XVI. Asır Osmanlısında Bir Âlimin Kaleminden Siyaset Eleştirisi: Birgivî ve “Zühru'l-Mülûk” Adlı Eserinin Tercümesi
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- Birgivî Mehmed Efendi, ilim ve kültür hayatımızda müderrisliği, vaizliği, müellifliği ve mütefekkirliği ile derin izler bırakmış bir isimdir. Gerek kassam-ı askeri olarak görev yaptığı yıllarda, gerekse II. Selim’ in hocası Ataullah Efendi ile dostluğunun ilerlediği dönemde idari kadroları yakından tanıma fırsatı bu- lan bu Osmanlı âlimi, siyasete yönelik düşünce, telkin ve eleştirilerine bigâne kalınamayacak bir şahsiyettir. Zira Birgivî, ‘ iyiliği emredip kötülükten sakındır- ma’ prensibi etrafında şekillenen hayatı boyunca, her alanda olduğu gibi ida- recilik hakkında da tavizsin bir dille konuşmaktan ve yazmaktan geri durma- mıştır. Bu makale onun siyasete dair görüşlerini, siyasilere yönelik eleştiri ve tavsiyelerini, bu bağlamda da konu hakkında kaleme aldığı Zühru’ l-Mülûk isimli risalesini incelemektedir.
Birgiwi Mehmet Efendi, the Ottoman scholar, has left a deep impression in our scientific and cultural lives as a preacher, as a mudarris, as an author and also as a thinker. He has been a significant personage whose thoughts, suggestions and reviews about politics could not be ignored since he had the opportunity to recognize the administrative staff closely dur- ing his duty as Qassam Soldier and his friendship with Ataullah Efendi, the master of Selim 2nd. Likewise, Birgiwi did not abstain from speaking and writing uncompromisingly on management as he did on all spheres (areas), all his lifetime which shaped around the principle of "Commanding the goodness, avoiding the evil". This article investigates his tract named as "Zuhru'l Mulk", besides his opinions about politics and his suggestions and criticism raised against politicians
Birgiwi Mehmet Efendi, the Ottoman scholar, has left a deep impression in our scientific and cultural lives as a preacher, as a mudarris, as an author and also as a thinker. He has been a significant personage whose thoughts, suggestions and reviews about politics could not be ignored since he had the opportunity to recognize the administrative staff closely dur- ing his duty as Qassam Soldier and his friendship with Ataullah Efendi, the master of Selim 2nd. Likewise, Birgiwi did not abstain from speaking and writing uncompromisingly on management as he did on all spheres (areas), all his lifetime which shaped around the principle of "Commanding the goodness, avoiding the evil". This article investigates his tract named as "Zuhru'l Mulk", besides his opinions about politics and his suggestions and criticism raised against politicians
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Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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Martı H., Ürkmez A. (2015). XVI. Asır Osmanlısında Bir Âlimin Kaleminden Siyaset Eleştirisi: Birgivî ve Zühru'l-Mülûk Adlı Eserinin Tercümesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(2), 1 - 28.