Lens içine triamsinolon asetonit enjeksiyonuna bağlı travmatik katarakt
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Diyabetik retinopatili bir gözde lens içine triamsinolon asetonit enjeksiyonunu takiben hızla ortaya çıkan bir total kesafet olgusunu takdim etmekteyiz. Hasta, iki taraflı diffüz maküla ödemi olan ve grid lazer fotokoagülasyon tedavisine cevap alınamamış 68 yaşında bir kadındı. Enjeksiyon sonunda hasta aynı gün görmesinin azaldığından şikayet etti ve yapılan muayenede içinde sarımsı granüller bulunan totale yakın lens kesafeti tespit edildi. Fakoemülsifikasyon başladıktan hemen sonra nükleus tümüyle vitreus içine düştü. Arka kapsülde oblik uzanımlı bir yırtık olduğu gözlendi. Arka vitrektomi, fakofragmantasyon ve sulkusa sekonder göz içi lensi yerleştirilmesi işlemleri yapılarak ameliyat sonlandırıldı.
We report a case of intralenticular triamcinolone acetonide injection which rapidly induced a total lens opacification in a diabetic patient. The patient was a 68-year-old female with bilateral diffuse macular edema which were unresponsive to grid laser photocoagulation. The patient complained of decreased vision at the end of the procedure and examination showed us a totally opacified crystalline lens with intralenticular yellowish granules. Nucleus dropped into the vitreus cavity after initiating the phacoemulsification. An oblique posterior capsular rupture was observed. The operation was termed following posterior vitrectomy, phacofragmentation and sulcus fixated secondary intraocular lens implantation.
We report a case of intralenticular triamcinolone acetonide injection which rapidly induced a total lens opacification in a diabetic patient. The patient was a 68-year-old female with bilateral diffuse macular edema which were unresponsive to grid laser photocoagulation. The patient complained of decreased vision at the end of the procedure and examination showed us a totally opacified crystalline lens with intralenticular yellowish granules. Nucleus dropped into the vitreus cavity after initiating the phacoemulsification. An oblique posterior capsular rupture was observed. The operation was termed following posterior vitrectomy, phacofragmentation and sulcus fixated secondary intraocular lens implantation.
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