Adli tıp kurumu ankara grup başkanlığı morg ihtisas dairesi'nde 2014-2018 yılları arasında otopsileri yapılan kadın ölümlerinin adli tıbbi ve sosyodemografik özeliklerinin incelenmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Ölüm ve kadın tek başına tıp alanının yanı sıra mitoloji, felsefe, din, hukuk ve sanat alanlarını da yakından ilgilendirir. Konu kadın ölümü olduğunda ise olay yeni bir boyut kazanır, bir kadının öldürülmesi ya da intihar etmesi ile bir erkeğin öldürülmesi veya intihar etmesi farklı dinamikler üzerinden yürür. Bu nedenle kadının öldürülmesinden önce, öldürülmesi esnası ve sonrasında yaşananların hem geride kalan yakınları hem de toplum üzerinde oluşturduğu yıkıcı etki, erkeğin öldürülmesinin oluşturduğu etkiden daha farklıdır. Adli Tıp alanında Türkçe literatürde otopsileri yapılan kadın ölümlerini irdeleyen sınırlı sayıda çalışma mevcuttur. Bu çalışmaların genelinde yaş, uyruk, ölüm yeri, ölüm orijini ve sebebi gibi parametreler incelenmiştir. Kadın ölümleri, sadece ölenin yakınlarını ilgilendiren bir durum değildir. Toplumsal hayatın farklı alanlarına olan doğrudan ve dolaylı etkileri nedeniyle, Sosyoloji, Felsefe, Hukuk, Sanat gibi diğer disiplinler tarafından da çalışılmıştır. Bu alanlarda yapılan çalışmalarda toplumsal cinsiyet kavramı ele alınarak kadın ölümlerine etkileri ve sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir. Amacımız alanımızda yapılan çalışmalardan elde edilen bulgular ve önerileri farklı alanlarda yapılan bu çalışmalarla birlikte değerlendirip konunun multidisipliner bir yaklaşımla çalışılmasının yolunu açmak, böylece konunun uzmanları tarafından daha iyi kavranmasına, bu önemli toplumsal sorun hakkında yaratılmaya çalışılan farkındalığa ve risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesi ile çözüme yönelik çalışmalara da katkıda bulunmaktır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Tıp Kurumu Ankara Grup Başkanlığı Morg İhtisas Dairesi'nde 2014-2018 yılları arasında otopsileri yapılan 16 yaş ve üzeri 1747 kadın olgu çalışmamıza dahil edildi. Ulusal Yargı Ağı Bilişim Sistemi'nden (UYAP) temin edilen belgeler ve T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Tıp Kurumu Ankara Grup Başkanlığı arşivinden temin edilen otopsi dosyaları retrospektif olarak tarandı. Olguların sosyodemografik ve adli tıbbi özellikleri olgu rapor formlarına kayıt edildi. Son olarak olgulara ait veriler kullanılarak istatistiksel analizler yapıldı. BULGULAR: Olguların yıllara göre dağılımına bakıldığında en çok otopsisi yapılan kadın ölümünün 2015 yılında olduğu saptandı. Olguların en küçüğünün 16, en büyüğünün ise 109 yaşında olduğu belirlendi. Olguların 1689'unun Türkiye Cumhuriyeti uyruklu olduğu, yabancı uyruklu olguların ise en sık Suriye uyruklu olduğu saptandı. Olguların az bir kısmının medeni, çalışma, engellilik ve psikiyatrik hastalık durumları belirlendi. 24'ünün (% 1,5) gebe olduğu tespit edildi. Ölümlerin 1036'sının (% 59,3) Ankara'da meydana geldiği saptandı. Otopsisi yapılan kadın ölümlerinde en sık görülen ölüm orijini doğal ölüm olarak belirlendi. Olguların en sık evlerinde ölü bulundukları tespit edildi. 83 olguda (% 4,8) alkol ve uyarıcı/uyuşturucu maddelerden birinin vücutta bulunduğu belirlendi. SONUÇ: 2015 ve 2016 yıllarındaki Ankara ilinde otopsileri yapılan kadın ölümlerinin sayılarının yüksek olmasının, bu yıllarda yaşanan terör eylemlerinde meydana gelen toplu ölümler olduğu saptandı. Çalışmamızdaki olguların yaş ortalaması literatüre göre daha yüksek bulundu. Suriye uyruklu kadın ölümlerinin en sık görülen yabancı uyruklu kadın ölümleri olduğu saptandı. Ölüm oranlarının evli kadınlarda evli olmayanlara, çalışan kadınlarda çalışmayanlara oranla tüm orijinlerde daha yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Psikiyatrik hastalık varlığının tüm ölüm orijinleri için risk faktörü olduğu tespit edildi. Cinayet orijinli ölümlerde gebe olanların gebe olmayanlara oranla daha fazla olduğu görüldü. Otopsisi yapılan kadın ölümlerinde doğal ölümlerin en sık görülen ölüm orijini olduğu saptandı. Bu ölümlerin en sık 76-85 yaş grubunda bulundukları tespit edildi. Dolaşım sistemi hastalıklarının en sık gözlenen doğal ölüm nedeni olduğu belirlendi. Kaza orijinli ölümlerin en sık 66-75 ve 56-65 yaş aralıklarında meydana geldiği saptandı. Bu olguların en sık trafik kazalarına bağlı öldükleri belirlendi. Ancak incelediğimiz belgelerde trafik kazasına bağlı ölenlerin yaya mı ya da araç içerisinde yolcu veya sürücü mü olduğu belirlenemedi. Ölüm orijini intihar olan olguların en sık 16-25 yaş grubunda oldukları tespit edildi. Bu olguların en sık ası nedeniyle öldükleri gözlendi. Ölüm orijini cinayet olan olguların en sık 16-25 yaş grubunda oldukları belirlendi. Bu olguların en sık ateşli silah yaralanması nedeniyle öldükleri tespit edildi. Cinayet orijinli ölümlerde ikinci en sık ölüm nedeni ise literatürden farklı olarak patlamaya bağlı yaralanmalar şeklinde saptandı. Ancak bu durumun bu yıllarda meydana gelen terör eylemleri nedeniyle gerçekleştiği ve bu yıl aralıklarına özel olduğu düşünüldü. Cinayet nedeniyle ölen kadınların en sık eşleri tarafından öldürüldüğü belirlendi. Olguların yarısından fazlasının evlerinde ölü bulundukları belirlendi. Çalışmamıza göre toksikolojik incelemelerde elde edilen pozitiflik oranının literatürde belirtilen oranlara göre oldukça düşük olduğu belirlendi.
