Farklı lazer sistemlerinin ve povidon iyodürün P.Gingivalis ve P.İntermedia biyofilmi bulunan implant yüzeyleri üzerine etkisi: İn vitro bir çalışma
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş: İmplantasyon, diş replasmanı için en yaygın uygulanan tedavi seçeneklerinden biridir. İmplant komplikasyonları arasında bakteriyel kolonizasyon, biyofilm oluşumu ve buna bağlı peri-implantitis önemli rol oynamaktadır. Peri-implant hastalıkların hem cerrahi olmayan hem de cerrahi tedavisine temel yaklaşım, titanyum yüzeyinde oluşan bakteriyel biyofilmin azaltılması veya tamamen ortadan kaldırılmasıdır. Periodontitis ve peri-implantitis tedavisi için temel ve ortak unsur etkilenen yüzeyin (diş veya implant) debridmanı gibi görünmektedir. İmplantın pürüzlü yüzeyleri ilk mikrobiyal yapışmayı ve karmaşık biyofilmlerin oluşumunu kolaylaştırır ve implant yüzeylerinin yeterli debridmanını çok zorlaştırır. Bu nedenle, cerrahi olmayan tedavi sonuçlarını iyileştirmek için patojenik biyofilmlerin ortadan kaldırılması için antibiyotikler ve antiseptikler ve lazerler gibi ek terapötik yaklaşımlar önerilmiştir. Çalışmamızın amacı, yüzeyinde P. intermedia ve P. gingivalis biyofilmi bulunan implantların salin, Povidon iyodür (PVP-İ), diyot lazer ve Er:YAG lazer ile dekontaminasyonlarının spektrofotometrik analiz ve SEM ile görüntüleme yöntemleri kullanılarak karşılaştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu tez çalışmasında 4 mm çapında ve 13 mm uzunluğunda toplam 96 adet SLA (Sandblasted and acid-etched) yüzeyli, grade 4 özelliğine sahip steril titanyum implant kullanılmıştır. İmplantlar, yüzeylerinde P. intermedia ve P. gingivalis biyofilmleri oluşturulmak üzere her mikroorganizma için 48 implant bulunacak şekilde ayrılmışlardır. Çalışmamızda PVP-İ ve çeşitli lazerlerin ayrı ayrı ve birlikte peri-implant hastalıklarda en çok etkili olan mikroorganizmalardan olan P. intermedia ve P. gingivalis üzerine etkinliği değerlendirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda altı adet grup belirlenmiştir: 1.Salin ile yıkama grubu (n=16), 2. PVP-İ ile dekontaminasyon grubu (n=16), 3. Diyot lazer ile dekontaminasyon grubu (n=16), 4. Er:YAG lazer ile dekontaminasyon grubu (n=16), 5. PVP-İ ve diyot lazer ile dekontaminasyon grubu (n=16), 6 PVP-İ ve Er:YAG lazer ile dekontaminasyon grubu (n=16). Her grupta P. gingivalis için sekiz ve P.intermedia için sekizer adet implant yüzeyi kullanılmıştır. Uygun PVP-İ dozunun tayini için Minumum İnhibisyon Konsantrasyon (MİK) testi yapılmıştır. Uygulama yapılan implant yüzeylerindeki biyofilm miktarlarının anlaşılabilmesi için ise spektofotometrik analiz ve implantların taramalı elektron mikroskobu görüntüleri incelenmiştir. Bulgular: MİK testi sonucu PVP-İ'nin uygulanan her dozda seçilen mikroorganizmalar üzerinde antibakteriyel etkisi olduğu ve üremeyi durdurduğu tespit edilmiştir. Uygulanan işlemler sonrasında geride bırakılan biyofilm tabakasının değerlendirilmesinde kullanılan spektrofotometrik analize göre PVP-İ ve lazerlerin hepsi, birlikte veya ayrı ayrı mikroorganizma biyofilmlerini elimine etmekte başarılı olmuştur, (+) kontrol grubuyla arada istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardır. SEM görüntüleri değerlendirildiğinde hiçbir uygulama yapılmayan implant yüzeyinde göre tüm grupların etkili bulunduğu görülmüştür. Sonuçlar: PVP-İ ile birlikte uygulanan diyot lazer ve Er:YAG lazer gruplarında herhangi bir mikroorganizma SEM ile tespit edilememiştir, spektrofotometrik analize göre absorbans değerleri daha düşük bulunmuştur, bu da lazer uygulama sonrası PVP-İ kullanımı yapılmasının uygun olduğunu göstermektedir. Klinik olarak etkinliklerini değerlendiren daha fazla çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.
