Behçet hastalığında skrotal doopler ultrasonografi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Behçet hastalığı vaskülit ile karakteize multisistemik bir hastalıktır. İlk olarak Hulusi Behçet tarafından 1937 yılında tariflenmiştir. Tekrarlayan oral-genital ülserler ve üveit triadı ile meydana çıkar. İlk tariflenişinden bu yana cilt, santral sinir sistemi, gastrointestinal ve pulmoner tutulum gibi farklı organ tutulumları bildirilmiştir.Bu çalışmada; Behçet hastalarında testiküler Doppler parametrelerini ve testis volümlerini değerlendirmeyi, kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırmayı ve testislerde Behçet hastalığına sekonder ortaya çıkması olası değişiklikleri ortaya koymayı amaçladık.Yaşları 25-62 arasında değişen 20 Behçet hastasına ve yaşları 25-60 arasında değişen, geçirilmiş veya mevcut skrotal patolojisi bulunmayan 20 sağlıklı gönüllüye testiküler Renkil Doppler Ultrasonografi (RDUS) yapıldı. İşlem sırasında her bir testis için testis volümü ve rezistif indeks (RI) ölçüldü ve bulgular kaydedildi. Testis hacmi ve testiküler arter ?rezistif indeksi?nin, grup (Behçet Hastalığı/Kontrol) ve testis taraf (sağ/sol) arasındaki karşılaştırmaları çok değişkenli varyans analizi? (MANOVA) ile yapıldı. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler ?Pearson Korelasyon Analizi? ile her grup için ayrı ayrı incelendi.Behçet hastalarının RI değerleri kontrollerin değerlerinden anlamlı düzeyde yüksekti (F (1)=5.410, p=0.023, ?2=0.066). Testis volümleri açısından iki grup arasında anlamlı farklılık yoktu (F (1)=0.121, p=0.729, ?2=0.002). Behçet grubunda hastalık süresiyle sağ testis volümü arasında anlamlı pozitif korelasyon saptandı (p=0.009, r=0.568). Sol testisle hastalık süresi arasında anlamlılığa eğilimli düzeyde pozitif korelasyon gösteriyordu (p=0.052, r=0.440).Behçet hastalığının testiküler arteri etkilediği, dirençte artmaya neden olduğu sonucuna vardık. Testis volümleri açısından gruplar arasında fark olmamasına karşın, Behçet hastalarında hastalık süresi arttıkça testis volümleri arasındaki ilişki dikkat çekicidir.Anahtar Sözcükler: Behçet Hastalığı; testis; Doppler ultrasonografi
Behçet?s disease (BD) is a multisystem disorder characterized by vasculitis . It was first described by Hulusi Behçet in 1937 and consists of a triad of recurrent ulcers of the oral and genital mucosa with relapsing uveitis. Since its first description, involvement of other organs has been described. Skin, central nervous system, gastrointestinal and pulmonary involvement are amongthose reported.In this study, we aimed at evaluating hemodynamic parameters of testicular artery and testicular volume of subjects with Behcet?s Disease, comparing these data with those of controls and indicating probable changes in the testicles secondary to Behcet?s Disease.Testicular Color Doppler Ultrasonography (CDUS) was performed in 20 Behcet?s patients between the ages of 25 and 62 years and 20 healthy volunteers without history or presence of scrotal pathology between the ages of 25 and 60 years. During the CDUS examination, testicular volumes and resistive indices of the testicular arteries were measured and recorded. Comparisons of continuous variables such as testicular volumes and resistive indices of testicular arteries between groups (Behcet?s Disease/Control) and side of the testicles (right/left) were performed by ?multivariate analysis of variance? (MANOVA). Correlation between the variables were analyzed separately for each group by using Pearson's correlation.Resistivity Index values in the patients were significantly higher than those in the healthy subjects (F (1)=5.410, p=0.023, ?2=0.066). There was no significant difference between the groups for the testicular volume (F (1)=0.121, p=0.729, ?2=0.002). In Behcet group, a significant positive correlation was determined between the volume of right testicle and the disease duration (p=0.009, r=0.568). The corelation between the volume of left testicle and the disease duration showed a positive value, with tendency to significance (p=0.052, r=0.440).We concluded that Behcet?s Disease has impacts on testicular artery and these effects cause increasing in RI of the artery. Although there was no significant differences between the groups for testicular volume, it was recognized that the testicular volume of Behcet patients was correlated with disease duration.Key Words: Behcet disease; testis; Doppler ultrasonography.
Behçet?s disease (BD) is a multisystem disorder characterized by vasculitis . It was first described by Hulusi Behçet in 1937 and consists of a triad of recurrent ulcers of the oral and genital mucosa with relapsing uveitis. Since its first description, involvement of other organs has been described. Skin, central nervous system, gastrointestinal and pulmonary involvement are amongthose reported.In this study, we aimed at evaluating hemodynamic parameters of testicular artery and testicular volume of subjects with Behcet?s Disease, comparing these data with those of controls and indicating probable changes in the testicles secondary to Behcet?s Disease.Testicular Color Doppler Ultrasonography (CDUS) was performed in 20 Behcet?s patients between the ages of 25 and 62 years and 20 healthy volunteers without history or presence of scrotal pathology between the ages of 25 and 60 years. During the CDUS examination, testicular volumes and resistive indices of the testicular arteries were measured and recorded. Comparisons of continuous variables such as testicular volumes and resistive indices of testicular arteries between groups (Behcet?s Disease/Control) and side of the testicles (right/left) were performed by ?multivariate analysis of variance? (MANOVA). Correlation between the variables were analyzed separately for each group by using Pearson's correlation.Resistivity Index values in the patients were significantly higher than those in the healthy subjects (F (1)=5.410, p=0.023, ?2=0.066). There was no significant difference between the groups for the testicular volume (F (1)=0.121, p=0.729, ?2=0.002). In Behcet group, a significant positive correlation was determined between the volume of right testicle and the disease duration (p=0.009, r=0.568). The corelation between the volume of left testicle and the disease duration showed a positive value, with tendency to significance (p=0.052, r=0.440).We concluded that Behcet?s Disease has impacts on testicular artery and these effects cause increasing in RI of the artery. Although there was no significant differences between the groups for testicular volume, it was recognized that the testicular volume of Behcet patients was correlated with disease duration.Key Words: Behcet disease; testis; Doppler ultrasonography.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine