Alkali ortamın özofagus düz kas aktivitesine etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Alkali ortamın özofagus düz kas aktivitesine olan etkisini değerlendirmek amacıylain vitro bir çalısma yapılmıstır.Çalısmaya ağırlıkları 200-250 g olan 24 Wistar albino sıçan dahil edildi.Intraperitoneal tiopental sodyum (50 mg/kg) ile anestezi sonrası sakrifiye edilensıçanların distal özofagusları ve gastroözofageal bileskeleri çıkarıldı. Çıkarılandokular 37°C'de, 0.6 g dinlenme gerimi ile 10 ml Tyrode solüsyonu içeren organbanyosuna asıldı. Elde edilen özofagus segmentleri invitro ortam pH'larının sırasıyla7.4, 7.6, 7.8 ve 8.0 olarak düzenlendiği 4 gruba ayrıldı. Farklı alkali ortamlarınözofagus düz kas aktivitesini değerlendirmek üzere organ banyosuna kontraksiyonyanıtları elde etmek için kolinerjik agonist olan karbakol ve Ca bağımlı kanalüzerinden etki eden KCl eklendi. Sonrasında adrenerjik agonist olan izoproterenol ilegevseme yanıtları elde edildi. Aynı konsantrasyonda farklı alkali pH'lardaki kasılmayanıtları Kruskal Wallis'in nonparametrik varyans analizi ve post hoc Dunn's testiyledeğerlendirilirken, gevseme yanıtlarının karsılastırılmasında Student's t testkullanıldı.Karbakol ile elde edilen kontraksiyon yanıtlarında gruplar arasında anlamlı bir farkbulunmamıstır (p>0.05). KCl ile elde edilen kontraksiyon yanıtları incelendiğindeortam pH'sının 7.4 olduğu grupta diğer gruplara oranla distal özofagus kasılmayanıtlarında belirgin artma olduğu gözlenmistir (p<0.05). Buna karsın ortampH'sının 8.0 olduğu grupta gastroözofageal bileskede KCl yanıtlarında azalmaizlenmektedir (p<0.05). Aynı grupta ?zoproterenol ile elde edilen gevsemeyanıtlarında belirgin sekilde artma olmaktadır (p<0.05).Farklı alkali ortamlarda özofagus düz kas kolinerjik aktivasyonunda değisikliğerastlanmamaktadır. Ortam pH'sının alkali olduğu durumlarda özofagus düzkaslarında kalsiyum bağımlı kontraksiyonlarda azalma, artmıs adrenerjik aktiviteyebağlı olarak da gevseme yanıtlarında da artma olmaktadır.
An in vitro study was performed to determine the effect of agonists in differentalkaline mediums in rat esophagus.Twenty-four Wistar rats weighing 200-250 g were included in the study. Afteranesthetized with tiopental sodium (50 mg/kg) rats were sacrified and distalesophagus and gastroesophageal junction were removed. Excised tissues weresuspended under 0.6 g of resting tension in a tissue bath containing 10 ml of Tyrodesolution at 37°C. The esophageal segments were divided into four groups in whichthe pH of the mediums were 7.4, 7.6, 7.8 and 8 respectively. In order to evaluate thesmooth muscle activity of esophagus in different alkaline mediums, cholinergicagonist Carbachol and Ca-dependent channels acting KCl were added into an organbath to obtain contraction responses. Thereafter, relaxation responses were obtainedby adrenergic agonist, Isoproterenol. Data concerning similar concentrations ofcontractile agonists obtained from different pH mediums were analyzed by KruskalWallis nonparametric analysis of variance and post hoc Dunn?s test. Relaxationresponses were compared with Student?s t test.There was no significant response between groups in Carbachol responses ofesophageal segments (p<0.05). When contraction responses to KCl were evaluated,the group with a medium of pH 7.4 had higher contraction responses than othergroups in distal esophageal segments (p<0.05). However, gastroesophageal segmentsshowed decreased contractile responses to KCl in pH 8 group (p<0.05). In the samegroup, relaxation responses to Isoproterenole was significantly increased (p<0.05).There was no alteration in cholinergic activation of esophageal smooth muscles indifferent alkaline mediums. In case of alkaline pH mediums, Ca dependentcontractions in esophageal smooth muscle were decreased and relaxation responsesdue to increased adrenergic activity were also found increased.
An in vitro study was performed to determine the effect of agonists in differentalkaline mediums in rat esophagus.Twenty-four Wistar rats weighing 200-250 g were included in the study. Afteranesthetized with tiopental sodium (50 mg/kg) rats were sacrified and distalesophagus and gastroesophageal junction were removed. Excised tissues weresuspended under 0.6 g of resting tension in a tissue bath containing 10 ml of Tyrodesolution at 37°C. The esophageal segments were divided into four groups in whichthe pH of the mediums were 7.4, 7.6, 7.8 and 8 respectively. In order to evaluate thesmooth muscle activity of esophagus in different alkaline mediums, cholinergicagonist Carbachol and Ca-dependent channels acting KCl were added into an organbath to obtain contraction responses. Thereafter, relaxation responses were obtainedby adrenergic agonist, Isoproterenol. Data concerning similar concentrations ofcontractile agonists obtained from different pH mediums were analyzed by KruskalWallis nonparametric analysis of variance and post hoc Dunn?s test. Relaxationresponses were compared with Student?s t test.There was no significant response between groups in Carbachol responses ofesophageal segments (p<0.05). When contraction responses to KCl were evaluated,the group with a medium of pH 7.4 had higher contraction responses than othergroups in distal esophageal segments (p<0.05). However, gastroesophageal segmentsshowed decreased contractile responses to KCl in pH 8 group (p<0.05). In the samegroup, relaxation responses to Isoproterenole was significantly increased (p<0.05).There was no alteration in cholinergic activation of esophageal smooth muscles indifferent alkaline mediums. In case of alkaline pH mediums, Ca dependentcontractions in esophageal smooth muscle were decreased and relaxation responsesdue to increased adrenergic activity were also found increased.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çocuk Cerrahisi, Pediatric Surgery, Anestetikler, Anesthetics ; Anestezi, Anesthesia ; Anestezi-genel, Anesthesia-general ; Anestezi-intravenöz, Anesthesia-intravenous ; Basınç ölçümleri, Pressure measurements ; Cerrahi, Surgery ; Laparoskopi, Laparoscopy ; Orta kulak, Middle ear