Meniere Hastalığı
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Meniere hastalığı idiyopatik semptomatik endolenfatik hidrops olarak da bilinen, epizodik spontan vertigo atakları, fluktuasyon gösteren işitme kaybı, kulakta dolgunluk/basınç hissi ve tinnitus ile karakterize bir iç kulak hastalığıdır. Hastalığın başlama yaşları sıklıkla 50-60 yaşlarıdır. Hastalığın teşhisinde anamnez ve spesifik odyometrik testlerden yararlanılır. Kesin tanısının konulması ancak histopatolojik inceleme ile mümkün olduğundan günümüzde halen tanısı zor koyulan hastalıklar arasındadır. Tedavi hastaların büyük kısmında medikaldir ve hastalara psikolojik desteğin eklenmesi önerilir. Medikal tedaviye cevap vermeyen hastalarda cerrahi tedavi gündeme gelebilir. Bu derlemede Meniere hastalığının patogenezi, fizyolojisi, semptomatolojisi, tanı ve tedavi şekilleri ele alınacaktır
Meniere’s disease, also known as idiopathic symptomatic endolymphatic hydrops, is an inner ear disease characterized by spontaneous vertigo attacks, fluctuating hearing loss, ear fullness/pressure sensation and tinnitus. Age of onset is often 50-60 years. History and specific audiometric investigations are used in the diagnosis. As definitive diagnosis is only possible with the histopathological examination, nowadays Meniere's disease is currently placed among the diseases whose diagnosis is difficult. In the majority of patients, treatment is medical and additional psychological support is recommended. Surgical treatment may be considered in patients who don’t respond to medical therapy. In this review, pathogenesis, physiology, symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment of Meniere’s disease will be discussed
Meniere’s disease, also known as idiopathic symptomatic endolymphatic hydrops, is an inner ear disease characterized by spontaneous vertigo attacks, fluctuating hearing loss, ear fullness/pressure sensation and tinnitus. Age of onset is often 50-60 years. History and specific audiometric investigations are used in the diagnosis. As definitive diagnosis is only possible with the histopathological examination, nowadays Meniere's disease is currently placed among the diseases whose diagnosis is difficult. In the majority of patients, treatment is medical and additional psychological support is recommended. Surgical treatment may be considered in patients who don’t respond to medical therapy. In this review, pathogenesis, physiology, symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment of Meniere’s disease will be discussed
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tıbbi Laboratuar Teknolojisi, Tıbbi Araştırmalar Deneysel
Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Tursun, S., Şimşek, G., Muluk, N. B. (2016). Meniere Hastalığı. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 7(3), 77 - 82.