Effect of Storage Time on Tear Strength of Extended-Pour Irreversible Hydrocolloid Impression Materials

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Erişim Hakkı



Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluatethe effect of prolonged storage times on the tear strength ofextended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials.Material-Method: Eighty four specimens were fabricatedfrom five commercial extended-pour irreversiblehydrocolloid impression materials (BluePrint Xcreme,Hydrogum 5, Kromopan, Alginmax and Alginelle) as wellas one experimental formula in accordance with the ISO21563:2013 standard effective for irreversible hydrocolloidimpression materials. Specimens were randomly divided intwo groups for each impression material (n=7) and subjectedto tear strength test immediately (base line) or after 120 hoursof storage. Tear strength values were obtained in N/mm anddata were analysed with two-way ANOVA (irreversiblehydrocolloid brand, storage time). Multiple comparisonswere performed with Tukey’s test (p=0.05).Results: The tear strength of the extended-pour irreversiblehydrocolloid impression materials were affected by brand(p<0.0001) and brand-storage time interaction (p=0.005).Storage time did not influence the tear strengths of theextended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid impression materialstested except Alginmax whose mean tear strengths increasedafter 120 hours of storage (p<0.05). At base line measurementsBlueprint Xcreme provided the highest mean tear strengthvalues (1.08±0.19 N/mm) whereas Alginelle provided thelowest mean tear strength values (0.51±0.3 N/mm). Hydrogum5 provided the highest tear strength values after 120 hours ofstorage (1.15± 0.12 N/mm) whereas Alginelle provided thelowest mean tear strength values (0.55±0.04 N/mm).Conclusions: All commercial extended-pour irreversiblehydrocolloid impression materials tested maintained their tearstrengths after 120 hours of storage.


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Diş Hekimliği


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi

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