NATO’ya Üyelik Sürecinde Türkiye-ABD İlişkileri ve Türk Kamuoyundaki Akisleri
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Bütün dünyada büyük yıkımlara sebep olan İkinci Dünya Savaşı, savaşta yer alan ülkelerdeekonomik krizlere sebep olurken, Avrupa ve dünya güç dengelerinin değişmesini de tetikledi. İkinciDünya Savaşı’ndan güçlenerek ve nüfuzunu artırarak çıkan, sadece Amerika Birleşik Devletleri veSovyet Rusya oldu. Savaştan güçlenerek çıkan Rusya, yayılmacı bir siyaset izlemeye başladı. SovyetRusya’nın, Türkiye’den toprak ve boğazlarda üs talebinde bulunmaya başlaması, idarecileriendişeye sevk etti. Bu tehditlere tek başına karşı koyamayacağını düşünen Türkiye, batılı devletlerleözelliklede ABD nezdinde ittifak arayışlarına girişti. ABD’nin, Avrupa ülkelerini ekonomik yöndengüçlendirme projesi olan Marshall yardımlarından kısmen faydalanan Türkiye, bütün çabalarınarağmen, 4 Nisan 1949’da Washington’da imzalan, Kuzey Atlantik Antlaşması’nda yer alamadı.NATO’ya girme mücadelesini ısrarla sürdüren Türkiye, Birleşmiş Milletlerin Kore Savaşı’na askergönderilmesi çağrısını bir fırsat olarak gördüğünden olumlu cevap verdi. Türkiye’nin Kore’yeasker göndermesi, ABD’nin Türkiye bakışının değişmesine sebep oldu. ABD’nin, 15 Mayıs 1951’deTürkiye’nin NATO’ya kabul edilmesi yönündeki teklifi, 20 Eylül 1951’de NATO Bakanlar Konseyitoplantısında kabul edildi. TBMM’nin 18 Şubat 1952’de onayı ile Türkiye NATO’ya girdi. SovyetRusya tehdidini hisseden Türk kamuoyu ve basını da yaşanan süreci hassasiyetle takip etti.
The Second World War, which caused great destruction all over the world, causedeconomic crises in the countries involved in the war, while the balance of power between Europeand the world triggered the change. It was only the United States and Soviet Russia that emergedfrom the Second World War, strengthening and increasing its influence. Russia, which grewstronger from the war, began to pursue expansionist politics. Soviet Russia began demanding basesin the Straits and lands of Turkey, prompting the rulers to worry. Considering that Turkey cannotresist these threats alone, it has started to seek alliance with Western states in particular with theUnited States. Turkey, which partly benefited from the Marshall Aid, which was a project tostrengthen European countries economically, was not included in the North Atlantic Treaty, whichwas signed in Washington on April 4, 1949. Persistently continuing the struggle of joining NATO,Turkey, the United Nations sent troops to the Korean War as a chance to his call for us to be seeingthis, gave a positive answer. Turkey's sending troops to Korea has changed the U.S.'s view ofTurkey. On May 15, 1951, the U.S. proposal for Turkey's admission to NATO was accepted at theNATO Council of Ministers Meeting on September 20, 1951. With the approval of the GrandNational Assembly on 18 February 1952, Turkey entered NATO. The Turkish public and the press,who felt the threat of Soviet Russia, followed the process with precision.
The Second World War, which caused great destruction all over the world, causedeconomic crises in the countries involved in the war, while the balance of power between Europeand the world triggered the change. It was only the United States and Soviet Russia that emergedfrom the Second World War, strengthening and increasing its influence. Russia, which grewstronger from the war, began to pursue expansionist politics. Soviet Russia began demanding basesin the Straits and lands of Turkey, prompting the rulers to worry. Considering that Turkey cannotresist these threats alone, it has started to seek alliance with Western states in particular with theUnited States. Turkey, which partly benefited from the Marshall Aid, which was a project tostrengthen European countries economically, was not included in the North Atlantic Treaty, whichwas signed in Washington on April 4, 1949. Persistently continuing the struggle of joining NATO,Turkey, the United Nations sent troops to the Korean War as a chance to his call for us to be seeingthis, gave a positive answer. Turkey's sending troops to Korea has changed the U.S.'s view ofTurkey. On May 15, 1951, the U.S. proposal for Turkey's admission to NATO was accepted at theNATO Council of Ministers Meeting on September 20, 1951. With the approval of the GrandNational Assembly on 18 February 1952, Turkey entered NATO. The Turkish public and the press,who felt the threat of Soviet Russia, followed the process with precision.
Anahtar Kelimeler
History Studies
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Efe, İ. (2019). NATO’ya Üyelik Sürecinde Türkiye-ABD İlişkileri ve Türk Kamuoyundaki Akisleri. History Studies, 11(2), 601 - 319.