Ratlarda deneysel olarak oluşturulan periferik sinir hasarı sonrası alçak frekanslı elektroterapinin sinir iyileşmesi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Periferik sinirler, fizyolojik ve topoğrafik özellikleri nedeniyle yaralanmaya yatkındırlar. İnfeksiyöz, tümoral, otoimmün, genetik, toksik ve metabolik hastalıklara bağlı olarak hasarlanabilecekleri gibi, travmatik etkenlere bağlı yaralanmalarda sıklıkla karşımıza çıkabilir. Elektroterapinin uygulandığı bölgede periferik sinirleri uyararak mikrosirkulasyonu geliştirici, ödem giderici, analjezik, ve rejenerasyonu hızlandırıcı etkilerini gösteren çalışmalar mevcuttur. Bu özellikleri nedeniyle tıpta önemli bir fizyoterapi yöntemi olarak birçok klinik tarafından sıkça kullanılmaktadır. Buradan yola çıkarak, sıçanlarda deneysel siyatik sinir hasarı (aksonotmezis) oluşturulması ve bu modelde elektroterapinin (alçak frekanslı akım) sinir iyileşmesi üzerine olan etkilerinin araştırılması planlanmıştır. Çalışmada toplam 30 adet adetWistar cinsi dişirat kullanıldı. Bütün ratların siyatik sinirlerine ezilme tarzı hasar (aksonotmezis) oluşturuldu. .Siyatik sinirde aksonotimozis düzeyinde hasar oluşturulan tüm ratlarrandomize olarak tedavi (elektrik stimülasyonu) ve şam grubu olacak şekilde ikiye ayrıldı.Elektroterapi için ayrılan 18 rat tedavinin başlanacağı ve biopsinin yapılacağı döneme göre 3, şam grubu ise 2 alt gruba bölündü. Tedavi uygulanmayan 2 alt gruptan grup 1'e 15. günde, grup 2'ye ise 30. günde elektrofizyolojik çalışma yapılıp, biopsi örnekleri alındı. Tedavi uygulanan 3 gruptan grup 3'e hasarın ertesi gününde başlanarak 15 gün süreyle elektroterapi uygulandı ve 15.gündeelektrofizyolojik çalışması yapılıp, biopsi örneği alındı. Grup 4'e hasarın ertesi gününde başlanarak 15 gün süreyle elektroterapi uygulandı ve 30. günde elektrofizyolojik çalışması yapılıp, biopsi örneği alındı. Grup 5'e hasarın 15. gününde başlanarak 30. güne kadar 15 gün süreyle elektroterapi uygulandı ve 30. günde biopsi alındı. Grup 6 ise hasar oluşturulmamış diğer taraf arka bacaktan oluşan kontrol grubu olarak belirlendi. Fonksiyonel,elektrofizyolojik, histomorfometriktümdeğerlendirmelerdeiyileşmelehinebulgularıngrup5' deelektroterapiuygulanmayan (grup 1-2) ve ilk 15 günelektroterapiuygulanan (grup 3-4) gruplaragöredahabelirginolduğusaptanmıştır. Buçalışmada;ezilmetipi siniryaralanmalarısonrasıciltüzerindengeçdönemuygulananalçakfrekanslıelektrostimülasyonunsinirrejenerasyonunakatkısı hem fonksiyonel hem elektrofizyolojik hem de histolojikolarakgösterilmiştir.Bu nedenleaksonotimezisderecesindekibirsinirhasarında,hasarıtakiben2.haftadansonragünlükuygulanacakbifazik,60Hz frekansındakirektangüleralçakfrekanslıakımınsinirinrejenerasyonununakatkısağlayabileceğidolayısıyla da klinikpratiktekullanılmasınınuygunolacağısonucunavarılmıştır. Maliyetinin düşük, non-invaziv ve gerektiğinde hastanın kendisinin kullanabilmesinin avantaj olarak kabul edilebileceği kanaatine varılmıştır.
