Ceza muhakemesinde kesin hüküm
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Kamu Hukuku Ana Bilim Dalı / Ceza ve Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku Bilim Dalı
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, kişiler arasında yaşanan uyuşmazlıkların bir noktada sonuçlanarak sonsuza dek devam etmesini engelleyen, toplumda hukukî barış, hukukî güvenlik ve hukukî belirlilik sağlayan kesin hüküm kurumunu ceza muhakemesi hukuku çerçevesinde açıklamaktır. Kesin hüküm ile, çekişmeli olan; ancak, artık kanun yolları ile kaldırılamayan bir hüküm mevcut olup bu hüküm tarafların hukukî durumlarını kesin bir şekilde tespit eder. Çalışmada kesin hüküm, şeklî anlamda kesin hüküm ve maddî anlamda kesin hüküm olmak üzere ikiye ayrılarak incelenmiştir. Şeklî anlamda kesin hüküm, verilen hükmün artık itiraz edilememesi ve değiştirilememesi anlamına gelirken, maddî anlamda kesin hüküm, yargısal kararlara bir gerçeklik vasfı yüklediğinden şeklî anlamda kesinleşmiş olan hükmün taraflar ve diğer mahkemeler anlamında yarattığı etkiyi ifade eder. Maddî anlamda kesin hükmün iki etkisi olduğu kabul edilmektedir ve bu etkiler çalışmanın iki ayrı bölümünü oluşturmuştur. Maddî anlamda kesin hükmün olumsuz etkisi, ceza muhakemesinin en önemli ilkelerinden biri olan non bis in idem ilkesiyle açıklanmakta ve kişinin aynı fiilden dolayı yeniden yargılanamayacağını ve kişi hakkında yeniden hüküm verilemeyeceğini öngörmektedir. Maddî anlamda kesin hükmün olumlu etkisi ise, bir mahkeme tarafından verilecek olan hükümde değerlendirilmesi gereken konuların önceden başka bir mahkeme tarafından değerlendirilmiş olması durumunda, sonraki mahkemenin ilk mahkemenin hükmüyle bağlı olmasını ifade etmektedir.
The purpose of this study is to explain the institution of final judgment, which prevents the continuation of disputes between individuals forever by concluding them at some point and provides legal peace, legal security and legal certainty in the society, within the framework of criminal procedure law. With a final judgment, there is a judgment that is contested; however, there is a judgment that can no longer be removed by legal remedies, and this judgment determines the legal status of the parties in a definitive manner. In this study, final judgment is analyzed in two parts: final judgment in the formal sense and final judgment in the substantive sense. Final judgment in the formal sense means that the judgment cannot be challenged or changed, while final judgment in the substantive sense refers to the effect of the judgment, which has become final in the formal sense, on the parties and other courts, since it attributes a quality of reality to judicial decisions. It is accepted that final judgment in the substantive sense has two effects and these effects constitute two separate sections of this study. The negative effect of a final judgment in the material sense is explained by the principle of non bis in idem, which is one of the most important principles of criminal procedure, and stipulates that the person cannot be retried for the same act and cannot be sentenced again. The positive effect of a final judgment in the substantive sense, on the other hand, refers to the fact that if the issues to be evaluated in the judgment to be given by a court have already been evaluated by another court, the subsequent court is bound by the judgment of the first court.
The purpose of this study is to explain the institution of final judgment, which prevents the continuation of disputes between individuals forever by concluding them at some point and provides legal peace, legal security and legal certainty in the society, within the framework of criminal procedure law. With a final judgment, there is a judgment that is contested; however, there is a judgment that can no longer be removed by legal remedies, and this judgment determines the legal status of the parties in a definitive manner. In this study, final judgment is analyzed in two parts: final judgment in the formal sense and final judgment in the substantive sense. Final judgment in the formal sense means that the judgment cannot be challenged or changed, while final judgment in the substantive sense refers to the effect of the judgment, which has become final in the formal sense, on the parties and other courts, since it attributes a quality of reality to judicial decisions. It is accepted that final judgment in the substantive sense has two effects and these effects constitute two separate sections of this study. The negative effect of a final judgment in the material sense is explained by the principle of non bis in idem, which is one of the most important principles of criminal procedure, and stipulates that the person cannot be retried for the same act and cannot be sentenced again. The positive effect of a final judgment in the substantive sense, on the other hand, refers to the fact that if the issues to be evaluated in the judgment to be given by a court have already been evaluated by another court, the subsequent court is bound by the judgment of the first court.