OBJECTIVES: Death and woman alone are closely related to the fields of medicine, as well as mythology, philosophy, religion, law and art. When it comes to the death of a woman, the event takes on a new dimension, and the murder or suicide of a woman and the murder or suicide of a man follow different dynamics. The devastating effect of what happened before, during and after the murder of a woman on both the relatives that was left behind and the society is different from the effect of the killing of a man. There are a limited number of studies in the Turkish literature in the field of forensic medicine examining autopsied woman deaths. Throughout these studies, parameters such as age, nationality, place of death, origin and cause of death were examined. Woman deaths are not just a situation that concerns the relatives of the deceased. Due to its direct and indirect effects on different areas of social life, it has been studied by other disciplines such as Sociology, Philosophy, Law and Art. In studies conducted in these fields, the concept of social gender has been handled and its effects on woman deaths and their results have been evaluated. Our aim is to evaluate the findings and suggestions obtained from the studies conducted in our field together with these studies in different fields and to discuss the subject with a multidisciplinary approach, so that the subject can be better understood by the experts. Moreover, we aim to contribute to the awareness that is tried to be created about this important social problem and to enrich the search of finding a solution to this problem by identifying the risk factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 1747 women aged 16 and over who were autopsied between 2014-2018 at T.R. Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Institute Ankara Group Presidency Morgue Department were included in our study. Documents obtained from the National Judicial Network Information System and autopsy files obtained from the archive of T.R. Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Institute Ankara Group Presidency were retrospectively scanned. Sociodemographic and forensic characteristics of the cases were recorded in case report forms. Finally, statistical analysis was made using the data obtained from these cases. RESULTS: Considering the distribution of the cases by years, the highest number of autopsied woman deaths was in 2015. The youngest of the cases was 16 years old and the oldest was 109 years old. The number of Turkish Republic citizens who are autopsied is 1689, while the most frequently encountered foreign nation is Syria. The marital status, employment, disability and psychiatric conditions of a small number of cases were analyzed. It was found that 24 (1,5%) of them were pregnant. 1036 (59,3%) of the deaths occurred in Ankara. The most common cause of death in autopsied woman deaths is natural death. It was found that in most cases bodies were found in their homes. In 83 cases (4,8%), it was seen that alcohol and one of the stimulants / narcotic substances were present in the body. CONCLUSSION: We observed that the high number of autopsied woman deaths in Ankara between 2015 and 2016 were mass deaths caused by terrorist attacks in those years. The average age of the autopsied women in our study was found to be higher than the one in literature. Syrian woman deaths are the most common foreign national deaths. Mortality rate was found to be higher in married women than in unmarried and working women compared to non-working women in all origins. Presence of psychiatric illness was found to be a risk factor for all death origins. Pregnant women are more likely to be the victims of murder related death than non-pregnant women. Natural death was found to be the most common cause of death among autopsied woman deaths. Natural death as the cause of death of autopsied women, is most common among women aged 76 - 85. Circulatory system diseases were found to be the most common natural cause of death. We found that accident-related deaths occur most frequently between the ages of 56 - 75. It was discovered that these cases mostly died due to traffic accidents. However, in the documents we examined, it could not be distinguished whether the people who died due to the traffic accident were pedestrians or passengers or drivers in the vehicle. Suicide as cause of death is most common in the 16-25 age group. It was observed that most of these cases died by hanging. It was seen that the cases whose cause of death was murder were mostly in the 16-25 age group and these women died due to gunshot wounds. The second most common cause of death among murder related deaths was identified as explosion-related injuries, unlike the literature. However, it was thought that this situation was due to the terrorist attacks that took place during those years and was specific to this interval. Women who died due to murder were mostly killed by their husbands and more than half of the bodies were found in their homes. According to our study, we saw that the rate of positive results obtained in toxicological examinations was quite low compared to the rates stated in the literature.
OBJECTIVES: Death and woman alone are closely related to the fields of medicine, as well as mythology, philosophy, religion, law and art. When it comes to the death of a woman, the event takes on a new dimension, and the murder or suicide of a woman and the murder or suicide of a man follow different dynamics. The devastating effect of what happened before, during and after the murder of a woman on both the relatives that was left behind and the society is different from the effect of the killing of a man. There are a limited number of studies in the Turkish literature in the field of forensic medicine examining autopsied woman deaths. Throughout these studies, parameters such as age, nationality, place of death, origin and cause of death were examined. Woman deaths are not just a situation that concerns the relatives of the deceased. Due to its direct and indirect effects on different areas of social life, it has been studied by other disciplines such as Sociology, Philosophy, Law and Art. In studies conducted in these fields, the concept of social gender has been handled and its effects on woman deaths and their results have been evaluated. Our aim is to evaluate the findings and suggestions obtained from the studies conducted in our field together with these studies in different fields and to discuss the subject with a multidisciplinary approach, so that the subject can be better understood by the experts. Moreover, we aim to contribute to the awareness that is tried to be created about this important social problem and to enrich the search of finding a solution to this problem by identifying the risk factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 1747 women aged 16 and over who were autopsied between 2014-2018 at T.R. Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Institute Ankara Group Presidency Morgue Department were included in our study. Documents obtained from the National Judicial Network Information System and autopsy files obtained from the archive of T.R. Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Institute Ankara Group Presidency were retrospectively scanned. Sociodemographic and forensic characteristics of the cases were recorded in case report forms. Finally, statistical analysis was made using the data obtained from these cases. RESULTS: Considering the distribution of the cases by years, the highest number of autopsied woman deaths was in 2015. The youngest of the cases was 16 years old and the oldest was 109 years old. The number of Turkish Republic citizens who are autopsied is 1689, while the most frequently encountered foreign nation is Syria. The marital status, employment, disability and psychiatric conditions of a small number of cases were analyzed. It was found that 24 (1,5%) of them were pregnant. 1036 (59,3%) of the deaths occurred in Ankara. The most common cause of death in autopsied woman deaths is natural death. It was found that in most cases bodies were found in their homes. In 83 cases (4,8%), it was seen that alcohol and one of the stimulants / narcotic substances were present in the body. CONCLUSSION: We observed that the high number of autopsied woman deaths in Ankara between 2015 and 2016 were mass deaths caused by terrorist attacks in those years. The average age of the autopsied women in our study was found to be higher than the one in literature. Syrian woman deaths are the most common foreign national deaths. Mortality rate was found to be higher in married women than in unmarried and working women compared to non-working women in all origins. Presence of psychiatric illness was found to be a risk factor for all death origins. Pregnant women are more likely to be the victims of murder related death than non-pregnant women. Natural death was found to be the most common cause of death among autopsied woman deaths. Natural death as the cause of death of autopsied women, is most common among women aged 76 - 85. Circulatory system diseases were found to be the most common natural cause of death. We found that accident-related deaths occur most frequently between the ages of 56 - 75. It was discovered that these cases mostly died due to traffic accidents. However, in the documents we examined, it could not be distinguished whether the people who died due to the traffic accident were pedestrians or passengers or drivers in the vehicle. Suicide as cause of death is most common in the 16-25 age group. It was observed that most of these cases died by hanging. It was seen that the cases whose cause of death was murder were mostly in the 16-25 age group and these women died due to gunshot wounds. The second most common cause of death among murder related deaths was identified as explosion-related injuries, unlike the literature. However, it was thought that this situation was due to the terrorist attacks that took place during those years and was specific to this interval. Women who died due to murder were mostly killed by their husbands and more than half of the bodies were found in their homes. According to our study, we saw that the rate of positive results obtained in toxicological examinations was quite low compared to the rates stated in the literature.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Adli Tıp, Forensic Medicine, , , , , , , , , ,