Üst ekstremite sinir bloğu yapılması planlanan hastalarda uygulanacak anestezi yöntemi ile ilgili farkındalığın değerlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Periferik sinir blokları (PSB) genellikle anestezi amacıyla tek başına veya genel anesteziye ek olarak postoperatif analjezi amacıyla kullanılır. PSB yapılması planlanan hastaların operasyon öncesi başlayan ve operasyon sonrası dönemde de devam eden uygulanacak anestezi yöntemi ile ilgili anksiyetesi olacaktır. Özellikle yüksek anksiyete düzeyi; cerrahiyi, anesteziyi ve postoperatif iyileşmeyi olumsuz etkilemektedir. Preoperatif değerlendirmede hastanın anestezistini tanıması ve onunla iletişim kurması, anksiyetenin varlığını ve şiddetini doğrudan belirlemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı üst ekstremite sinir bloğu planlanan hastaların bilgi düzeylerini belirlemek ve hastaları bilgilendirerek kaygılarını azaltmaktır. Ekim 2021-Mart 2022 tarihleri arasında üst ekstremite sinir bloğu yapılması planlanan 120 hastaya ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası anket uygulandı. Ardından preoperatif dönemde yapılan anketteki 5. soruya göre hastalar, sinir bloğu anestezisi sırasında ağrıdan endişe edenler (Endişeli Grubu; n=50) ve endişe etmeyenler (Endişesiz Grubu; n=70) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Bu hastaların ameliyat öncesi ve ameliyat sonrası uygulanan anketlere verdikleri cevaplar incelendi. Yaptığımız çalışma sonucunda, hastaların üst ekstremite sinir bloğu hakkında yeterli bilgi ve farkındalığının bulunmadığı ve bu durumun hastalarda anksiyeteye neden olduğu belirlendi. Anestezistin operasyon öncesi dönemde hastalara yeterli zaman ayırarak, blok süreci ile ilgili hastaları bilgilendirmesi halinde, hastaların endişe ve korkularının önemli oranda azalacağı kanaatindeyiz.
Peripheral nerve blocks are usually used either alone or along with general anesthesia for postoperative analgesia. Patients who are planned to undergo peripheral nevre block will have anxiety about the anesthesia method to be applied, which starts before the operation and continues in the post-operative period. Especially high level of anxiety; adversely affects surgery, anesthesia and postoperative recovery. In the preoperative evaluation, the patient's recognition and communication with the anesthetist directly determines the presence and severity of anxiety. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge level of patients who are planned to undergo upper extremity nerve block and to reduce their anxiety by informing the patients. A preoperative and postoperative questionnaire was applied to 120 patients who were planned to undergo upper extremity nerve block between October 2021 and March 2022. Then, according to the 5th question in the preoperative questionnaire, the patients were divided into two groups as those who were worried about pain during nerve block anesthesia (Anxious Group; n=50) and those who were not worried (Non-anxious Group; n=70). The answers of these patients to the preoperative and postoperative questionnaires were analyzed. As a result of our study, it was determined that the patients did not have knowledge and awareness about upper extremity nerve block and this situation caused anxiety in the patients. We believe that if the anesthesiologist spares enough time and informs the patients about the block process in the preoperative period, the anxiety and fears of the patients will decrease significantly.
Peripheral nerve blocks are usually used either alone or along with general anesthesia for postoperative analgesia. Patients who are planned to undergo peripheral nevre block will have anxiety about the anesthesia method to be applied, which starts before the operation and continues in the post-operative period. Especially high level of anxiety; adversely affects surgery, anesthesia and postoperative recovery. In the preoperative evaluation, the patient's recognition and communication with the anesthetist directly determines the presence and severity of anxiety. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge level of patients who are planned to undergo upper extremity nerve block and to reduce their anxiety by informing the patients. A preoperative and postoperative questionnaire was applied to 120 patients who were planned to undergo upper extremity nerve block between October 2021 and March 2022. Then, according to the 5th question in the preoperative questionnaire, the patients were divided into two groups as those who were worried about pain during nerve block anesthesia (Anxious Group; n=50) and those who were not worried (Non-anxious Group; n=70). The answers of these patients to the preoperative and postoperative questionnaires were analyzed. As a result of our study, it was determined that the patients did not have knowledge and awareness about upper extremity nerve block and this situation caused anxiety in the patients. We believe that if the anesthesiologist spares enough time and informs the patients about the block process in the preoperative period, the anxiety and fears of the patients will decrease significantly.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anestezi ve Reanimasyon, Anesthesiology and Reanimation