İmplant tutuculu mandibular overdenture protezlerde; implant sayısı, açısı ve locator ataşman çeşitlerinin protez retansiyonuna etkisinin değerlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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İmplant tutuculu overdenture protezlerde estetik, çiğneme etkinliği, protez stabilitesi ve retansiyonun konvansiyonel tam protezlere kıyasla daha tatmin edici olduğu ve buna bağlı olarak hasta memnuniyetinin de arttığı görülmektedir. İmplant tutuculu overdenture protezlerde kullanılan çeşitli ataşman sistemleri mevcuttur ve ataşman seçimi protezlerin retansiyonunda önemlidir. Çalışmamızın amacı, implant sayısı ve implant açılanmalarının implant tutuculu mandibular overdenture protezlerin retansiyonuna etkisini değerlendirmek ve kullanılan farklı ataşman türlerini karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmamızda 3 farklı implant tedavi planlamasına sahip toplam 9 adet mandibular akrilik model üretilmiştir. 2 adet paralel, 4 adet paralel ve 2 adet açılı olacak şekilde implantlar içeren modellerde implantlar üzerine 3 farklı tip ataşman (Locator, OD-Secure ve Locator R-Tx) yerleştirilmiştir. 6 aylık klinik kullanıma eşdeğer olacak şekilde Instron Universal test cihazında protezlere aksiyel yönde 540 kez çekme işlemi uygulanarak retansiyon değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma verileri değerlendirilirken tek yönlü varyans analizi (One-way ANOVA) ve tekrarlı ölçümler varyans analizi (Repeated Measures ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre tüm ataşmanların başlangıç retansiyon değerleri; 30.16 N ile 97.89 N arasındadır. Locator ataşman sistemleri implant sayı ve açılanmasından bağımsız olarak çekme testi sonucunda diğer ataşman sistemlerine kıyasla daha yüksek retansiyon kaybı göstermiştir. İmplant sayısının, implant açılanması ve ataşman sisteminden bağımsız olarak retansiyonu etkilediği, implant açılanmasının ise implant sayısından bağımsız olarak yalnızca Locator ataşman sisteminde retansiyonu arttırdığı görülmüştür (p<0.05). Locator, OD Secure ve Locator R-Tx ataşman sistemlerinin uygulanan 6 aylık klinik kullanıma eşdeğer aşınma testi sonrasında retansiyon değerlerinin kabul edilebilir sınırlar dahilinde olduğu görülmüştür (>10N). Bu çalışmanın kısıtlamaları dahilinde, Locator R-Tx ve OD-Secure ataşman sistemlerinin retansiyon kayıp oranları göz önünde bulundurulduğunda Locator ataşman sistemine alternatif olabilecekleri düşünülmektedir.
It is known that aesthetic, chewing efficiency, prosthesis stability and retention in implant-retained overdenture prostheses are more satisfactory compared to conventional complete dentures and consequently increase patient satisfaction. There are several attachment systems used in implant-retained overdentures and attachment selection is an important factor affecting prosthetic retention. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of implant number and implant angulation on retention of implant-retained mandibular overdentures and to compare different attachment types. In this study, 9 mandibular acrylic models with 3 different implant treatment plans were produced. 3 different types of attachments (Locator, OD-Secure and Locator R-Tx) were placed on the implants in the models manufactured in accordance with different implant treatment plans (2 parallel implants, 4 parallel implants and 2 angled implants). Retention was evaluated by applying 540 axial pull off test (insertion and removal) to each specimen with Instron Universal test device, equivalent to 6 months of clinical use. One-way ANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA were used to evaluate the data. According to the results of this study, the initial retention values of allattachments were between 30.16 N and 97.89 N. Locator attachment systems showed higher retention loss compared to other attachment systems regardless of implant number and angulation. It was observed that the number of implants affected retention independent of implant angulation and attachment system, whereas implant angulation increased retention only in Locator attachment system (p <0.05). The retention values of the Locator, OD-Secure and Locator R-Tx attachment systems were within acceptable limits after pull off test equivalent to 6 months of clinical use (>10N). Within the limitations of this study, it is considered that Locator R-Tx and OD-Secure attachment systems may be an alternative to Locator attachment system in terms of retention loss values.
It is known that aesthetic, chewing efficiency, prosthesis stability and retention in implant-retained overdenture prostheses are more satisfactory compared to conventional complete dentures and consequently increase patient satisfaction. There are several attachment systems used in implant-retained overdentures and attachment selection is an important factor affecting prosthetic retention. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of implant number and implant angulation on retention of implant-retained mandibular overdentures and to compare different attachment types. In this study, 9 mandibular acrylic models with 3 different implant treatment plans were produced. 3 different types of attachments (Locator, OD-Secure and Locator R-Tx) were placed on the implants in the models manufactured in accordance with different implant treatment plans (2 parallel implants, 4 parallel implants and 2 angled implants). Retention was evaluated by applying 540 axial pull off test (insertion and removal) to each specimen with Instron Universal test device, equivalent to 6 months of clinical use. One-way ANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA were used to evaluate the data. According to the results of this study, the initial retention values of allattachments were between 30.16 N and 97.89 N. Locator attachment systems showed higher retention loss compared to other attachment systems regardless of implant number and angulation. It was observed that the number of implants affected retention independent of implant angulation and attachment system, whereas implant angulation increased retention only in Locator attachment system (p <0.05). The retention values of the Locator, OD-Secure and Locator R-Tx attachment systems were within acceptable limits after pull off test equivalent to 6 months of clinical use (>10N). Within the limitations of this study, it is considered that Locator R-Tx and OD-Secure attachment systems may be an alternative to Locator attachment system in terms of retention loss values.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry