Radikal prostatektomi sonrası inkontinans düzelme süresine prostat apeksinde tümör varlığının etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Arka plan ve hedefler: Radikal prostatektomi ( RP ) 10 yıldan uzun yaşam beklentisi olan lokalize prostat kanserli hastalarda küratif tedavidir. Bununla birlikte RP geçiren hastalarda en önemli sorunlardan biri posprostatektomik inkontinanstır ( PPİ ). RP geçirenlerde 3 hafta ile 6 ay arasındaki PPİ oranının % 30-%85 ve kontinans düzelme oranının 1 yılda %95 olduğu bildirilmiştir. RP sonrası inkontinans oranı preopertif faktörler, intraoperatif faktörler ve postoperatif faktörler gibi birçok faktöre bağlıdır. PPİ üzerine prostatik apeksin etkisi daha önceki yayınlarda değerlendirilmişse de apikal infiltrasyonun kontinans geri dönüşümüne etkisi yeterince incelenmemiştir. Bu çalışmada biz prostatik apeks infiltrasyonunun PPİ üzerine olan etkisini prospektif olarak incelemeyi amaçladıkMateryal ve metodlar: Ocak 2008- aralı 2011 tarihleri arasında lokalize prostat kanseri nedeni ile tek bir cerrah tarafından RP yapılan 36 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Analiz için hastalar prostatik apeks infiltrasyonuna göre iki gruba ayrıldı. RP sonrası inkontinans sorgulaması düzenli aralıklarla Incontinence Questionnaire?Short Form (ICIQ-SF) ve günlük kullanılan ped sayısı sorgulaması ile değerlendirildi. Günlük hiç ped kullanmayan hastalar kontinan kabul edildi. Tüm hastaların onkolojik ve fonksiyonel verileri kayıt edildi ( yaş, PSA, Gleason skoru, Prostat ağırlığı, preoperatif erektil fonksiyon, klinik evre, cerrahi sınır pozitifiliği). Preoperatif erektil fonksiyon ereksiyon için bilgi verici IIEF ( International Index Of Erectile Function ) skoru ile değerlendirildi. IIEF skorları ? 18 olan hastalar potens kabul edildi. P değeri <0.05 istatistiksel anlamlı olarak kabul edildi.Bulgular: 1 yılın sonundaki genel kontinans oranı % 90 dı. Apeks infiltrasyonu ? olan grupla apex infiltrasyonu + olan gruplar arasındaki 1. Hafta, 1. ay. 3. Ay, 6. Ay ve 12. Aydaki kontinens oranları sırasıyla % 30- % 0, % 50- %22. 7, % 85- % 45. 5, % 92. 9- %72. 7,% 92. 9-% 86. 4 olarak bulundu ve iki grup arasında istatsitiksel olarak anlamlı fark tespit edildi ( p=0.024 ). Ayrıca analizler patolojik evresi ileri olan ( pT3a, pT3b) hastalarda da kontinens geri dönüşünün uzadığını gösterdi (p=0.022)Sonuç: Sonuçlarımız prostatik apex infiltrasyonunun RP sonrası kontinans geri dönüşümünü anlamlı derecede etkileyebileceğine dair bilgi vermiştir. Sunuçlar ayrıca ileri patolojik evreninde PPİ için bir risk olabileceğini gösterdi. PPİ için apex infiltrasyonun öngörü değerini değerlendirmek için daha geniş çaplı çalışmalara gereksinim vardır.Abahtar kelimeler: Prostat kanseri, radikal prostatektomi, post prostatektomik inkontinans, apikal infiltrasyon, inkontinans ve erektil diskonksiyon sorgulama formları.
