Koruma ve bakım altında bulunan çocuklar ile ailelerinin profilinin sosyolojik analizi – Kırıkkale örneği
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada çocukların koruma altına alınmasında etkili olan faktörlerin neler olduğunun tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu faktörlerin, çocuğun yaşadığı ailenin iç dinamiğinden mi yoksa ailenin kontrolü dışındaki sosyolojik, politik, ekonomik koşullardan mı kaynaklandığı sorularına cevap aranmıştır. Araştırma bu nedenle hem kuramsal tartışmalarla hem de nicel yöntemlerle desteklenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklem grubu, Kırıkkale Çocuk Evleri Koordinasyon Merkezi Müdürlüğünde fiilen koruma ve bakım altında bulunan çocukların aileleridir. Yapılan dosya taramasında 49 aileye ulaşım sağlanmıştır. Bu ailelere, demografik, ekonomik, sosyolojik konumları ve çocuklarıyla ilgili 35 sorudan oluşan anket çalışması uygulanmıştır. Anket verileri SPSS ile analiz edilerek tablolar halinde sunulmuştur. Araştırmanın sonucunda, koruma altında bulunan çocukların ailelerinin parçalanmış aileler olduğu, alt sosyo-ekonomik düzeyde yer aldıkları, eğitim seviyelerinin düşük olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca ailelerin çocuklarıyla güçlü bir iletişiminin olmadığı, çocuklarıyla ilgili sorumluluklarını yerine getirmekten kaçındıkları ve kurum bakımına güven duydukları tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmanın kuramsal yaklaşımında ise, çocukların temel gereksinimlerinin karşılandığı aile kurumunun işlevsel ve yapısal değişimine dikkat çekilmiş ve ailenin çocuk bakımıyla ilgili sorumluluğunun farklı kurumlara aktarılmasına ilişkin tartışmalara yer verilmiştir. Konunun bu doğrultuda daha iyi anlaşılması amacıyla sosyal devlet ile liberal politikalar anlatılarak sosyal devletin, aile kurumunun sorumluluklarını üstlenme rolü tartışılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, aile yanında yaşamalarının çocukların bilişsel, ruhsal, akademik ve sosyal gelişimlerine katkı sağladığı kanısına varılmıştır. Bu nedenle çocukların öncelikle aile yanında desteklenmesi, önleyici politikalara yer verilmesi ve ailelerin çocuk bakımında ihtiyaç duydukları hizmetin sağlanması gerektiği yönünde değerlendirmelere yer verilmiştir. Mecburi olarak kurum bakımına alınan çocuklara yönelik ise devletler ya da sivil toplum kuruluşları tarafından güçlü, nitelikli ve sürekli politikalar oluşturulmasının faydalı olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sosyal Devlet, Liberalizm, Sosyal Politika, Dezavantajlı Gruplar, Korunmaya Muhtaç Çocuk, Kurum Bakımı.
In this study, it is aimed to determine what factors are effective in taking children under protection. It has been sought to answer the questions of whether these factors arise from the internal dynamics of the family in which the child lives, or from the sociological, political and economic conditins beyond the control of the family. For this reason, the research was supported by both theoretical discussions and quantitative methods. The sample group of the research is the families of the children who are actually under protection and care in the Kırıkkale Children's Homes Coordination Center Directorate. During the file scanning, 49 families were reached. A survey consisting of 35 questions about their demographic, economic, sociological status and their children was applied to these families. Survey data were analyzed with SPSS and presented in tables. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that the families of the children under protection are broken families, they are at a lower socio-economic level, and their education level is low. In addition, it has been determined that families do not have strong communication with their children, they avoid fulfilling their responsibilities regarding their children and they trust the care of the institution. In the theoretical approach of the research, attention was drawn to the functional and structural change of the family institution, where the basic needs of children were met, and discussions on the transfer of the family's responsibility for childcare to different institutions were included. In order to better understand the subject in this direction, the role of the social state in assuming the responsibilities of the family institution has been discussed by explaining the social state and liberal policies. As a result of the study, it was concluded that living with a family contributes to the cognitive, spiritual, academic and social development of children. For this reason, evaluations have been made that children should be supported primarily in the family, preventive policies should be included, and the services that families need in child care should be provided. It has been concluded that it would be beneficial to create strong, qualified and continuous policies by states or non-governmental organizations for children who are compulsorily taken into institutional care. Keywords: Social State, Liberalism, Social Policy, Disadvantaged Groups, Child in Need of Protection, Institutional Care.
In this study, it is aimed to determine what factors are effective in taking children under protection. It has been sought to answer the questions of whether these factors arise from the internal dynamics of the family in which the child lives, or from the sociological, political and economic conditins beyond the control of the family. For this reason, the research was supported by both theoretical discussions and quantitative methods. The sample group of the research is the families of the children who are actually under protection and care in the Kırıkkale Children's Homes Coordination Center Directorate. During the file scanning, 49 families were reached. A survey consisting of 35 questions about their demographic, economic, sociological status and their children was applied to these families. Survey data were analyzed with SPSS and presented in tables. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that the families of the children under protection are broken families, they are at a lower socio-economic level, and their education level is low. In addition, it has been determined that families do not have strong communication with their children, they avoid fulfilling their responsibilities regarding their children and they trust the care of the institution. In the theoretical approach of the research, attention was drawn to the functional and structural change of the family institution, where the basic needs of children were met, and discussions on the transfer of the family's responsibility for childcare to different institutions were included. In order to better understand the subject in this direction, the role of the social state in assuming the responsibilities of the family institution has been discussed by explaining the social state and liberal policies. As a result of the study, it was concluded that living with a family contributes to the cognitive, spiritual, academic and social development of children. For this reason, evaluations have been made that children should be supported primarily in the family, preventive policies should be included, and the services that families need in child care should be provided. It has been concluded that it would be beneficial to create strong, qualified and continuous policies by states or non-governmental organizations for children who are compulsorily taken into institutional care. Keywords: Social State, Liberalism, Social Policy, Disadvantaged Groups, Child in Need of Protection, Institutional Care.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sosyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyal Hizmet, Social Work, Sosyoloji