Introduction: Implantation is one of the most common treatment options for tooth replacement. Bacterial colonization, biofilm formation and related peri-implantitis play an important role among implant complications. The basic approach to both non-surgical and surgical treatment of peri-implant diseases is the reduction or complete elimination of the bacterial biofilm formed on the titanium surface. The basic and common element for the treatment of periodontitis and peri-implantitis seems to be debridement of the affected surface (tooth or implant). The rough surfaces of the implant facilitate initial microbial adhesion and the formation of complex biofilms, making adequate debridement of implant surfaces very difficult. Therefore, antibiotics for elimination of pathogenic biofilms and additional therapeutic approaches such as antiseptics and lasers have been proposed to improve non- surgical treatment outcomes. The aim of our study is to compare the decontamination of implants with P. intermedia and P. gingivalis biofilm on the surface with saline, Povidone iodide (PVP-I), diode laser and Er:YAG laser using spectrophotometric analysis and SEM imaging methods. Materials and Methods: In this study, a total of 96 SLA (Sandblasted and acid-etched) surface, grade 4 sterile titanium implants with a diameter of 4 mm and a length of 13 mm were used. Implants were divided into 48 implants for each microorganism, with P. intermedia and P. gingivalis biofilms formed on their surfaces. In our study, the effectiveness of PVP-I and various lasers separately and together on P. intermedia and P. gingivalis, which are the most effective microorganisms in peri-implant diseases, were evaluated. In this context, six groups were determined: 1. Saline decontamination group (n=16), 2. PVP-I decontamination group (n=16), 3. Diode laser decontamination group (n=16), 4. Er: YAG laser decontamination group (n=16), 5th PVP-I and diode laser decontamination group (n=16), 6 PVP-I and Er:YAG laser decontamination group (n=16). Eight implant surfaces were used for P. gingivalis and eight for P. intermedia in each group. The Minimum Inhibition Concentration (MIC) test was performed to determine the appropriate dose of PVP-I. In order to understand the amount of biofilm on the applied implant surfaces, spectrophotometric analysis and scanning electron microscope images of the implants were examined. Results: As a result of the MIC test, it was determined that PVP-I had an antibacterial effect on the selected microorganisms at each dose and stopped their growth. According to the spectrophotometric analysis used in the evaluation of the biofilm layer left behind after the applied procedures, all of the PVP-I and lasers were successful in eliminating the microorganism biofilms together or separately, there is a statistically significant difference with the (+) control group. When the SEM images were evaluated, it was seen that all groups were found to be effective compared to the implant surface, where no application was made. Conclusion: In the diode laser and Er:YAG laser groups applied together with PVP-I, no microorganisms could be detected by SEM, the absorbance values were found to be lower according to the spectrophotometric analysis, which shows that it is appropriate to use PVP-I after laser application. More studies evaluating their clinical efficacy are needed.
Introduction: Implantation is one of the most common treatment options for tooth replacement. Bacterial colonization, biofilm formation and related peri-implantitis play an important role among implant complications. The basic approach to both non-surgical and surgical treatment of peri-implant diseases is the reduction or complete elimination of the bacterial biofilm formed on the titanium surface. The basic and common element for the treatment of periodontitis and peri-implantitis seems to be debridement of the affected surface (tooth or implant). The rough surfaces of the implant facilitate initial microbial adhesion and the formation of complex biofilms, making adequate debridement of implant surfaces very difficult. Therefore, antibiotics for elimination of pathogenic biofilms and additional therapeutic approaches such as antiseptics and lasers have been proposed to improve non- surgical treatment outcomes. The aim of our study is to compare the decontamination of implants with P. intermedia and P. gingivalis biofilm on the surface with saline, Povidone iodide (PVP-I), diode laser and Er:YAG laser using spectrophotometric analysis and SEM imaging methods. Materials and Methods: In this study, a total of 96 SLA (Sandblasted and acid-etched) surface, grade 4 sterile titanium implants with a diameter of 4 mm and a length of 13 mm were used. Implants were divided into 48 implants for each microorganism, with P. intermedia and P. gingivalis biofilms formed on their surfaces. In our study, the effectiveness of PVP-I and various lasers separately and together on P. intermedia and P. gingivalis, which are the most effective microorganisms in peri-implant diseases, were evaluated. In this context, six groups were determined: 1. Saline decontamination group (n=16), 2. PVP-I decontamination group (n=16), 3. Diode laser decontamination group (n=16), 4. Er: YAG laser decontamination group (n=16), 5th PVP-I and diode laser decontamination group (n=16), 6 PVP-I and Er:YAG laser decontamination group (n=16). Eight implant surfaces were used for P. gingivalis and eight for P. intermedia in each group. The Minimum Inhibition Concentration (MIC) test was performed to determine the appropriate dose of PVP-I. In order to understand the amount of biofilm on the applied implant surfaces, spectrophotometric analysis and scanning electron microscope images of the implants were examined. Results: As a result of the MIC test, it was determined that PVP-I had an antibacterial effect on the selected microorganisms at each dose and stopped their growth. According to the spectrophotometric analysis used in the evaluation of the biofilm layer left behind after the applied procedures, all of the PVP-I and lasers were successful in eliminating the microorganism biofilms together or separately, there is a statistically significant difference with the (+) control group. When the SEM images were evaluated, it was seen that all groups were found to be effective compared to the implant surface, where no application was made. Conclusion: In the diode laser and Er:YAG laser groups applied together with PVP-I, no microorganisms could be detected by SEM, the absorbance values were found to be lower according to the spectrophotometric analysis, which shows that it is appropriate to use PVP-I after laser application. More studies evaluating their clinical efficacy are needed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry