Esansiyel hipertansiyon hastalarında diurnal kan basıncı ritminin SCUBE-1 ve SCD40L üzerine olan etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Hipertansiyon günümüzün en önemli halk sağlığı problemlerinden biridir. Tüm dünyadaki ölümlerin, ilk nedeni olarak görülen kardiyovasküler hastalıkların (KVH) etyolojisinde ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Hipertansiyon sıklığı, ülkelere, ırka, cinsiyete, sosyoekonomik düzeye göre farklılıklar gösterse de görülme sıklığı kabaca yetişkin nüfusun %25'idir. Normal sağlıklı erişkinlerde kan basıncı nokturnal düşüş gösterir. Gece sistolik kan basıncı düşüşünün >%10 izlendiği kişilere ''dipper'', düşüşün <%10 olduğu kişilere ise ''nondipper'' denilmektedir. Nondipper grupta kardiyovasküler morbidite ve mortalitede artış mevcuttur. Trombositlerde alfa granüllerinde depolanır ve trombin tarafından aktive edildiğinde SCUBE1 (SİGNAL PEPTİDE–CUB-EGF DOMAİN CONTAING PROTEIN-1), trombosit ve endotel hücrelerinde bulunan, erken embriyogenezde eksprese edilen hücre yüzeyi glikoproteinidir. Bu moleküller inaktif hücre yüzeyine sunulur. CD40L'nin trimerik membran bağımlı formu dışında, aktive trombositlerden salınan 18-kDa'luk sCD40L formu vardır. Serum sCD40L'nin kaynağı %90 trombositlerdir. Trombin, ADP ya da kollajen ile aktive olan trombositler sCD40L salgılarlar. Serum sCD40L, trombosit aktivasyonunda ve trombüs stabilizasyonunda rol oynamaktadır. Bizim çalışmızda yeni bir trombosit aktivasyon belirteçi olan scube1, ve trombosit aktivasyonunda rol aldığı bilinen sCD40L'ın; esansiyel hipertansiyon hastalarında; Dipper ve Non-Dipper alt grupları arasında farklı olup olmadığının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamıza 18 yaş üzeri yeni tanılı hipertansiyon hastaları ve hipertansif olmayan sağlıklı kontrol grubu dahil edildi. Hipertansiyon hastalarına 24 saatlik Ambulatuar kan basıncı monitörizasyonu (AKBM) yapılarak hastalar dipper HT (DHT) ve nondipper HT (NDHT) gruba ayrıldı. Çalışmaya 30 dipper, 46 nondipper hipertansif ve 24 sağlıklı kontrol olgusu alındı. Tüm bireylerden SCUBE1 ve sCD40L plazma düzeyleri ölçüldü. Gruplar arasında Demografik özelliklerden yaş haricinde; biyokimyasal parametrelerden ise HDL dışında fark bulunmadı. Yaş normal grupta düşük saptanırken (p=0.033). HDL düzeyleri DHT ve NDHT grupta normale göre düşük saptanmıştır (p=0.044). SCUBE1 plazma düzeyi normale göre DHT vi grubunda ve NDHT grubunda anlamlı olarak yüksek saptandı. (sırasıyla p=0.002 p<0.001). sCD40L plazma düzeyleri normale göre DHT grubunda ve NDHT grubunda anlamlı olarak yüksek saptandı (sırasıyla p=0.003 p<0.001). Ancak DHT ile NDHT grupları arasında SCUBE1 ve sCD40L düzeylerinde anlamlı fark izlenmedi. Sonuç olarak yeni bir trombosit aktivasyon göstergesi olan SCUBE1 "yeni tanılı" hipertansiyon hastalarında artmaktadır. Çalışmamızda hem DHT hem de nondipper HT gruplarında bu artış gösterilmiştir. NDHT hastaları DHT'a göre KV olaylar açısından daha riskli olduğu bilinmektedir. Bizim çalışmamızda bu iki grubun SCUBE1 düzeyleri NDHT grubunda artma eğiliminde olmasına rağmen, bu artoş istatistiksel olarak anlamlı dizeyde değildi. Bu veriler ışığında SCUBE1'in "KB diürinal ritimden" ziyade yüksek KB ortalamasından daha çok etkilendiğini gözlenlenmiştir.Tüm dünyadaki ölümlerin, ilk nedeni olarak görülen kardiyovasküler hastalıkların (KVH) etyolojisinde ilk sırada yer alan HT hastalarının Tedavi stratejileri geliştirilmesinde ve gelecekteki KV olayların tahmin edilmesinde SCUBE1'in önemli rol üstleneceğini düşünmekteyiz. Ancak Bu konuda benzer sonuçlarla desteklenen daha fazla çalışmaya ihtiyaç vardır Anahtar Kelimeler: SCUBE1, hipertansiyon, dipper nondipper, sCD40L, trombosit aktivasyonu.