Becauseoftheirphysiologicalandtopographicalfeatures,peripheralnervesarepronetoinjuries. Nerveinjurymay be theconsequence of infectious, tumoral, autoimmune, genetic, toxicormetabolicdiseases as well as traumaticincidents. Theremay be pain, sensorial (anesthesia, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, disesthesia, allodynia), motor andfunctionaldeficitsinpatientswhohaveperipheral nevre injury. Preventingthesedeficits is crucialforavoidingcomplications, workforcelossandimprovingquality of life. Based on theseissues, weaimedto set a model of sciaticnerveinjury (axonothmesis) in ratsandinvestigatetheeffect of electrotherapy (lowfrequencycurrent) on nerveregeneration. For our study we used 30 Wistar rats. A crush injury (axonotmesis) was applied on the sciatic nerve of all the rats. All the rats undergoing axonotmesisat their sciatic nerve were randomized into a therapy group (low-frequency electrical stimulation) and a sham group. According to the therapy initiation time and the biopsy time, the 18 rats that were scheduled for electrotherapy were divided in 3 subgroups whereas the sham group (12 rats) was divided in 2 subgroups. From the two subgroups of the sham group, on the 15th day Group 1 and on the 30th day Group 2 underwent an electrophysiological study followed by a biopsy procedure. From the subgroups of the main therapy group (named Group 3, 4 and 5), starting from the day after the injury Group 3 was given electrotherapy for 15 days followed by an electrophysiological study on the 15th day and then a biopsy. Starting from the day after the injury, Group 4 was given electrotherapy for 15 days followed by an electrophysiological study on the 30th day and then a biopsy. Starting from the 15th day after the injury Group 5 was given electrotherapy for 15 days until the 30th day after the injury. An electrophysiological study on the 30th day and then a biopsy followed. To assess nerve functionality on the 1st, 15th and 30th day after injury, a walking path analysis was performed and the sciatic functional index (SFI) was calculated. Group 6 was defined as a control group, composed of the other side's uninjured hindlimb. According to all the functional, electrophysiological and histomorphometric findings, the recovery signs were significantly greater in Group 5 compared to groups that were not given electrotherapy (Group 1-2) and those who were given electrotherapy on the first 15 days (Group 3-4). In this study we have investigated the functional, electrophysiological and histomorphometric effects of cutaneously-applied late term low-frequency electrostimulationon nerve regeneration after a crush injury. Therefore, we conclude that for axonotmesis-type nerve injuries, a rectangular biphasic low-frequency current of 60 Hz applied daily 2 weeks after the injury could help nerve regeneration and we judge the procedure to be suitable for clinical usage. Among the noted advantages of the described procedure is that it is non-invasive, low cost and can be applied by the patient himself if need be.
Becauseoftheirphysiologicalandtopographicalfeatures,peripheralnervesarepronetoinjuries. Nerveinjurymay be theconsequence of infectious, tumoral, autoimmune, genetic, toxicormetabolicdiseases as well as traumaticincidents. Theremay be pain, sensorial (anesthesia, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, disesthesia, allodynia), motor andfunctionaldeficitsinpatientswhohaveperipheral nevre injury. Preventingthesedeficits is crucialforavoidingcomplications, workforcelossandimprovingquality of life. Based on theseissues, weaimedto set a model of sciaticnerveinjury (axonothmesis) in ratsandinvestigatetheeffect of electrotherapy (lowfrequencycurrent) on nerveregeneration. For our study we used 30 Wistar rats. A crush injury (axonotmesis) was applied on the sciatic nerve of all the rats. All the rats undergoing axonotmesisat their sciatic nerve were randomized into a therapy group (low-frequency electrical stimulation) and a sham group. According to the therapy initiation time and the biopsy time, the 18 rats that were scheduled for electrotherapy were divided in 3 subgroups whereas the sham group (12 rats) was divided in 2 subgroups. From the two subgroups of the sham group, on the 15th day Group 1 and on the 30th day Group 2 underwent an electrophysiological study followed by a biopsy procedure. From the subgroups of the main therapy group (named Group 3, 4 and 5), starting from the day after the injury Group 3 was given electrotherapy for 15 days followed by an electrophysiological study on the 15th day and then a biopsy. Starting from the day after the injury, Group 4 was given electrotherapy for 15 days followed by an electrophysiological study on the 30th day and then a biopsy. Starting from the 15th day after the injury Group 5 was given electrotherapy for 15 days until the 30th day after the injury. An electrophysiological study on the 30th day and then a biopsy followed. To assess nerve functionality on the 1st, 15th and 30th day after injury, a walking path analysis was performed and the sciatic functional index (SFI) was calculated. Group 6 was defined as a control group, composed of the other side's uninjured hindlimb. According to all the functional, electrophysiological and histomorphometric findings, the recovery signs were significantly greater in Group 5 compared to groups that were not given electrotherapy (Group 1-2) and those who were given electrotherapy on the first 15 days (Group 3-4). In this study we have investigated the functional, electrophysiological and histomorphometric effects of cutaneously-applied late term low-frequency electrostimulationon nerve regeneration after a crush injury. Therefore, we conclude that for axonotmesis-type nerve injuries, a rectangular biphasic low-frequency current of 60 Hz applied daily 2 weeks after the injury could help nerve regeneration and we judge the procedure to be suitable for clinical usage. Among the noted advantages of the described procedure is that it is non-invasive, low cost and can be applied by the patient himself if need be.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation