Spor bilimleri alanı akademisyenlerinin elektronik spora bakış açılarının incelenmesi
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Elektronik ortamlara erişimin hızla yaygınlaşması ve bilgisayar oyunlarına olan ilginin artması nedeniyle Elektronik Spor hızla artan bir ilgiye sahip olmuştur. Bu ilginin bütün dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de arttığı bilinmektedir. Spor bilimleri alanında görev yapan akademisyenlerin elektronik spora bakış açılarının incelenmesi amaçlayan bu araştırma, tarama modelinde betimsel bir araştırmadır. Araştırma evrenini Türkiye'de spor bilimleri alanında görev yapan akademisyenler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunda 241 kişi yer almıştır. Örneklem grubuna araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler SPSS 20 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Toplanan verilerin çözümlenmesinde yüzde (%), frekans (f) ve aritmetik ortalama (X¯) değerlerinden yararlanılmış, daha sonra elde edilen bulgular yorumlanmıştır. İki ayrı kümenin verdiği cevapların analizinde t-testi, çoklu grup karşılaştırmalarında Anova (tek yönlü varyans analizi) testi, farklılık yaratan grupları belirlemek amacıyla Tukey HSD Çoklu Karşılaştırma ve LSD Çoklu Karşılaştırma Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda araştırmaya katılan akademisyenlerin, "Elektronik Spor, profesyonel bir meslektir", "Elektronik Sporların olimpiyatlarda olması gerektiğine inanıyorum", ''Elektronik Sporun yaygınlaşması desteklenmelidir'' ve "Elektronik Spor oyunları içeriğindeki unsurlar nedeniyle, dini değerlere zarar verme potansiyeli vardır" ifadelerine az katıldıkları belirlenmiştir. Akademisyenlerin, ''Elektronik Spor, sporun doğasına ve mantığına aykırıdır'', ''Elektronik Spor bireyleri bilgisayar başına kilitleyerek hareketsiz yaşamı tetikler'', ''Elektronik Spor fiziksel olarak sağlıklı yaşamdan uzaklaştırır'', ''Elektronik Spor bireyleri yalnızlaştırır'', ''Elektronik Spor bireyleri yaşadığı topluma yabancılaştırır'', ''Elektronik Spor oyunlarının, şiddet ve korku içermesinden dolayı olumsuz etkileri vardır'', ''Elektronik Spor yüz yüze bağlantı gerektirmediğinden, asosyalliği artırır'', ''Elektronik Spor sanal ortamda çokça vakit harcanmasından, katılımcıları gerçek dünyadan uzaklaştırır'', ''Elektronik Spor para kazanmaya aracılık eder'', ''Bilgisayar oyunları, dijital oyunlar ve elektronik spor oyunları aynı şeydir'', ''Elektronik Sporun yaygınlaşmasının, geleneksel sporların yaygınlaşmasına olumsuz etki edeceğine inanıyorum'', ''Elektronik Spor oyunların içeriğindeki unsurlar nedeniyle şiddeti destekler'', ''Elektronik Spor oyunları içeriğindeki unsurlar nedeniyle, kültürel yozlaşma yaratabilir'', ''Elektronik Spor popüler kültürün dayatmasıdır'', ''Elektronik Spor sermaye piyasasının ürünüdür'', ''Elektronik Sporun yaygınlaşması kaçınılmazdır'' ifadelerine katıldıkları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca akademisyenlerin elektronik spora ilişkin görüşleri ile akademisyenlerin çalıştıkları üniversiteler, yaşları, medeni durumları, görev yaptıkları bölümler, akademik unvanları, mesleki kıdemleri, ekonomik durumları, idari görev yapma durumları, bilgisayar oyunu/dijital oyun/internet oyunları oynama durumları, spor branşları ve spor yapma sıklıkları arasında anlamlı farklılaşma olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Due to the rapid spread of access to electronic media and the increased interest in computer games, elektronic sport has gained an increasing interest. As all this is known to increase in the world's interest in Turkey. This research is a descriptive study which aims to examine the perspectives of academicians working in the field of sport sciences to electronic sports. The participants of the study are academicians working in the field of sport sciences in Turkey. The group which is identified as representative is composed of 241 people. A survey that is prepared by the researcher was conducted with representative group. The datas obtained within the research is analyzed with SPSS 20 programme. In the analysis of gathered datas, it is benefited from percent (%), frequency (f) and arithmetic mean (X¯) values and then the obtained results are interpreted. For the answers given by two groups t-test was employed, and for multiple group comparison Anova, to identify the groups that cause difference Tukey HSD Multiple Comparison and LSD Multiple Comparison Tests are used. As a result of the research, it was determined that the academicians participating in the research agreed with the statement "Electronic Sports is a professional profession", "I believe that Electronic Sports should be at the Olympics", ''The proliferation of Electronic Sports should be supported'' and There is the potential to