Hypertension is one of the most important public health problem. Deaths all over the world, seen as the first cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the first place in the etiology. Prevalence of hypertension, country, race, gender, socioeconomic status differences are based on 25% of the adult population of roughly Although incidence.In healthy adults, blood pressure levels decrease nocturnally. 'Dipper' are the ones whose systolic blood pressure decrease >10% at night and 'nondipper' are the whose ones systolic blood pressure decrease <10% at night. In the nondippers group cardiovascular morbidity and mortality are increased. Myocardial performance index (MPI) is a relatively new index which can be used in evaluation systolic and diastolic performance and may have prognostic value for a variety of heart diseases. SCUBE1 (SİGNAL PEPTİDE–CUB-EGF DOMAİN CONTAING PROTEIN-1), is found in platelets and endothelial cells and early embryogenesis-expressed cell surface glycoprotein.These molecules are stored in the alpha granules of platelets and submitted to cell surface when inactive is activated by thrombin. except trimeric CD40L-dependent membrane form, released from activated platelets 18-kDa form has sCD40L. Platelets are the source of the sCD40L in the serum of 90%. Thrombin, ADP or collagen activated platelets and secrete sCD40L. Serum sCD40L plays a role in platelet activation and thrombus stabilization. In our study, a new marker of platelet activation scube1, and is known to play a role in platelet activation of sCD40L; in patients with essential hypertension; Dipper and Non-Dipper aimed to investigate whether different between subgroups. Over 18 years of age were included in our study patients with newly diagnosed hypertension and normotensive healthy control group. Hypertensive patients with 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) performed dipper HT patients with (DHT) and nondipper HT (NDHT) were divided into groups. were included in study, 30 of DHT, 46 NDHT, 24 healthy control subjects. SCUBE1 and sCD40L plasma levels were measured from all subjects. Age was lower in the normal group. (P = 0.033) and HDL levels were significantly lower than normal in NDHT DHT group. (P = 0.044). SCUBE1 plasma levels, compared to the normal group, were significantly higher in the DHT group and NDHT group. (P = 0.002 p <0.001). sCD40L plasma levels were significantly higher in the DHT group and NDHT group compared to the normal group. (in order p=0.003 p<0.001). SCUBE1 and sCD40L levels, but no significant differences between the groups with DHT NDHT. As a result, a new indicator of platelet activation SCUBE1 "newly diagnosed" is increased in patients with hypertension. Our studies have shown that an increase in both DHT nondipper HT group. NDHT patient for CV events by DHT is known to be more risky. SCUBE1 levels of these two groups in our study, the group had a tendency to increase in NDHT. this increase was not statistically significant These results scube1 the "diurnal rhythm of blood pressure" rather than high BP is a common characteristic that average more affected. HT patients and the therapeutic strategies to predict future CV events SCUBE1 we believe will play an important role. However, more studies are needed in this regard is supported by similar results Keywords: SCUBE1, hypertension, dipper nondipper, sCD40L, platelet activation.
Hypertension is one of the most important public health problem. Deaths all over the world, seen as the first cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the first place in the etiology. Prevalence of hypertension, country, race, gender, socioeconomic status differences are based on 25% of the adult population of roughly Although incidence.In healthy adults, blood pressure levels decrease nocturnally. 'Dipper' are the ones whose systolic blood pressure decrease >10% at night and 'nondipper' are the whose ones systolic blood pressure decrease <10% at night. In the nondippers group cardiovascular morbidity and mortality are increased. Myocardial performance index (MPI) is a relatively new index which can be used in evaluation systolic and diastolic performance and may have prognostic value for a variety of heart diseases. SCUBE1 (SİGNAL PEPTİDE–CUB-EGF DOMAİN CONTAING PROTEIN-1), is found in platelets and endothelial cells and early embryogenesis-expressed cell surface glycoprotein.These molecules are stored in the alpha granules of platelets and submitted to cell surface when inactive is activated by thrombin. except trimeric CD40L-dependent membrane form, released from activated platelets 18-kDa form has sCD40L. Platelets are the source of the sCD40L in the serum of 90%. Thrombin, ADP or collagen activated platelets and secrete sCD40L. Serum sCD40L plays a role in platelet activation and thrombus stabilization. In our study, a new marker of platelet activation scube1, and is known to play a role in platelet activation of sCD40L; in patients with essential hypertension; Dipper and Non-Dipper aimed to investigate whether different between subgroups. Over 18 years of age were included in our study patients with newly diagnosed hypertension and normotensive healthy control group. Hypertensive patients with 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) performed dipper HT patients with (DHT) and nondipper HT (NDHT) were divided into groups. were included in study, 30 of DHT, 46 NDHT, 24 healthy control subjects. SCUBE1 and sCD40L plasma levels were measured from all subjects. Age was lower in the normal group. (P = 0.033) and HDL levels were significantly lower than normal in NDHT DHT group. (P = 0.044). SCUBE1 plasma levels, compared to the normal group, were significantly higher in the DHT group and NDHT group. (P = 0.002 p <0.001). sCD40L plasma levels were significantly higher in the DHT group and NDHT group compared to the normal group. (in order p=0.003 p<0.001). SCUBE1 and sCD40L levels, but no significant differences between the groups with DHT NDHT. As a result, a new indicator of platelet activation SCUBE1 "newly diagnosed" is increased in patients with hypertension. Our studies have shown that an increase in both DHT nondipper HT group. NDHT patient for CV events by DHT is known to be more risky. SCUBE1 levels of these two groups in our study, the group had a tendency to increase in NDHT. this increase was not statistically significant These results scube1 the "diurnal rhythm of blood pressure" rather than high BP is a common characteristic that average more affected. HT patients and the therapeutic strategies to predict future CV events SCUBE1 we believe will play an important role. However, more studies are needed in this regard is supported by similar results Keywords: SCUBE1, hypertension, dipper nondipper, sCD40L, platelet activation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kardiyoloji, Cardiology, ,