Rozaseli hastalarda aleksitiminin değerlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Rozase; stres ve psikolojik faktörlerin yanı sıra immün disfonksiyonun tetikleyici rolü olduğu düşünülmekle birlikte etyopatogenezi halen tam olarak açıklanamamış kronik bir hastalıktır. Yüzün santral konveksitelerini etkileyen heterojen dermatolojik bulgular sergileyen rozasenin anksiyete ve depresyon dahil pek çok psikolojik durum ile birliktelik gösterebildiği önceden bildirilmiştir. Aleksitimi "duygularını tanıma ve sözel olarak tanımlamada yetersizlik" olarak tarif edilen bir kişilik yapısıdır. Aleksitimik kişilik özelliklerinin; strese karşı genel duyarlılığı arttırdığı, immün disfonksiyona neden olduğu, somatik bozukluklar dahil birçok medikal ve psikiyatrik bozukluk için risk faktörü olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bugüne kadar rozase ve aleksitimi arasında herhangi bir ilişki olduğuna dair bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Biz bu kontrollü çalışmada; aleksitiminin rozase gelişimi için bir risk faktörü olduğunu varsayımından yola çıkarak rozase ile aleksitimik yapı arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesini amaçlamaktayız. Yöntem: Çalışmamız, hasta grubu olarak Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar AD polikliniğine başvuran, 50 rozaseli hasta ile yaş ve cinsiyet dağılımı uyumlu 50 sağlıklı erişkinden oluşan kontrol grubu üzerinde, bilgilendirilmiş onam formları alındıktan sonra gerçekleştirilmiştir. Grupların değerlendirilmesi ve klinik/sosyodemografik veri formlarına kayıt alınması sonrası tüm olgulardan Toronto Aleksitimi Ölçeği-20 (TAÖ-20), Hastane Anksiyete ve Depresyon Ölçeği (HAD) ile Genel Sağlık Anketini (GSA) doldurmaları istenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerle her olgu için aleksitimi, anksiyete ve depresyon riski skorları hesaplanmış, gruplar arası farklar ve parametrelerin arasındaki ilişki açısından istatistiksel analizler uygulanmış, istatistiksel anlamlılık sınırı (p<0.005) kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: Hasta grubu ile kontrol grubu karşılaştırıldığında TAÖ-20, HAD ve GSA skorları açısından hasta grubunda tüm skorlar kontrol grubu olgularına ait değerlerden istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek bulunmuştur. TAÖ'nün duyguları tanımada güçlük (TAÖ-1), duyguları söze dökmede güçlük (TAÖ-2) ve dışa-dönük düşünme (TAÖ-3) alt ölçekleri açısından hasta grubu ile kontrol grubu karşılaştırıldığında; TAÖ-1 ve TAÖ-2 puanları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ölçüde farklı bulunurken, TAÖ-3 puanları açısından anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır. Hasta ve kontrol gruplarının TAÖ-20 skorları: "0-50", "51-60", "61-100" olarak yeniden derecelendirilerek sırasıyla "aleksitimi yok", "sınırda aleksitimik", "yüksek aleksitimik" olarak gruplar sınıflandırıldığında; hastaların %44'ünde aleksitimi yokken, %42'si sınırda aleksitimik, %14'ü yüksek aleksitimik olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Kontrol grubunun ise %78'inde aleksitimi yokken, %22'sinde sadece sınırda aleksitimi olduğu belirlenmiştir ve gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark tespit edilmiştir (p< 0.05). Sonuç: Çalışmamız sonucunda; TAÖ-20, HAD ve GSA skorları değerlendirilerek rozase hastalığı ile aleksitimi ve diğer psikiyatrik belirtiler arasında anlamlı ilişkinin olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Aleksitimik kişilik yapısının; rozaseyi tetikleyen strese karşı ve immün disfonksiyon oluşturarak somatik bozukluğa yol açmış olabileceği düşünülmüştür. İkincil bir hedef olarak; aleksitimi varlığında hastaya sağlanacak psikiyatrik desteğin rozasenin klinik gidişi ve tedavisinde olumlu katkı sağlaması olası görünmektedir, bu konuda geniş serilerde yürütülecek ileri çalışmaların konuya derinlik kazandıracağına inanmaktayız. Anahtar Kelimeler: Rozase, aleksitimi, psikodermatoloji, Toronto Aleksitimi Ölçeği-20, Hastane Anksiyete ve Depresyon Ölçeği, Genel Sağlık Anketi.