harm religious values due to the elements in Electronic Sports games''. It is determined that academicians agree with the expressions of ''Electronic Sports is against the nature and logic of sport'', ''Electronic Sports triggers still life by locking individuals on the computer'', ''Electronic Sports physically distances people from healthy life'', ''Electronic Sports makes individuals alone'', ''Electronic Sports aliens individuals to the society they live in'', ''Electronic Sports games have negative effects due to their violence and fear'', ''Since Electronic Sports does not require a face-to-face connection, it enhances asceticity'', ''Electronic Sports takes the participants away from the real world from spending a lot of time in the virtual environment'', ''Computer games, digital games and electronic sports games are the same thing'', ''I believe that the spread of Electronic Sports will have a negative effect on the spread of traditional sports'', ''It supports violence due to the content of Electronic Sports games'', ''Due to the elements in Electronic Sports games content, it can create cultural corruption'', ''Electronic Sports day of popular culture'', ''Electronic Sports is the product of the capital market'', '' The spread of Electronic Sports is inevitable''. In addition, a meaningful difference was determined between the views of academicians on electronic sports and the universities they work in, their age, marital status, departments, academic titles, professional seniority, economic status, administrative positions, playing computer games/digital games/internet games, branches and frequencies of doing sports.
Due to the rapid spread of access to electronic media and the increased interest in computer games, elektronic sport has gained an increasing interest. As all this is known to increase in the world's interest in Turkey. This research is a descriptive study which aims to examine the perspectives of academicians working in the field of sport sciences to electronic sports. The participants of the study are academicians working in the field of sport sciences in Turkey. The group which is identified as representative is composed of 241 people. A survey that is prepared by the researcher was conducted with representative group. The datas obtained within the research is analyzed with SPSS 20 programme. In the analysis of gathered datas, it is benefited from percent (%), frequency (f) and arithmetic mean (X¯) values and then the obtained results are interpreted. For the answers given by two groups t-test was employed, and for multiple group comparison Anova, to identify the groups that cause difference Tukey HSD Multiple Comparison and LSD Multiple Comparison Tests are used. As a result of the research, it was determined that the academicians participating in the research agreed with the statement "Electronic Sports is a professional profession", "I believe that Electronic Sports should be at the Olympics", ''The proliferation of Electronic Sports should be supported'' and There is the potential to harm religious values due to the elements in Electronic Sports games''. It is determined that academicians agree with the expressions of ''Electronic Sports is against the nature and logic of sport'', ''Electronic Sports triggers still life by locking individuals on the computer'', ''Electronic Sports physically distances people from healthy life'', ''Electronic Sports makes individuals alone'', ''Electronic Sports aliens individuals to the society they live in'', ''Electronic Sports games have negative effects due to their violence and fear'', ''Since Electronic Sports does not require a face-to-face connection, it enhances asceticity'', ''Electronic Sports takes the participants away from the real world from spending a lot of time in the virtual environment'', ''Computer games, digital games and electronic sports games are the same thing'', ''I believe that the spread of Electronic Sports will have a negative effect on the spread of traditional sports'', ''It supports violence due to the content of Electronic Sports games'', ''Due to the elements in Electronic Sports games content, it can create cultural corruption'', ''Electronic Sports day of popular culture'', ''Electronic Sports is the product of the capital market'', '' The spread of Electronic Sports is inevitable''. In addition, a meaningful difference was determined between the views of academicians on electronic sports and the universities they work in, their age, marital status, departments, academic titles, professional seniority, economic status, administrative positions, playing computer games/digital games/internet games, branches and frequencies of doing sports.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Spor, Sports