Kübital tünel sendromunda iki farklı medial epikondilektomi tekniğinin etkinliklerinin karşılaştırılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Giriş: Kübital Tünel Sendromu (KuTS), ikinci en sık periferal kompresyon nöropatisidir. Literatürde, KuTS tedavisinde kullanılacak cerrahi tekniğin seçimi ile ilgili veriler çelişkilidir.Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, KuTS'ta kullanılan iki farklı medial epikondilektomi yaklaşımının klinik sonuçlarını öznel ve nesnel parametrelerle karşılaştırmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntem: 2009-2011 yılları arasında, yaşları 20-56 arasında değişen 22 KuTS hastası (24 dirsek) başarısız olan konservatif tedavi yaklaşımlarından sonra, parsiyel medial epikondilektomi (PME) (12 dirsek) veya distal medial epikondilektomi (DME) (12 dirsek) tedavi edildi. Nesnel değerlendirmelerde, beşinci parmakta iki nokta ayrımı (İNA) ve Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament (SWM), kaba kavrama ve pinç kuvveti (etkilenen ekstremite/kontralateral oranı) kullanıldı. Fonksiyonel sonuçlar Wilson-Krout kriterleri kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Ayrıca, dirsek eklem açıklığı, dirsek instabilitesi, medial dirsek ağrısı, Froment ve Tinel bulgusu değerlendirildi. Tüm bu değerlendirmeler, 3., 6. ve 12. aylarda da yapıldı.Bulgular: Cerrahi öncesi McGowan derecelendirmesine göre PME grubunda, 2 hasta Derece I, 9 hasta Derece IIa, Derece IIb; DME grubunda, 10 hasta Derece IIa, 2 hasta Derece IIb olarak sınıflandırıldı. Hastaların tamamında, cerrahi öncesindeki sinir iletim hızı ölçümleri yavaştı.Cerrahi sonrası zaman noktalarının tamamında Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament test sonuçları, DME grubunda (tüm karşılaştırmalar için p<0.05) başlangıca göre anlamlı düşüş gösterdi, fakat PME grubunda hiçbir zaman noktasında başlangıca göre anlamlı düşüş gözlenmedi. Hem DME hem de PME gruplarının ikisinde de; cerrahi sonrası zaman noktalarının tamamında İNA testi, lateral pinç, terminal pinç, tripod grip ve kaba kavrama ölçümleri, cerrahi öncesine göre anlamlı düzelme gösterdi (tüm karşılaştırmalar için p<0.05). DME grubunun 6. ve 12. ay lateral pinç; 3., 6. ve 12. ay tripod grip ve kaba kavrama kuvvetleri PME grubunun değerlerdinden yüksekti (tüm karşılaştırmalar için p<0.05).Wilson-Krout kriterlerine göre sonuçlar, PME ile tedavi edilen grupta 3. ayda olguların 8'i (% 66.6) iyi, 4'ü (% 33.3) orta; 6. ayda olguların 7'si (% 58.3) iyi, 5'i (% 41.7) orta; 12. ayda olguların 7'si (% 58.3) iyi, 5'i (% 41.7) orta idi. Sonuçlar, DME grubunda 3. ayda olguların 6'sı (% 50) mükemmel, 6'sı (% 50) iyi; 6. ayda 10'u (%83.3) mükemmel, 2'si (% 16.7) iyi; 12. ayda 11'i (% 91.6) mükemmel, 1'i (% 8.4) iyi idi. Altıncı ve 12. ayda, DME grubunun fonksiyonel sonuçları PME grubununkilerden anlamlı derecede daha iyiydi.(iki karşılaştırma için p<0.05).Sonuç: DME, dirsekteki kübital kompresyon nöropatisi için güvenilir bir tedavi gibi görünmektedir. Ek olarak, duyu ve pinç/kaba kavrama açısından cerrahiye yanıt DME grubunda PME'ye göre daha erken dönemde ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sonuçlar, fonksiyonel sonuçlarla da paralellik göstermektedir.Anahtar Sözcükler: Kübital tünel sendromu, parsiyel medial epikondilektomi, distal medial epikondilektomi.
