Miras paylaşım sözleşmesi
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Mirasbırakanın ölümünden sonra birden çok mirasçı olması durumunda kanun koyucu, zorunlu olarak miras ortaklığı kurumunu öngörmüştür. Miras ortaklığının kurulması ile beraber terekede var olan tüm mal varlığı üzerinde bütün mirasçılar el birliği ile hak sahibi olurlar. Miras ortaklığının oluşumu kanunen zorunludur. Miras ortaklığının sona erdirilme yollarından birisi miras paylaşım sözleşmesidir. Miras paylaşım sözleşmesi tüm mirasçıların oy birliği ile yapmış olduğu bir sözleşmedir. Tek bir mirasçı dahi bu sözleşmeye katılmazsa ya da sözleşmeyi sonradan onaylamazsa yapılan sözleşme geçersiz olur. Miras paylaşım sözleşmesi mirasın açılmasından önce veya sonra yapılabilir. Mirasın açılmasından önce yapılan sözleşmenin hüküm ifade etmesi için sözleşmeyi imzalayanların muhtemel mirasçı olması düşünülen ve mirasbırakanın ölümünden sonra da mirasçı olacak kişiler olması gerekir. Mirasın açılmasından sonra yapılan paylaşma sözleşmeleri ise elden ve yazılı paylaşma sözleşmesi olarak ikiye ayrılır. Miras paylaşım sözleşmesinde mirasın tamamının paylaşılması zorunlu değildir. Bu sözleşme ile mirasın bir kısmı da paylaşılabilir. Mirasın kısmen paylaşılmasında, terekede kalan unsurlar ile birlikte miras ortaklığı devam edecektir. Miras paylaşımı sözleşmesinin yapılmasıyla mirasçıların birbirine karşı sorumlulukları sona ermez. Sözleşmenin yapılmasından sonra mirasçılar, Türk Borçlar Kanunu'nda düzenlenen ayıp ve zapt hükümlerine göre sorumlu olurlar.
In the event that there is more than one heir after the death of the legator, the legislator has stipulated the community of heirs as mandatory. With the establishment of this community, all the heirs jointly become entitled to all the assets in the estate. The formation of a community of heirs is required by law. One of the ways to terminate the community is the division of inheritance contract. The contract in question is an agreement signed by all heirs unanimously. If even a single heir does not participate in this contract or does not approve the contract afterwards, it will be invalid. The division of inheritance contract can be concluded before or after the opening of the succession. In order for the contract made before the opening of the succession to be valid, the signatories must be the persons who are considered to be the possible heirs and who will be the heirs after the death of the legator. The contract resulted after the opening of the succession is divided into two as "by-hand" and "written" division of inheritance. It is not obligatory to share the entire inheritance in the contract. With this agreement, a part of the inheritance can also be shared. In the partial sharing of the inheritance, the community of heirs will continue with the remaining elements. The responsibilities of the heirs towards each other do not end with the conclusion of the division of inheritance. After the conclusion of the contract, the heirs are liable according to the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations for defect and seizure.
In the event that there is more than one heir after the death of the legator, the legislator has stipulated the community of heirs as mandatory. With the establishment of this community, all the heirs jointly become entitled to all the assets in the estate. The formation of a community of heirs is required by law. One of the ways to terminate the community is the division of inheritance contract. The contract in question is an agreement signed by all heirs unanimously. If even a single heir does not participate in this contract or does not approve the contract afterwards, it will be invalid. The division of inheritance contract can be concluded before or after the opening of the succession. In order for the contract made before the opening of the succession to be valid, the signatories must be the persons who are considered to be the possible heirs and who will be the heirs after the death of the legator. The contract resulted after the opening of the succession is divided into two as "by-hand" and "written" division of inheritance. It is not obligatory to share the entire inheritance in the contract. With this agreement, a part of the inheritance can also be shared. In the partial sharing of the inheritance, the community of heirs will continue with the remaining elements. The responsibilities of the heirs towards each other do not end with the conclusion of the division of inheritance. After the conclusion of the contract, the heirs are liable according to the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations for defect and seizure.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Medeni Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hukuk, Law