Background and purpose: Radical prostatectomy ( RP ) is curative treatment for lokalized prostatic cancer in men theat have more than 10 years life expectancy. One of the major concerns for patients undergoing RP is posprostatectomy incontinence ( PPI ). It has been reported that PPI affects between 30 % and 85 % of men betwen 3 weeks to 6 month postoperatively. Continence recovery has been 95 %. at 1 years The incontinence rate after RP depends on many factors, such as preoperative factors intraoperative factors and postoperative factors The role of prostatic apex on PPI has been assessed to date. However, the impact of prostatic apex infiltration on urinary recover has been poorly adressed to date. We aimed to evaluate the effect of prostatic apex infiltration on PPİ.Materials and Methods: Between January 2008 and December 2011, a total 36 consecutive patients who underwent open retropubic radical prostatectomy by a single surgeon for localized prostate cancer were analyzed. For our analyses, patients were catecorized into two groups according to the prostatic apex infiltration. Urinary incontinence was assessed at regular intervals following RP using validated ICIQ-SF and patient reported 24-hour pad use. Urinary continence was defined as wearing no peds. All patients functional and oncological data were recorded ( age, preoperative PSA, preoperative erectil function, prostate weight, clinical stage, positive surgical margin, Gleason score ). Preoperatively erectil function was assessed by the erectil function domain of the IIEF ( International Index Of Erectile Function ). Potency was defined as IIEF scores ? 18. Statistical significance was considered at p<0.05.Results: Overall urinary continence rate at 1 year was % 90. Ther was a statistical difference between two groups in terms of urinary recovery ( p=0.024 ). The 1 week, 3 weeks, 1 month, 6 months and 1 year postoperative continence rates were 28, 50, 85, 92.9 and 92.9 %, respectively, in patients with apex infiltration (?) group compared with 0, 22.7, 45.5, 72.7 and 86.4 %, respectively, in patients with infiltration (+) group. Analiysis showed that urinary recovery was also delayed in patient with advanced pathologic stage ( pT3a- pT3b). (p=0.022).Conclusion: The result of our study provide evidence that infiltration of the prostatic apex may significantly affect urinary continence recovery after RP. Our results also showed that advanced pathologic stage is a risk for PPI. Further larger sample studies are necessary to evaluate the predictivity of prostatic apex infiltration on PPI.Key Words: Prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy, post- prostatectomy incontinence, apical infiltration, questinoning forms of erectil disfunction and incontinance.
Background and purpose: Radical prostatectomy ( RP ) is curative treatment for lokalized prostatic cancer in men theat have more than 10 years life expectancy. One of the major concerns for patients undergoing RP is posprostatectomy incontinence ( PPI ). It has been reported that PPI affects between 30 % and 85 % of men betwen 3 weeks to 6 month postoperatively. Continence recovery has been 95 %. at 1 years The incontinence rate after RP depends on many factors, such as preoperative factors intraoperative factors and postoperative factors The role of prostatic apex on PPI has been assessed to date. However, the impact of prostatic apex infiltration on urinary recover has been poorly adressed to date. We aimed to evaluate the effect of prostatic apex infiltration on PPİ.Materials and Methods: Between January 2008 and December 2011, a total 36 consecutive patients who underwent open retropubic radical prostatectomy by a single surgeon for localized prostate cancer were analyzed. For our analyses, patients were catecorized into two groups according to the prostatic apex infiltration. Urinary incontinence was assessed at regular intervals following RP using validated ICIQ-SF and patient reported 24-hour pad use. Urinary continence was defined as wearing no peds. All patients functional and oncological data were recorded ( age, preoperative PSA, preoperative erectil function, prostate weight, clinical stage, positive surgical margin, Gleason score ). Preoperatively erectil function was assessed by the erectil function domain of the IIEF ( International Index Of Erectile Function ). Potency was defined as IIEF scores ? 18. Statistical significance was considered at p<0.05.Results: Overall urinary continence rate at 1 year was % 90. Ther was a statistical difference between two groups in terms of urinary recovery ( p=0.024 ). The 1 week, 3 weeks, 1 month, 6 months and 1 year postoperative continence rates were 28, 50, 85, 92.9 and 92.9 %, respectively, in patients with apex infiltration (?) group compared with 0, 22.7, 45.5, 72.7 and 86.4 %, respectively, in patients with infiltration (+) group. Analiysis showed that urinary recovery was also delayed in patient with advanced pathologic stage ( pT3a- pT3b). (p=0.022).Conclusion: The result of our study provide evidence that infiltration of the prostatic apex may significantly affect urinary continence recovery after RP. Our results also showed that advanced pathologic stage is a risk for PPI. Further larger sample studies are necessary to evaluate the predictivity of prostatic apex infiltration on PPI.Key Words: Prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy, post- prostatectomy incontinence, apical infiltration, questinoning forms of erectil disfunction and incontinance.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Üroloji, Urology