Şükûfe Nihal Başar'ın hikâyelerinin ve romanlarının tema bakımından incelenmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma, 1896-1973 yılları arasında yaşamış ve farklı edebî türlerde eserler vermiş olan Şükûfe Nihal Başar'ın, hikâyelerini ve romanlarını tema yönüyle incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yazarın "Tevekkülün Cezası (1928)" adlı hikâye kitabında bulunan yirmi hikâyesi ve "Renksiz Istırap (1926), Yakut Kayalar (1931), Çöl Güneşi (1933), Yalnız Dönüyorum (1938), Çölde Sabah Oluyor (1951) ve Vatanım İçin (1955)" adlı altı romanı incelenmiştir. İnceleme sonucunda genel olarak bu eserlerde bireysel ve toplumsal temaların öne çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Bireysel temalar ekseninde; aşk, kadın, evlilik, sanat, edebiyat ve tarih, yalnızlık, tabiat; toplumsal temalar ekseninde ise aile, eğitim, vatan, Anadolu ve Anadolu'ya bakış, savaşlar, mitingler, dernekler ve cemiyetler, Doğu - Batı Karşılaştırması / Yanlış Batılılaşma ve din dikkat çekmektedir. Hayatı boyunca içinde yaşadığı devrin siyasî, sosyal ve kültürel gerçekliklerini eserlerine yansıtmış olan yazarın, bireysel konulardaki duyarlılığının yanı sıra toplumsal konulardaki millî duyarlılığını da çok boyutlu olarak eserlerine yansıtmış olduğu ve böylece kendine has bir özgünlüğe ulaştığı kanaatine varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Şükûfe Nihal Başar, Hikâye, Roman, Tema.
This study aims to examine the stories and novels of Şükûfe Nihal Başar, who lived between 1896 and 1973 and produced works in different literary genres, in terms of theme. The author's twenty stories in the story book "The Punishment of Trust (1928)" and "Colorless Affliction (1926), Yakut Rocks (1931), Desert Sun (1933), I'm Returning Alone (1938), Morning Ought in the Desert (1951) and For My Homeland (1951) 1955)" were examined. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that individual and social themes were generally prominent in these works. On the axis of individual themes; love, women, marriage, art, literature and history, loneliness, nature; On the axis of social themes, family, education, homeland, Anatolia and perspective on Anatolia, wars, rallies, associations and societies, East - West Comparison / False Westernization and religion attract attention. It has been concluded that the author, who has reflected the political, social and cultural realities of the era he lived in throughout his life, has reflected his national sensitivity on social issues in a multidimensional way, as well as his sensitivity on individual issues, and thus has achieved a unique originality. Key Words: Şükûfe Nihal Başar, Story, Novel, Theme.
This study aims to examine the stories and novels of Şükûfe Nihal Başar, who lived between 1896 and 1973 and produced works in different literary genres, in terms of theme. The author's twenty stories in the story book "The Punishment of Trust (1928)" and "Colorless Affliction (1926), Yakut Rocks (1931), Desert Sun (1933), I'm Returning Alone (1938), Morning Ought in the Desert (1951) and For My Homeland (1951) 1955)" were examined. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that individual and social themes were generally prominent in these works. On the axis of individual themes; love, women, marriage, art, literature and history, loneliness, nature; On the axis of social themes, family, education, homeland, Anatolia and perspective on Anatolia, wars, rallies, associations and societies, East - West Comparison / False Westernization and religion attract attention. It has been concluded that the author, who has reflected the political, social and cultural realities of the era he lived in throughout his life, has reflected his national sensitivity on social issues in a multidimensional way, as well as his sensitivity on individual issues, and thus has achieved a unique originality. Key Words: Şükûfe Nihal Başar, Story, Novel, Theme.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yeni Türk Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature