intestinal segments were evaluated for oxidative injury markers (catalase, glutation peroxidase-Gpx, superoxide dismutase-SOD and malondialdehide-MDA) and histopathologically. Histopathologic evaluations showed injury in experimental groups without a significant difference in SeG (p>0.05). Catalase levels were decreased in experimental groups. In SeG, catalase levels were increased when compared to DIG (p<0.05). Gpx and SOD levels were also decreased in IG and DIG (p<0.05). Control and SeG has no difference in Gpx and SOD levels (p>0.05). In control and SeG, MDA levels showed no difference whereas IG and DIG have increased levels when compared to control groups (p<0.05).Conclusion : Although, Se prevents oxidative injury by increasing catalase, SOD and Gpx levels in intestinal injury due to intussusception, similar effects could not detected in histopathologic findings.
Akman H. The protective effects of selenium on intestinal injury due to intussusception. Kırıkkale University, Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery. Kırıkkale 2008.İntussusception is a common cause of acute abdomen during childhood. İntussusception may lead intestinal injury and loss of segmental intestine if left untreated. Although antioxidants were used to prevent intestinal injury in experimental studies, none of the antioxidants were used in clinical practice. Se is a trace element acting as an antioxidant by increasing glutation peroxidase activity. Se is used as an antioxidant in many ischemia reperfusion injury models but it has not been evaluated in intussusception models previously. An experimental study was performed to evaluate the protective effects of Se in intestinal injury due to intussusceptionForty Wistar albino rats were enrolled to the study. In laparotomy, 2 cm of intestinal segment, 20 cm proximal to ileoceacal valve was removed after intraperitoneal NaCl infusion as control group (n:10). Intussusception was performed at 20 cm proximal to ileoceacal valve by pushing the proximal intestinal segment distally through a stile. Four hours later, 2 cm intestine was removed to have intussusception group (IG) (n:10). After intussusception was obtained in similar method, intussusception was resolved and 2 cm of intestine removed at the end of another 4 hours to have deintussusception group (DIG) (n:10). Se group (SeG) (n:10) was obtained by performing 0.2 mg/kg selenium intraperitoneally, 20 minutes before deintussusception. Intestinal segments were evaluated for oxidative injury markers (catalase, glutation peroxidase-Gpx, superoxide dismutase-SOD and malondialdehide-MDA) and histopathologically. Histopathologic evaluations showed injury in experimental groups without a significant difference in SeG (p>0.05). Catalase levels were decreased in experimental groups. In SeG, catalase levels were increased when compared to DIG (p<0.05). Gpx and SOD levels were also decreased in IG and DIG (p<0.05). Control and SeG has no difference in Gpx and SOD levels (p>0.05). In control and SeG, MDA levels showed no difference whereas IG and DIG have increased levels when compared to control groups (p<0.05).Conclusion : Although, Se prevents oxidative injury by increasing catalase, SOD and Gpx levels in intestinal injury due to intussusception, similar effects could not detected in histopathologic findings.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çocuk Cerrahisi, Pediatric Surgery, , , , ,