Farklı bina parametrelerine bağlı olarak kil tuğla duvarlı binaların risk oranlarının RBTE-2013 ve RYTEİE-2019 yönetmeliklerine göre belirlenmesi
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Türkiye'de mevcut bina stokunun yaklaşık %50'si yığma olup, genel olarak 2000 öncesi yapılmışlardır. Bu binalar genel olarak duvar ustasının marifeti ile bazı konstrüktif kurallar doğrultusunda statik analizleri yapılmadan inşaa edilmiş olması nedeniyle deprem riski yüksek olan yapılardır. Bu çalışmasının konusu, 2012 yılında yürürlüğe giren 6306 sayılı Kentsel Dönüşüm Kanunu kapsamında Riskli Bina Tespit Esasları-2013 (RBTE-2013) ve Riskli Yapı Tespit Edilmesine İlişkin Esaslar-2019 (RYTEİE-2019) yönetmeliklerine göre değişken zemin sınıfı, deprem bölgesi, duvar cinsi ve kat adedine bağlı olarak örnekleme seçilen yığma binaların "riskli" ya da "risksiz" olduğunun tespit edilmesi ve karşılaştırılmasıdır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, Ankara ili yerleşkesinden örnekleme seçilmiş, birçok bina 2013 yönetmeliğine göre risksiz iken değişen analiz parametrelerine bağlı olarak, 2019 yönetmeliğine göre riskliye dönüştüğü görülmüştür. Zemin sınıfı kötüleştikçe 2013 yönetmeliğine göre bina risk durumu değişmezken, 2019'a göre risk oranları artmış ve bazı binalar riskli olmuştur. Her iki yönetmelikte de deprem bölgesi riski arttıkça bina risk oranlarının da arttığı görülmüştür. Duvar cinsinin, her iki yönetmelik içinde önemli bir parametre olduğu, ancak 2019 da örgü harcının kötü seçilmesi durumunda binanın risk oranını artırdığı görülmüştür. 2013 şartnamesindeki µ=0,5'e bağlı olarak, ii kat adedinin artması ile bazen bina risk oranının azaldığı görülmüşse de 2019 şartnamesinde µ=0,4'e indirilmesi ile risk oranının arttığı görülmüştür.
Approximately 50% of existing building stock which is generally made before 2000 in Turkey, is upsetting. These buildings are generally structures with a high risk of earthquakes since they were built by the mason in accordance with some constructive rules without static analysis. The purpose of this study is the determination and comparison of the masonry buildings selected as sampling depending on the type and number of floors, variable soil class, earthquake zone and wall materials whether they are "risky" or "risk free" in accordance with both the Risky Building Determination Principles-2013 (RBDP2013) and the Principles Regarding the Determination of Risky Buildings-2019 (PRDRB-2019) within the scope of Urban Transformation Law No.6306, which entered into force in 2012. With this study, it was seen that many buildings, chosen from Ankara territory as a sample, that were risk-free according to the 2013 regulation turned into risky according to the 2019 regulation, depending on the changing analysis parameters. As the ground class deteriorated, the building risk situation did not change according to the 2013 regulation, while the risk rates increased compared to 2019 and some buildings became risky. In both regulations, it has been observed that as the earthquake zone risk iv increases, the building risk rates also increase. It has been observed that the wall type is an important parameter in both regulations, but in 2019, if the masonry mortar is chosen poorly, the risk rate of the building increases. Depending on the µ = 0.5 in the 2013 specification, it was observed that the building risk ratio sometimes decreased with the increase in the number of floors, but it was observed that the risk ratio increased with the reduction to µ = 0.4 in the 2019 specification.
Approximately 50% of existing building stock which is generally made before 2000 in Turkey, is upsetting. These buildings are generally structures with a high risk of earthquakes since they were built by the mason in accordance with some constructive rules without static analysis. The purpose of this study is the determination and comparison of the masonry buildings selected as sampling depending on the type and number of floors, variable soil class, earthquake zone and wall materials whether they are "risky" or "risk free" in accordance with both the Risky Building Determination Principles-2013 (RBDP2013) and the Principles Regarding the Determination of Risky Buildings-2019 (PRDRB-2019) within the scope of Urban Transformation Law No.6306, which entered into force in 2012. With this study, it was seen that many buildings, chosen from Ankara territory as a sample, that were risk-free according to the 2013 regulation turned into risky according to the 2019 regulation, depending on the changing analysis parameters. As the ground class deteriorated, the building risk situation did not change according to the 2013 regulation, while the risk rates increased compared to 2019 and some buildings became risky. In both regulations, it has been observed that as the earthquake zone risk iv increases, the building risk rates also increase. It has been observed that the wall type is an important parameter in both regulations, but in 2019, if the masonry mortar is chosen poorly, the risk rate of the building increases. Depending on the µ = 0.5 in the 2013 specification, it was observed that the building risk ratio sometimes decreased with the increase in the number of floors, but it was observed that the risk ratio increased with the reduction to µ = 0.4 in the 2019 specification.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Yapı Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Deprem Mühendisliği, Earthquake Engineering, İnşaat Mühendisliği