Aim: Rosacea; is a chronic disease for which stress and psychological factors, as well as immune dysfunction are thought to play a role though the exact pathogenesis has not been fully explained yet. Rosacea that mainly affects the central convexities of the face, manifests with heterogenous dermatological findings and has been reported to be accompanied by many psycological situations including anxiety and depression. Alexithymia as a personality construct is described as "inability to identifying and verbalizing emotions". Alexitymic personality characteristics are thought to alter the general susceptibility to stress, cause immune dysfunction and represent a risk factor for a variety of medical and psychiatric disorders including somatic disorders. So far, any relationship between alexithymia and rosacea has not been investigated. We hypothesize that alexithymia may be a risk factor for developing rosacea. In this controlled study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship between alexithymic personality structure and rosacea. Method: Our study has been conducted on 50 rosacea patients admitted to the Dermatology Department of Kırıkkale University, School of Medicine as "the patients' group", and age - sex matched 50 adult healthy volunteers as "the control group", and after giving the written consent. In this study, following the evaluation of the groups and recording on the clinical/sociodemographic data forms, all cases were asked to fill the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and the General Health Questionnaire (GSQ). The data obtained for each patient with alexithymia, anxiety and depression risk scores were calculated; differences between the groups and to assess the relationship between these parameters, statistical analysis was applied and limit of statistical significance was adopted as (p <0.005). Results: The TAS-20, HAD and GSQ total scores, were found to be statistically significantly higher in the patients group compared to the control group. When the patient group and the control group compared to each other via emotion recognition difficulties task (TAS-1), feelings verbalise difficulty task (TAS-2) and outward-oriented thinking task (TAS-3) subscales of Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS), there were statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of TAS-1 scores and TAS-2 scores whereas there was no difference in terms of TAS-3 task scores. When TAS-20 scores of the groups were re-scaled as "0-50", "51-60", "61-100" and respectively classified as "without alexithymia", viii "borderline alexithymia" and "high alexithymia" statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were detected between patient group and control groups. There was no alexithymia in 44% of patients, borderline alexithymia in 42% of patients and high alexithymia in 14% of patients while there was no alexithymia in 78% of the control group, and only borderline alexithymia in 22 %. Conclusion: Our study evaluating the TAS-20, HAD and GSQ scores has revealed that there is a significant relationship between rosacea and, alexithymia and several psychiatric symptoms. It is thought that alexithymic personality may cause susceptibility to stress and immune dysfunction in rosacea patients leading to a somatic disorder. As a secondary goal, we belive that psychiatric support provided to these patients may contribute to the clinical outcome and treatment of rosacea patients, we suggest that advanced studies on this issue carried out on larger series will maintain depth to the subject. Key words: Rosacea, alexithymia, psychodermatogy, Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, General Health Questionnaire
Aim: Rosacea; is a chronic disease for which stress and psychological factors, as well as immune dysfunction are thought to play a role though the exact pathogenesis has not been fully explained yet. Rosacea that mainly affects the central convexities of the face, manifests with heterogenous dermatological findings and has been reported to be accompanied by many psycological situations including anxiety and depression. Alexithymia as a personality construct is described as "inability to identifying and verbalizing emotions". Alexitymic personality characteristics are thought to alter the general susceptibility to stress, cause immune dysfunction and represent a risk factor for a variety of medical and psychiatric disorders including somatic disorders. So far, any relationship between alexithymia and rosacea has not been investigated. We hypothesize that alexithymia may be a risk factor for developing rosacea. In this controlled study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship between alexithymic personality structure and rosacea. Method: Our study has been conducted on 50 rosacea patients admitted to the Dermatology Department of Kırıkkale University, School of Medicine as "the patients' group", and age - sex matched 50 adult healthy volunteers as "the control group", and after giving the written consent. In this study, following the evaluation of the groups and recording on the clinical/sociodemographic data forms, all cases were asked to fill the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and the General Health Questionnaire (GSQ). The data obtained for each patient with alexithymia, anxiety and depression risk scores were calculated; differences between the groups and to assess the relationship between these parameters, statistical analysis was applied and limit of statistical significance was adopted as (p <0.005). Results: The TAS-20, HAD and GSQ total scores, were found to be statistically significantly higher in the patients group compared to the control group. When the patient group and the control group compared to each other via emotion recognition difficulties task (TAS-1), feelings verbalise difficulty task (TAS-2) and outward-oriented thinking task (TAS-3) subscales of Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS), there were statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of TAS-1 scores and TAS-2 scores whereas there was no difference in terms of TAS-3 task scores. When TAS-20 scores of the groups were re-scaled as "0-50", "51-60", "61-100" and respectively classified as "without alexithymia", viii "borderline alexithymia" and "high alexithymia" statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were detected between patient group and control groups. There was no alexithymia in 44% of patients, borderline alexithymia in 42% of patients and high alexithymia in 14% of patients while there was no alexithymia in 78% of the control group, and only borderline alexithymia in 22 %. Conclusion: Our study evaluating the TAS-20, HAD and GSQ scores has revealed that there is a significant relationship between rosacea and, alexithymia and several psychiatric symptoms. It is thought that alexithymic personality may cause susceptibility to stress and immune dysfunction in rosacea patients leading to a somatic disorder. As a secondary goal, we belive that psychiatric support provided to these patients may contribute to the clinical outcome and treatment of rosacea patients, we suggest that advanced studies on this issue carried out on larger series will maintain depth to the subject. Key words: Rosacea, alexithymia, psychodermatogy, Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, General Health Questionnaire
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dermatoloji, Dermatology