İnsüline bağımlı olmayan diabetlilerde mikroalbuminürinin merkezi görme alanına etkisi
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Amaç: Retinopati saptanmayan tip-2 (insüline bağımlı olmayan) diabetli olgularda mikroalbuminürinin merkezi görme alanına etkisini ve bu etkiyi saptamada hangi perimetrinin daha faydalı olduğunu araştırmak. Yöntem: Tip-2 diabet tanısıyla en az 5 yıldır izlenen, retinopati saptanmayan olgular mikroalbuminüri mevcudiyetine göre iki gruba ayrıldı (mikroalbuminüri grubu; 15 olgunun 21 gözü, normoalbuminüri grubu; 19 olgunun 31 gözü). Olguların görme alanları, Humphrey görme alanı analizörü II (model 750) ve 30-2 programı kullanılarak elde edildi. Görme alanı foveadan başlanarak 0-10, 10-20 ve 20-30 dereceler arasında üç konsantrik bölgeye ayrıldı. Bu bölgelerde tespit edilen duyarlılıklar, toplam retina duyarlılığı, görme alam üst ve alt yarı duyarlılıkları ile fovea eşik değerleri Student testi kullanılarak istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: İki grup arasında yaş, cinsiyet, diabet süresi, kan şekeri, HbAlc değerleri ve pupilla çapları açısından fark tespit edilmedi. Akromatik perimetride, mikroalbuminürili olgularda görme alanı üst yarı duyarlılığının ve merkezi 20-30 derece içindeki duyarlılığın daha az olduğu gözlendi. Mavi-sarı perimetride ise ortalama retina duyarlılığı, üst yarı duyarlılığı ve 10 derece-lik konsantrik alanların duyarlılığı mikroalbuminürili olgularda anlamlı olarak daha düşük bulundu. Sonuç: Çalışmamız sonucunda, mikroalbuminürinin eşlik ettiği ve klinik olarak retinopati saptanmayan tip-2 diabetli olgularda retina duyarlılık kaybının, görme alanı üst yansında ve bu bölgenin midperiferinde daha belirgin olabileceği ve bu duyarlılık kaybının saptanmasında mavi-sarı perimetrinin daha faydalı olabileceği kanısına varılmıştır.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of microalbuminuria on the central visual field in noninsulin dependent (type-2) diabetics without retinopathy and to determine which perimetry was more useful in the detection of visual field defects. Material and Method: We studied 21 eyes of 15 microalbuminuric patients and 31 eyes of 19 normoalbuminuric patients with disease duration at least 5 years. Static perimetry was performed using the 30-2 program of a Humphrey Field Analyzer 750. The central 3.0° of the visual field was divided 3 concentric rings beginning at the fovea and extending to 10°, from 10° to 20° and from 20° to 30°. The mean sensitivity of the fovea, the mean sensitivity of the central 30°, the mean sensitivities of the upper and lower central visual field and the mean sensitivities of the concentric rings were analyzed using Student's t test. Results: Age, gender, duration of disease, levels of glucose, HbAlc and diameter of pupil are similar in two groups. By achromatic perimetry, the mean sensitivity of the upper visual field and the mean sensitivity outside the 20° of the visual field were significantly lower in microalbuminuric patients than that in normoalbuminuric ones. By blue-on-yellow perimetry, the mean sensitivity of the central 30°, the mean sensitivity of the upper visual field and the mean sensitivities of the concentric rings were lower in microalbuminuric patients than that in normoalbuminuric ones. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the mean sensitivity of the visual field, particularly in the upper half of the visual field, in noninsulin-dependent diabetics without retinopathy but with microalbuminuria is lower than that in normoalbuminuric ones. In addition, this study also suggests that blue-on-yellow perimetry is more useful than achromatic perimetry in the detection of these defects.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of microalbuminuria on the central visual field in noninsulin dependent (type-2) diabetics without retinopathy and to determine which perimetry was more useful in the detection of visual field defects. Material and Method: We studied 21 eyes of 15 microalbuminuric patients and 31 eyes of 19 normoalbuminuric patients with disease duration at least 5 years. Static perimetry was performed using the 30-2 program of a Humphrey Field Analyzer 750. The central 3.0° of the visual field was divided 3 concentric rings beginning at the fovea and extending to 10°, from 10° to 20° and from 20° to 30°. The mean sensitivity of the fovea, the mean sensitivity of the central 30°, the mean sensitivities of the upper and lower central visual field and the mean sensitivities of the concentric rings were analyzed using Student's t test. Results: Age, gender, duration of disease, levels of glucose, HbAlc and diameter of pupil are similar in two groups. By achromatic perimetry, the mean sensitivity of the upper visual field and the mean sensitivity outside the 20° of the visual field were significantly lower in microalbuminuric patients than that in normoalbuminuric ones. By blue-on-yellow perimetry, the mean sensitivity of the central 30°, the mean sensitivity of the upper visual field and the mean sensitivities of the concentric rings were lower in microalbuminuric patients than that in normoalbuminuric ones. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the mean sensitivity of the visual field, particularly in the upper half of the visual field, in noninsulin-dependent diabetics without retinopathy but with microalbuminuria is lower than that in normoalbuminuric ones. In addition, this study also suggests that blue-on-yellow perimetry is more useful than achromatic perimetry in the detection of these defects.
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Türk Oftalmoloji Dergisi
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Akarsu, C., Ergin, A,. Taner, P., Demirbaş, E., Dervişoğulları, S. (2004). İnsüline bağımlı olmayan diabetlilerde mikroalbuminürinin merkezi görme alanına etkisi. Türk Oftalmoloji Dergisi, 34(2), 118 - 123.