Türkiye'de bölgesel tehditler bağlamında savunma sanayinin analizi: Savunma harcamalarının ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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İnsanlar topluluk halinde yaşamaya başlamalarından bu yana sürekli olarak bulundukları coğrafyada varlıklarını sürdürebilmeyi amaç edinmişlerdir. Geçmişten günümüze kadar var olan bütün devletler incelendiğinde; iç ve dış tehditlere karşı koymak, toprak bütünlüğünü sağlamak, bulunduğu coğrafyada söz sahibi olabilmek gibi amaçlar doğrultusunda sürekli olarak savunma amaçlı harcamalar gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Ülkelerin savunma harcamalarına ayırdığı paylar çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı değişkenlik göstermektedir. Bu nedenler arasında; jeopolitik konumu, çevre ülkeler ve diğer ülkeler ile olan siyasi ilişkileri, ülkenin kendi içerisinde tehdit oluşturan terör örgütleri gibi algıladıkları tehditler en önemlileridir. Dünya genelinde Soğuk Savaş sonrasında savunma harcamalarında genel bir düşüş gerçekleşmiştir. 11 Eylül 2001'de Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde meydana gelen terörist saldırı sonrasında savunma harcamaları yeniden artmaya başlamıştır. Ülkemiz, savunma harcamalarına Cumhuriyet tarihi boyunca her zaman komşu ülkelerinden daha fazla pay ayırmıştır. Bulunduğu konum itibariyle her zaman güçlü, etkin ve caydırıcı olmak zorunda olan ülkemizde milli gelirin önemli bir kısmı savunma harcamalarına ayrılmaktadır. Savunma harcamaları ve ekonomiye olan etkileri, son yıllarda çok fazla gündemde olan önemli araştırma konularından biri haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bulunduğu konum itibariyle gerek iç gerekse dış güvenliğin sağlamanın oldukça güç olduğu bu coğrafyada, bölgenin en önemli ülkesi olan Türkiye'nin ve seçilmiş NATO ülkelerinin savunma harcamalarının düzeyi hakkında bilgi vermek ve 2000-2018 yılları arasındaki savunma harcamalarının ekonomik büyüme ile olan ilişkisini Panel Veri Analizi yöntemiyle incelemektir. 26 NATO ülkesi için yapılan analiz sonuçlarına göre, gelişmekte olan NATO ülkelerinin savunma harcamaları ile ekonomik büyümeleri arasında pozitif bir etki bulunmaktadır. Gelişmiş ülkeler kategorisinde yer alan NATO ülkelerinde ise savunma harcamaları ile ekonomik büyüme arasında bir ilişki bulunmamaktadır.
Since people started living as a community, they have always aimed to survive in the geography they are in. When all the states that existed from the past to the present are examined; They have continuously made defensive expenditures for purposes such as countering internal and external threats, ensuring territorial integrity, and having a say in the geography where they are located. The shares allocated by countries for defense expenditures vary due to various reasons. Among these reasons; Its geopolitical position, its political relations with neighboring countries and other countries, and perceived threats as terrorist organizations that pose a threat within the country are the most important. A general decline in defense spending worldwide after the Cold War g has become real. After the terrorist attack that took place in the USA on September 11, 2001, defense spending started to increase again. Our country has always allocated more shares than neighboring countries to defense expenditures throughout the history of the Republic. In our country, which has to be strong, effective and deterrent due to its location, a significant part of the national income is allocated to defense expenditures. Defense spending and its effects on the economy have become one of the most important research topics that have been on the agenda in recent years.The aim of this study is to provide the outside as well as internal requirements as the location where the security in this region, which is quite difficult, the region's most important countries with relations with the economic growth of defense spending between Turkey and selected to provide information about the level of defense spending in NATO countries and 2000-2018 years of the It is to examine with Panel Data Analysis method. According to the results of the analysis conducted for 26 NATO countries, there is a positive effect between the defense expenditures and economic growth of developing NATO countries. On the other hand, in NATO countries in the category of developed countries, there is no relationship between defense expenditures and economic growth.
Since people started living as a community, they have always aimed to survive in the geography they are in. When all the states that existed from the past to the present are examined; They have continuously made defensive expenditures for purposes such as countering internal and external threats, ensuring territorial integrity, and having a say in the geography where they are located. The shares allocated by countries for defense expenditures vary due to various reasons. Among these reasons; Its geopolitical position, its political relations with neighboring countries and other countries, and perceived threats as terrorist organizations that pose a threat within the country are the most important. A general decline in defense spending worldwide after the Cold War g has become real. After the terrorist attack that took place in the USA on September 11, 2001, defense spending started to increase again. Our country has always allocated more shares than neighboring countries to defense expenditures throughout the history of the Republic. In our country, which has to be strong, effective and deterrent due to its location, a significant part of the national income is allocated to defense expenditures. Defense spending and its effects on the economy have become one of the most important research topics that have been on the agenda in recent years.The aim of this study is to provide the outside as well as internal requirements as the location where the security in this region, which is quite difficult, the region's most important countries with relations with the economic growth of defense spending between Turkey and selected to provide information about the level of defense spending in NATO countries and 2000-2018 years of the It is to examine with Panel Data Analysis method. According to the results of the analysis conducted for 26 NATO countries, there is a positive effect between the defense expenditures and economic growth of developing NATO countries. On the other hand, in NATO countries in the category of developed countries, there is no relationship between defense expenditures and economic growth.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Maliye Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ekonomi, Economics, Maliye