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Küreselleşme kavramının tanımı için ortak bir paydada buluşulamadığı gibi tarihsel süreci hakkında da birçok görüş mevcuttur. Küreselleşme toplumun her alanını tüm boyutlarıyla etkilediği için bir bütün olarak incelense de ekonomik boyutunun dünya tarihindeki popülaritesinin daha fazla olduğu görülmektedir. Özellikle küresel ticarette dönemsel olarak yaşanan serbestleştirici yada korumacı politika geçişleri toplumların gelişim süreçlerine etkisi oldukça fazladır. Ülkeler ekonomik kriz, savaş ve bunalım dönemlerinde dış ticarette korumacı politikalara yönelirken diğer dönemlerde serbestleştirici politikaları uyguladıkları görülmektedir. Bu çerçevede küreselleşme süreciyle birlikte hem klasik hem de yeni korumacı politikalar incelenmiş olup özellikle 1970'li yıllardan sonra uygulanmaya başlayan yeni korumacı politikaların küreselleşme süreci üzerindeki etkisi üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışmada yeni korumacı politikaların küresel ticarete etkisinin klasik korumacı politikalara göre daha az olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca serbestleştirici ve yeni korumacı politikalar arasında yaşanan dönemsel geçişlerin küresel ticarete etkisinin zararlı olduğu görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Küreselleşme, Yeni Korumacılık, Dış Ticaret
There is no common ground for the definition of the concept of globalization, and there are many opinions about its historical process.Although globalization is examined as a whole because it affects every aspect of society with all its dimensions, it is seen that its economic dimension is more popular in world history.Especially in global trade, periodical liberalization or protectionist policy transitions have a great impact on the development processes of societies.It is seen that while countries tend to protectionist policies in foreign trade during periods of economic crisis, war and depression, they apply liberalizing policies in other periods.In this framework, together with the globalization process, both classical and new protectionist policies have been examined, and the effect of new protectionist policies, which started to be implemented after the 1970s, on the globalization process has been emphasized.In the study, it has been observed that the effect of new protectionist policies on global trade is less than classical protectionist policies.In addition, it has been seen that the effect of periodic transitions between liberalizing and new protectionist policies on global trade is harmful. Key Words: Globalization, New Protectionism, Foreign Trade
There is no common ground for the definition of the concept of globalization, and there are many opinions about its historical process.Although globalization is examined as a whole because it affects every aspect of society with all its dimensions, it is seen that its economic dimension is more popular in world history.Especially in global trade, periodical liberalization or protectionist policy transitions have a great impact on the development processes of societies.It is seen that while countries tend to protectionist policies in foreign trade during periods of economic crisis, war and depression, they apply liberalizing policies in other periods.In this framework, together with the globalization process, both classical and new protectionist policies have been examined, and the effect of new protectionist policies, which started to be implemented after the 1970s, on the globalization process has been emphasized.In the study, it has been observed that the effect of new protectionist policies on global trade is less than classical protectionist policies.In addition, it has been seen that the effect of periodic transitions between liberalizing and new protectionist policies on global trade is harmful. Key Words: Globalization, New Protectionism, Foreign Trade
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ekonomi, Economics