Türk vatandaşlık hukukunda idari ve yargısal başvuru yolları
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Türk Vatandaşlık Hukukunda İdari ve Yargısal Başvuru Yolları başlığını taşıyan tez üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Vatandaşlık, belirli bir devlet ile kişi arasında karşılıklı hakların ve yükümlülüklerin düzenlendiği hukuksal bir bağ olarak tanımlanabilir. Devletin insan unsuruyla bağlantılı olan vatandaşlık, her şeyden önce bir insan hakkıdır. Nitekim, İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi'nin 15. maddesinde de, herkesin bir yurttaşlığa hakkı olduğu belirtilerek bu husus vurgulanmıştır. Bir insan hakkı olan vatandaşlık aslen kazanılabileceği gibi, sonradan da kazanılabilir. Türk vatandaşlığının kazanılmasına ve kaybına ilişkin hükümler, 5901 sayılı Türk Vatandaşlığı Kanununda düzenlenmiştir. Çalışmanın Birinci Bölümünde; vatandaşlık kavramı, vatandaşlığın hukuki niteliği, vatandaşlık hukukunun kaynakları ve genel ilkeleri ile vatandaşlığın türleri üzerinde durulmuştur. İkinci Bölümde ise, Türk vatandaşlığının sonradan kazanılmasına ve Türk vatandaşlığının kaybına ilişkin konulara değinilmiştir. Türk Vatandaşlığı Kanununa göre Türk vatandaşlığı; yetkili makam kararıyla, evlat edinilme yoluyla ve seçme hakkının kullanılması kazanılabiliyor iken, kişinin iradesine bağlı olarak ve kişinin iradesi dışında kaybedilebilir. Kişi kendi isteğiyle Türk vatandaşlığından çıkabilir veya seçme hakkını kullanmak suretiyle Türk vatandaşlığı sona erebilir. Bazı durumlarda da kişinin iradesi dışında yetkili makamın kararıyla Türk vatandaşlığı iptal edilebilir veya Türk vatandaşlığı kaybettirilebilir. Kanuna göre başvuru makamları, Türkiye içinde ikamet edilen yer valiliği, yurt dışında ise dış temsilciliklerdir. Türk vatandaşlığının kazanılmasında ve kaybında karar veren yetkili makamlar kimi zaman İçişleri Bakanlığı, kimi zaman da Cumhurbaşkanıdır. Türk Vatandaşlığını sona erdiren veya Türk Vatandaşlığının kazanılması için yapılan başvurunun reddi üzerine verilen kararlara karşı Anayasa gereği dava açılabilir. İçişleri Bakanlığının kararlarına karşı Ankara İdare Mahkemesi'nde, Cumhurbaşkanı kararları için ilk derece olarak Danıştay'da dava açılabilir. "Türk Vatandaşlık Hukukunda Yargı Yolu" başlığını taşıyan Üçüncü Bölümde; Ankara İdare Mahkemesi'nin veya Danıştay'ın somut olayı nasıl ele aldığı incelenmiş olup, Türk vatandaşlığının sonradan kazanılması ile Türk vatandaşlığının kaybı ile ilgili ilk inceleme üzerine verilen kararlara ve esastan verilen kararlara yer verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Vatandaşlığın Kazanılması, Vatandaşlığın Kaybı, İdari Yargı Yolu.
The thesis titled "Administrative and Judicial Remedies in Turkish Citizenship Law" is made up of three sections. Citizenship can be defined as a legal link of mutual rights and obligations between a particular state and person. The citizenship linked with the human factor of the state is, first and foremost, a human right. As a matter of fact, this point is highlighted under the Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by stating that everyone has the right of having a citizenship. Citizenship, that is a human right, can be gained essentially, or it can be won later. Judgements with regards to the acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship have been regulated by the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901. In the first section of the study; the concept of citizenship, the legal nature of citizenship, the sources and general principles of citizenship law and the types of citizenship are emphasized. The acquisition of Turkish citizenship and the loss of Turkish citizenship have been described in the second section. While Turkish citizenship can be gained by the decision of the competent authority, through adoption and the exercise of the right to choose according to Turkish Citizenship Law, it may be lost depending on the intent of the person and out of the person's intent. A person may renounce his/her Turkish citizenship or Turkish citizenship may be terminated by exercising his right of choice. In some cases, Turkish citizenship may be cancelled or Turkish citizenship may be lost by the decision of the competent authority. According to the law, competent authorities are the Governor of the place of residence in Turkey or the Turkish legal foreign representative offices in abroad. The competent authorities deciding on the acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship are sometimes the Ministry of Interior and sometimes the President of Turkish Republic. In case of termination of Turkish citizenship or rejection of the application for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship, a lawsuit can be brought according to the provisions of the Constitution. The lawsuit can be brought In the Administrative Court of Ankara against the decisions of the Ministry of Interior or in the Council of State, as the first degree, for the decisions of the President. In the Third Section entitled "Judicial Remedy in Turkish Citizenship Law"; how the Administrative Court of Ankara or the Council of State have handled the tangible event has been examined and the decisions on the first examination of the loss of Turkish citizenship and the decisions made on the essence have been included. Keywords: Acquisition of Citizenship, Loss of Citizenship, Administrative Jurisdiction
The thesis titled "Administrative and Judicial Remedies in Turkish Citizenship Law" is made up of three sections. Citizenship can be defined as a legal link of mutual rights and obligations between a particular state and person. The citizenship linked with the human factor of the state is, first and foremost, a human right. As a matter of fact, this point is highlighted under the Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by stating that everyone has the right of having a citizenship. Citizenship, that is a human right, can be gained essentially, or it can be won later. Judgements with regards to the acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship have been regulated by the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901. In the first section of the study; the concept of citizenship, the legal nature of citizenship, the sources and general principles of citizenship law and the types of citizenship are emphasized. The acquisition of Turkish citizenship and the loss of Turkish citizenship have been described in the second section. While Turkish citizenship can be gained by the decision of the competent authority, through adoption and the exercise of the right to choose according to Turkish Citizenship Law, it may be lost depending on the intent of the person and out of the person's intent. A person may renounce his/her Turkish citizenship or Turkish citizenship may be terminated by exercising his right of choice. In some cases, Turkish citizenship may be cancelled or Turkish citizenship may be lost by the decision of the competent authority. According to the law, competent authorities are the Governor of the place of residence in Turkey or the Turkish legal foreign representative offices in abroad. The competent authorities deciding on the acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship are sometimes the Ministry of Interior and sometimes the President of Turkish Republic. In case of termination of Turkish citizenship or rejection of the application for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship, a lawsuit can be brought according to the provisions of the Constitution. The lawsuit can be brought In the Administrative Court of Ankara against the decisions of the Ministry of Interior or in the Council of State, as the first degree, for the decisions of the President. In the Third Section entitled "Judicial Remedy in Turkish Citizenship Law"; how the Administrative Court of Ankara or the Council of State have handled the tangible event has been examined and the decisions on the first examination of the loss of Turkish citizenship and the decisions made on the essence have been included. Keywords: Acquisition of Citizenship, Loss of Citizenship, Administrative Jurisdiction
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hukuk, Law