Migren hastalarında global/lokal hiyerarşik görsel işlemlemenin değerlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Migren, yeti yitimi ile giden ve altında yatan mekanizmaları aydınlatılamamış bir durumdur.Bu çalışmada, migren olgularında global ve/veya lokal hiyerarşik uyaranların işlemlenmesinin bozulup bozulmadığını araştırmak amaçlanmıştır.Çalışmaya, 49 migren (17 auralı ve 32 aurasız) hastası ve 49 baş ağrısı yakınması olmayan birey kontrol olarak katıldı. Görsel-uzaysal hiyerarşik işlemlemeyi değerlendirmek amacıyla global ve lokal bileşenleri olan Navon harflerinin 10 santisaniye'lik süre boyunca, arka arkaya ve periferik görme alanından-sağdan veya soldan randomize olarak sunulduğu bir kompüterize ödev verildi. Her katılımcı ve uyaran özelliği için (global/lokal, girişimli/girişimsiz, uyaranın geldiği taraf sağ/sol), hem doğru yanıt oranı, hem de doğru yanıt süresi hesaplandı.Kontrol grubu, doğru yanıt sayısı (p<0.001) açısından migren grubuna göre daha iyi bir performans gösterdi. Kontrol grubu, doğru yanıt süresi (p<0.001) açısından migren grubuna göre daha kötü bir performans sergiledi. Migren ve kontrol grubunun global ve lokal düzeydeki uyaranlara ait doğru yanıt sayıları ve doğru yanıt süreleri benzerdi (sırasıyla p=0.818 ve p=0.062). Ek olarak, hastaların girişime direnç performansları kontrollerden daha kötüydü (p<0.001).Bulgularımız, migren hastalarının, dikkatlerini hem global hem de lokal düzeyli uyaranlara yöneltmekte güçlük yaşadıklarını, migrende dikkati yönlendirmede sağ hemisfer lehine artmış bir asimetri olabileceğini, daha hızlı yanıtlarının buna bağlı olabileceğini ve hastaların dikkatin hiyerarşik işlemlenmesi ile ilgili performanslarının girişim etkisi ile kötüleştiğini düşündürmektedir.
Migraine is a disabling condition with underlying neuronal mechanisms that remain elusive.The present study was aimed to investigate whether the processing of global and/or local hierarchical stimuli are disrupted in migraineurs.Forty-nine migraineurs (17 with aura, and 32 without) and 49 nonheadache control subjects participated. To assess visuo-spatial hierarchical processing, we used a computerized test which included Navon letters consisting of global and local components were presented consequtively and randomly, with duration of 10 centisecond in both right and left visual hemifield. For each participants and each characteristics of stimuli (global/local, with interference/without interference, presentation side of stimuli), both the number and time of correct responses were calculated.As a result, the control group had a worse perfomance in terms of mean number of correct response (p<0.001) and the control group had a better perfomance in terms of mean correct response duration (p<0.001). The number of correct response and higher correct response duration at global and local level of the migraine and control groups were similar (p=0.818 and p=0.062, respectively). In addition, the patients? performance of resistance to interference was worse compared to the controls (p<0.001).Our findings suggested that, patients with migraine experience difficulty in directing visuo-spatial attention to both global and local level; among migreneurs, there may be right cerebral hemisphere predominance, the short correct response duration may be related to the predominance and patients? task performances on hierarchical processing of attention worsens with interference effect.
Migraine is a disabling condition with underlying neuronal mechanisms that remain elusive.The present study was aimed to investigate whether the processing of global and/or local hierarchical stimuli are disrupted in migraineurs.Forty-nine migraineurs (17 with aura, and 32 without) and 49 nonheadache control subjects participated. To assess visuo-spatial hierarchical processing, we used a computerized test which included Navon letters consisting of global and local components were presented consequtively and randomly, with duration of 10 centisecond in both right and left visual hemifield. For each participants and each characteristics of stimuli (global/local, with interference/without interference, presentation side of stimuli), both the number and time of correct responses were calculated.As a result, the control group had a worse perfomance in terms of mean number of correct response (p<0.001) and the control group had a better perfomance in terms of mean correct response duration (p<0.001). The number of correct response and higher correct response duration at global and local level of the migraine and control groups were similar (p=0.818 and p=0.062, respectively). In addition, the patients? performance of resistance to interference was worse compared to the controls (p<0.001).Our findings suggested that, patients with migraine experience difficulty in directing visuo-spatial attention to both global and local level; among migreneurs, there may be right cerebral hemisphere predominance, the short correct response duration may be related to the predominance and patients? task performances on hierarchical processing of attention worsens with interference effect.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nöroloji, Neurology, , , , , ,