Introduction: Cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS) is the second most common peripheral compression neuropathy. In the literature, the selection of surgical techniques to treat CuTS is discussed controversially.Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the clinical outcomes of two different medial epicondylectomy approach in CuTS with objective and subjective parameters.Material and Method: From 2009 to 2011, twenty two patients (24 elbows) between 20-56 years of age were treated for CuTS with partial medial epicondylectomy (PME) (12 elbow) or distal medial epicondylectomy (DME) (12 elbow) after conservative treatment approach has been unsuccesful. Two point discrimination (2PD) and Semmes Weinstein Monofilament (SWM) tests of the fifth finger and grip and pinch strength (effected extremity/contralateral extermity ratio) were used for objective assessment. Functional results were assessed using the Wilson-Krout criteria. In addition, elbow range of motion, elbow instability, medial elbow pain, Froment sign and Tinel`s sign were evaluated. All these assessments were also made at 3rd, 6th and 12th months.Results: In PME group, 2 patients were classified as having McGowan Grade I lesions, 9 had Grade IIa lesions, and 1 had Grade IIb lesions; in DME group, 10 patients were classified as having McGowan Grade IIa lesions, 2 had Grade IIb lesions, preoperatively, The preoperative nerve-conduction velocity was slowed in all the patients studied.Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament test results of all postoperative time points were significantly lower compared to baseline in DME (p<0.05 for all comparisons), but not in PME for all postoperative time points. In both DME and PME 2PD test, lateral pinch, terminla pinch, tripod grip and grip strength measurements were showed significant improvement at all postoperative time points compared to those at baseline (p<0.05 for all comparisons). In DME group, lateral pinch at 6th and 12th months; for tripod grip and grip strength at 3rd, 6th and 12th months were significantly higher than those of PME group (p<0.05 for all comparisons).At the base of Wilson-Krout criteria, in the group treated by PME at 3rd month, 8 (66.6%) of the results were good, 4 (33.3%) were fair; at 6th month 7 (58.3%) of the results were good, 5 (41.7%) were fair; at 12th month 7 (58.3%) of the results were good, 5 (41.7%) were fair. In the group treated by DME at 3rd month, 6 (50%) of the results were excellent, 6 (50%) were good; at 6th month 10 (83.3%) of the results were excellent, 2 (16.7%) were good; at 12th month 11 (91.6%) of the results were excellent, 1 (8.4%) were good. At 6th and 12th months, DME group was significantly better functional outcomes compared to those of PME group (p<0.05 for all comparisons). There were no complications.Conclusion: DME seems to be safe and reliable for treatment of cubital compression neuropathy at the elbow. Additionally, response to surgery in terms of sense and pinç/grip strength emerged earlier in DME group than in PME group. The results were also parallel with functional outcomes.Key Words: Cubital tunnel syndrome, partial medial epicondylectomy, distal medial epicondylectomy.
Introduction: Cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS) is the second most common peripheral compression neuropathy. In the literature, the selection of surgical techniques to treat CuTS is discussed controversially.Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the clinical outcomes of two different medial epicondylectomy approach in CuTS with objective and subjective parameters.Material and Method: From 2009 to 2011, twenty two patients (24 elbows) between 20-56 years of age were treated for CuTS with partial medial epicondylectomy (PME) (12 elbow) or distal medial epicondylectomy (DME) (12 elbow) after conservative treatment approach has been unsuccesful. Two point discrimination (2PD) and Semmes Weinstein Monofilament (SWM) tests of the fifth finger and grip and pinch strength (effected extremity/contralateral extermity ratio) were used for objective assessment. Functional results were assessed using the Wilson-Krout criteria. In addition, elbow range of motion, elbow instability, medial elbow pain, Froment sign and Tinel`s sign were evaluated. All these assessments were also made at 3rd, 6th and 12th months.Results: In PME group, 2 patients were classified as having McGowan Grade I lesions, 9 had Grade IIa lesions, and 1 had Grade IIb lesions; in DME group, 10 patients were classified as having McGowan Grade IIa lesions, 2 had Grade IIb lesions, preoperatively, The preoperative nerve-conduction velocity was slowed in all the patients studied.Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament test results of all postoperative time points were significantly lower compared to baseline in DME (p<0.05 for all comparisons), but not in PME for all postoperative time points. In both DME and PME 2PD test, lateral pinch, terminla pinch, tripod grip and grip strength measurements were showed significant improvement at all postoperative time points compared to those at baseline (p<0.05 for all comparisons). In DME group, lateral pinch at 6th and 12th months; for tripod grip and grip strength at 3rd, 6th and 12th months were significantly higher than those of PME group (p<0.05 for all comparisons).At the base of Wilson-Krout criteria, in the group treated by PME at 3rd month, 8 (66.6%) of the results were good, 4 (33.3%) were fair; at 6th month 7 (58.3%) of the results were good, 5 (41.7%) were fair; at 12th month 7 (58.3%) of the results were good, 5 (41.7%) were fair. In the group treated by DME at 3rd month, 6 (50%) of the results were excellent, 6 (50%) were good; at 6th month 10 (83.3%) of the results were excellent, 2 (16.7%) were good; at 12th month 11 (91.6%) of the results were excellent, 1 (8.4%) were good. At 6th and 12th months, DME group was significantly better functional outcomes compared to those of PME group (p<0.05 for all comparisons). There were no complications.Conclusion: DME seems to be safe and reliable for treatment of cubital compression neuropathy at the elbow. Additionally, response to surgery in terms of sense and pinç/grip strength emerged earlier in DME group than in PME group. The results were also parallel with functional outcomes.Key Words: Cubital tunnel syndrome, partial medial epicondylectomy, distal medial epicondylectomy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, Orthopedics and Traumatology, , , , , , ,