Kadın ve erkeklerde kemik mineral yoğunluğunu üzerine etkili faktörler
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Atalar E. Kadın ve erkeklerde kemik mineral yoğunluğu üzerine etkili faktörler. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi, Kırıkkale, 2004. Değişik coğrafî bölgelerde yaşayan toplumların kemik mineral yoğunluğunda (KMY) farklılıklar görülmektedir. Bu çalışma, yaşadığımız bölgede KMY üzerine etkili faktörleri saptamak amacı ile planlandı. Premenopozal ve postmenopozal olarak gruplandırılan toplam 194 kadın ile 50 yaş altı ve 50 üstü olarak gruplandınlan toplam 131 erkekte, DEXA yöntemi kullanılarak elde edilen lomber vertebra ve femur boynu KMY ölçümlerinin diğer bağımsız değişkenler (erkeklerde yaş, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), kalsiyum alımı, fiziksel aktivite, sigara, kafein, alkol, sosyoekonomik düzey, eğitim düzeyi; kadınlarda bu değişkenlere ek olarak gebelik sayısı, laktasyon süresi, menarş yaşı, menopoz süresi ve giyim tarzı) ile olan ilişkisine Spearman's Rho, Pearson r testleri ve Stepwise regresyon yöntemi ile bakıldı. Premenopozal kadınlarda, lomber vertebra ve femur boynu KMY ile VKİ, gebelik sayısı ve eğitim düzeyi arasında anlamlı ilişki saptandı. Postmenopozal kadınlarda lomber vertebra KMY ile kalsiyum alımı, VKİ, toplam laktasyon süresi ve menopoz süresi, femur boynu KMY ile kalsiyum alımı ve menopoz süresi arasında anlamlı ilişki izlendi. Elli yaş altı erkeklerde lomber vertebra ve femur boynu KMY ile kafein alımı arasında anlamlı ilişki gözlendi. Elli yaş üstü erkeklerde lomber vertebra KMY ile sigara kullanımı, femur boynu KMY ile VKİ ve fiziksel aktivite arasında anlamlı ilişki saptandı. Kadın ve erkeklerin doruk kemik mineral yoğunluğuna 30'lu yaşlarda ulaştıkları görüldü. Bu konuda daha sağlıklı bilgiler elde etmek için kapsamlı longitudinal çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Anahtar kelimeler: Kemik mineral yoğunluğu, lomber vertebra, femur boynu.
VI ABSTRACT Atalar E. Factors influencing bone mineral density in men and women, Kırıkkale University, Medical Faculty, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Specialization Thesis, Kırıkkale, 2004. There are variations in bone mineral density (BMD) among communities living in different regions. This study was designed to determine the factors influencing BMD in the region where we live. 194 women classified into premenopausal and postmenopausal ones and 131 men classified into over 50 and under 50 years of age were included into the study. The relation of the measurements of the BMD of lumbar vertebrae and femur neck made with DEXA method with other independent variables ( age, BMI, calcium intake, physical activity, smoking, cafein, alcohol, sociaoeconomic level, education level in males, and additionally the number of pregnancies, duration of lactation period, the age of menarche, duration of menopause and the style of dressing in females) was evaluated with Spearman's Rho, Pearson r and Stepwise regression methods. In premenopausal women, significant relation was found between lumbar vertebra and femur neck BMD and BMI; the number of pregnancies and education level. In postmenopausal women, significant relation was found between BMD of lumbar vertebra and calcium intake, BMI; overall lactation period and menopausal period and between BMD of femur neck and calcium intake and the duration of menopause. In men under 50, significant relation was found between the BMD of lumbar vertebra and femur neck and cafein intake. As to men over 50, significant relation was found between BMD of lumbar vertebra and smoking and between BMD of femur neck and BMI and physical activity. It was established that men and women reached their maximum BMD in their thirties. Comprehensive longitudinal studies are necessary in order to obtain better information on this subject. Key words: Bone mineral density, lumbar vertebra, femur neck
VI ABSTRACT Atalar E. Factors influencing bone mineral density in men and women, Kırıkkale University, Medical Faculty, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Specialization Thesis, Kırıkkale, 2004. There are variations in bone mineral density (BMD) among communities living in different regions. This study was designed to determine the factors influencing BMD in the region where we live. 194 women classified into premenopausal and postmenopausal ones and 131 men classified into over 50 and under 50 years of age were included into the study. The relation of the measurements of the BMD of lumbar vertebrae and femur neck made with DEXA method with other independent variables ( age, BMI, calcium intake, physical activity, smoking, cafein, alcohol, sociaoeconomic level, education level in males, and additionally the number of pregnancies, duration of lactation period, the age of menarche, duration of menopause and the style of dressing in females) was evaluated with Spearman's Rho, Pearson r and Stepwise regression methods. In premenopausal women, significant relation was found between lumbar vertebra and femur neck BMD and BMI; the number of pregnancies and education level. In postmenopausal women, significant relation was found between BMD of lumbar vertebra and calcium intake, BMI; overall lactation period and menopausal period and between BMD of femur neck and calcium intake and the duration of menopause. In men under 50, significant relation was found between the BMD of lumbar vertebra and femur neck and cafein intake. As to men over 50, significant relation was found between BMD of lumbar vertebra and smoking and between BMD of femur neck and BMI and physical activity. It was established that men and women reached their maximum BMD in their thirties. Comprehensive longitudinal studies are necessary in order to obtain better information on this subject. Key words: Bone mineral density, lumbar vertebra, femur neck
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Anlaşmalar, Agreements ; Kamu Hukuku, Public Law ; Kanunlar 4054 sayılı, Laws 4054 numbered ; Kanunlar, Laws ; Rekabet, Competition ; Rekabet Hukuku, Competence Law ; Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun, Law on Protection of Competition
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