Hipoksik iskemik ensefalopati nedeniyle yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesi'nde izlenen yenidoğanlarda serum IL-18, IL-6 ve HSCRP düzeyleri
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Hipoksik iskemik ensefalopati (HİE) tanı ve tedavideki ilerlemelere rağmen, halen yenidoğan dönemde mortalite ve morbiditede artışa yol açan önemli bir sorundur. Önceki çalışmalar patogenezinde hipoksi ve iskeminin tetiklediği inflamatuvar döngünün rol oynadığını düşündürmektedir. Bu çalışmada HİE'li yenidoğanlarda, yakın zamanda inflamasyonla ilişkili olduğu tanımlanmış olan IL-18, IL-6, hsCRP düzeylerine bakılmış ve HİE ile inflamatuvar yanıt ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Çalışmaya Eylül 2010- Temmuz 2011 tarihleri arasında doğan, gebelik yaşı 37 hafta ve üzerinde olan, asfiksi kriterlerine uyan bebekler (n=30) alındı. Bu bebekler klinik bulgularına göre (Sarnat & Sarnat sınıflaması) evre I, evre II veya evre III olarak sınıflandırıldı. HİE'li hastalardan ilk 24 saatte ve 48-72. saatte olmak üzere 2 kez alınan kan örneklerinden IL-18, IL-6 ve hsCRP düzeyleri çalışıdı. Çalışma grubundaki olguların %40'ı evre I, %33'ü evre II ve %27'si evre III HİE tanısı aldı. İlk 24 saat ve 48-72. saatlerde bakılan IL-6, IL-18 ve hsCRP düzeylerinin karşılaştırması IL-6 {9,6 (2,4-174,8) pg/ml, 9,3 (2,1-157,9) pg/ml, p>0,05}; IL-18 {280,2 (250,4-544,8) pg/ml, 293,3 (267,2- 739,7) pg/ml, p<0,01}; hsCRP {3,5 (0,06-24,2) mg/L, 8,2 (0,21-35,7) mg/L, p<0,05}.Bu çalışmada, HİE'li yenidoğanlarda erken dönemde (ilk 24 saat) IL-6 nın artmış olduğu, geç dönemde ise (48-72.saat) IL-18 ve HsCRP düzeylerinin artmış olduğu, ex olan hastalarda da geç dönemde IL-18 düzeylerinin daha yüksek olduğu görüldü. IL-18 ve HsCRP düzeylerindeki artış istatistiksel olarakta anlamlıydı. Hipoksi evresi ağırlaştıkça evrelere görede geç dönemde IL-6 düzeyleri azalırken, IL-18 ve hsCRP düzeylerinde artış olduğunu ve bu farkın klinik bulgular ağırlaştıkça belirginleştiğini gördük. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları HİE'nin inflamatuvar yanıtla ilişkili olabileceğini desteklemektedir.Anahtar Sözcükler: HİE, IL-18, IL-6, hsCRP, inflamatuvar yanıt
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, the neonatal period is still a major problem which leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Previous studies suggest play a role of inflammatory cycle induced by hypoxia and ischemia in the pathogenesis of HIE. In this study, recently described to be associated with inflammation, IL-18, IL-6 and hsCRP levels were evaluated and investigated the relationship between HIE and inflammatory response in neonates with HIE.Inclusion criteria were to be born between September 2010-July 2011, and over 37 weeks gestational age infants (n = 30), respectively. According to the clinical findings of infants in the study groups (Sarnat & Sarnat classification) were divided to stage I, stage II, or stage III. Including the first 24 hours, and 48-72 h, blood was taken 2 times from patients with HIE. IL-18, IL-6 and hsCRP levels were determined in blood samples. Study group, 40% of patients with stage I, stage II 33% and 27% were diagnosed as stage III HIE. Cared for in the first 24 hours and 48-72 hours, respectively, measured IL-6, IL-18 and hsCRP levels: IL-6 {9.6 (2.4 to 174.8) pg / ml, 9.3 (2.1 - 157.9) pg / ml, p> 0.05}, IL-18 {280.2 (250.4 to 544.8) pg / ml, 293.3 (267.2 to 739.7) pg / ml , p <0.01}, hsCRP {3,5 (0.06 to 24.2) mg / L, 8.2 (0.21 to 35.7) mg / L, p <0.05} was found to be .In this study, we found that IL-6 levels were increased in the early period (first 24 hours) and IL-18 and hsCRP in the late period (between 48-72 hours). Patients who died had higher levels of IL-18 in the late period. Increased levels of IL-18 and hsCRP defined as statistically significant. In line with the increase of hypoxia decreased levels of IL-6, IL-18 and increased levels of hsCRP were found. This difference was evident in the clinical signs worsened. The results of this study, similar to previous studies, supports the relationship between IL-18 and the inflammatory response.Key Words: HİE, IL-18, IL-6, hsCRP, and inflammatory response
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, the neonatal period is still a major problem which leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Previous studies suggest play a role of inflammatory cycle induced by hypoxia and ischemia in the pathogenesis of HIE. In this study, recently described to be associated with inflammation, IL-18, IL-6 and hsCRP levels were evaluated and investigated the relationship between HIE and inflammatory response in neonates with HIE.Inclusion criteria were to be born between September 2010-July 2011, and over 37 weeks gestational age infants (n = 30), respectively. According to the clinical findings of infants in the study groups (Sarnat & Sarnat classification) were divided to stage I, stage II, or stage III. Including the first 24 hours, and 48-72 h, blood was taken 2 times from patients with HIE. IL-18, IL-6 and hsCRP levels were determined in blood samples. Study group, 40% of patients with stage I, stage II 33% and 27% were diagnosed as stage III HIE. Cared for in the first 24 hours and 48-72 hours, respectively, measured IL-6, IL-18 and hsCRP levels: IL-6 {9.6 (2.4 to 174.8) pg / ml, 9.3 (2.1 - 157.9) pg / ml, p> 0.05}, IL-18 {280.2 (250.4 to 544.8) pg / ml, 293.3 (267.2 to 739.7) pg / ml , p <0.01}, hsCRP {3,5 (0.06 to 24.2) mg / L, 8.2 (0.21 to 35.7) mg / L, p <0.05} was found to be .In this study, we found that IL-6 levels were increased in the early period (first 24 hours) and IL-18 and hsCRP in the late period (between 48-72 hours). Patients who died had higher levels of IL-18 in the late period. Increased levels of IL-18 and hsCRP defined as statistically significant. In line with the increase of hypoxia decreased levels of IL-6, IL-18 and increased levels of hsCRP were found. This difference was evident in the clinical signs worsened. The results of this study, similar to previous studies, supports the relationship between IL-18 and the inflammatory response.Key Words: HİE, IL-18, IL-6, hsCRP, and inflammatory response
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları, Child Health and Diseases