Türkiye sendikacılık tarihinde Türk Metal Sendikası (Teşkilat yapısı ve faaliyetleri)
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Osmanlı Devleti'nde 19. yüzyılda görülen bazı işçi hareketleri sendikacılık olarak adlandırılsa da modern anlamda ilk sendikacılık çalışmaları Tanzimat Döneminde görülmektedir. Cumhuriyet Türkiye'sinde ise sendikacılığın başlangıcı 5018 sayılı kanunun 1947 yılında yürürlüğe girmesi olarak kabul edilir. O yıllarda Türkiye için büyük önem kazanan Askerî Fabrikalar ve sonraki adıyla Makine ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu (MKE), Kırıkkale'yi metal işkolunda faaliyet gösteren sendikalar için gözde bir şehir haline getirmiş, bu sayede Türkiye'de sendikacılık faaliyetlerinin başladığı ilk merkezlerden birisi Kırıkkale olmuştur. Kurulan fabrikaların etkisiyle hızlı bir gelişme yaşayan Kırıkkale, 1920'lerin ortalarına kadar küçük bir köy iken 1939'da belediye ile yönetilir hâle gelmiştir. Aynı hızla Türkiye'nin savunma sanayisi merkezi olan Kırıkkale, Türkiye'nin ve hatta dünyanın sayılı büyük işçi sendikalarından birisi olan Türk Metal Sendikasının kuruluşuna da ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Bu çalışmanın ana unsuru, metal işkolunda faaliyet gösteren ve bu alanda Türkiye'nin en büyük sendikası olan Türk Metal Sendikasıdır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada, 2009 yılına kadar Türk Metal Sendikasının, nüvesini oluşturan Türkiye Metal-İş Federasyonunun, federasyonun da temellerini oluşturan Kırıkkale Makine ve Kimya İşçileri Sendikasının (Kırıkkale Metal-İş) tarihi geçmişi, teşkilat yapısı ve faaliyetleri hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışma, Türkiye Metal-İş Federasyonunun kuruluşunda büyük emekleri olan, Kaya Özdemir ve Türk Metal Sendikasının 1973-2009 yılları arasında genel başkanlık görevini yürüten Mustafa Özbek'in hayat hikâyelerini ve sendikacılık anlayışlarını içermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sendikacılık, Türk-İş, Türkiye Metal-İş Federasyonu, Türk Metal Sendikası, Kaya Özdemir, Mustafa Özbek
Although some labour movements seen in the 19th century in the Ottoman Empire were termed as unionism, modern provincial unionism activities were firstly seen in the Tanzimat Period. In Republican Türkiye, the beginning of unionism is considered to be the entry into force of Law No. 5018 in 1947. The Military Factories and later known as the Machinery and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKE), which gained great importance for Türkiye in those years, made Kırıkkale a favourite city for unions operating in the metal industry, thus Kırıkkale became one of the first centres where union activities began in Türkiye. Kırıkkale, which experienced rapid development with the influence of the factories established, was a small village until the mid-1920s and became governed by the municipality in 1939. Kırıkkale, which quickly became the centre of Türkiye's defence industry, also hosted the establishment of the Turkish Metal Union, one of the largest labour unions in Türkiye and even in the world. The main element of this study is the Turkish Metal Union, which operates in the metal industry and is Türkiye's largest union in this field. Therefore, in this study, information is given about the historical background, organizational structure and activities of Turkish Metal Union up to 2009, the Türkiye Metal-Business Federation, which forms its core, and the Kırıkkale Machinery and Chemical Workers Union (Kırıkkale Metal-İş), which forms the foundations of the federation. In addition, this study includes the life stories and understanding of unionism of Kaya Özdemir, who contributed greatly to the establishment of the Türkiye Metal-Business Federation, and Mustafa Özbek, who served as the chairman of the Turkish Metal Union between 1973 and 2009 and contributed greatly to the growth of the union. Key Words: Trade Unionism, Türk-İş, Türkiye Metal-Business Federation, Turkish Metal Union, Kaya Özdemir, Mustafa Özbek
Although some labour movements seen in the 19th century in the Ottoman Empire were termed as unionism, modern provincial unionism activities were firstly seen in the Tanzimat Period. In Republican Türkiye, the beginning of unionism is considered to be the entry into force of Law No. 5018 in 1947. The Military Factories and later known as the Machinery and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKE), which gained great importance for Türkiye in those years, made Kırıkkale a favourite city for unions operating in the metal industry, thus Kırıkkale became one of the first centres where union activities began in Türkiye. Kırıkkale, which experienced rapid development with the influence of the factories established, was a small village until the mid-1920s and became governed by the municipality in 1939. Kırıkkale, which quickly became the centre of Türkiye's defence industry, also hosted the establishment of the Turkish Metal Union, one of the largest labour unions in Türkiye and even in the world. The main element of this study is the Turkish Metal Union, which operates in the metal industry and is Türkiye's largest union in this field. Therefore, in this study, information is given about the historical background, organizational structure and activities of Turkish Metal Union up to 2009, the Türkiye Metal-Business Federation, which forms its core, and the Kırıkkale Machinery and Chemical Workers Union (Kırıkkale Metal-İş), which forms the foundations of the federation. In addition, this study includes the life stories and understanding of unionism of Kaya Özdemir, who contributed greatly to the establishment of the Türkiye Metal-Business Federation, and Mustafa Özbek, who served as the chairman of the Turkish Metal Union between 1973 and 2009 and contributed greatly to the growth of the union. Key Words: Trade Unionism, Türk-İş, Türkiye Metal-Business Federation, Turkish Metal Union, Kaya Özdemir, Mustafa Özbek
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History