The effects of digital transformation on working methods in the context of organizational behavior

dc.contributor.authorÖzhavzali, Müzeyyen
dc.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesi
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, digital transformation has been defined by the concept of "Society 5.0 era" by the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the Hannover CeBIT event in 2017 in Hannover. In the age of Society 5.0, this transformation, in which everything is interconnected and explained as the integration of all technologies, has accelerated this evolution in the whole world and in Türkiye with the Covid-19 epidemic. Especially in 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic, which affected the whole world, revealed the talent needs of all businesses. In this process, the priorities of the businesses in the management of human resources have changed, and the digital transformation has both accelerated and made it compulsory in the entire organizational structure of the businesses. It is clear that this transformation will significantly change the shape and working methods of the labor in the years to come and cause it to reconfigure its working methods. In this study, a comparative evaluation will be made about the effects of digital transformation on working methods in the context of organizational behavior and new methods, with the fact that digital transformation will reveal new thinking structures and new talents for businesses both in the world and in Türkiye. It is thought that this study will contribute to the difficulties that businesses will encounter in the context of organizational behavior in the process of adapting to digital transformation. Future studies could focus on their further applicability to various contexts of working life in the business world. © 2023 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
dc.publisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
dc.relation.ispartofOrganizational Behavior in the Digital World
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKitap Bölümü - Uluslararası
dc.subjectDigital transformation; Literature review; Organizational behavior; Working methods
dc.titleThe effects of digital transformation on working methods in the context of organizational behavior
dc.typeBook Chapter
