İskeletsel sınıf II malokluzyonlu hastaların fonksiyonel tedavisinde kullanılan modifiye twin-star ve maksillatör apareylerinin kas aktivitelerine olan etkilerinin elektromiyografi ile incelenmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu prospektif randomize klinik çalışmanın amacı, mandibular retrognatiye bağlı iskeletsel Sınıf II Bölüm 1 malokluzyonlu olgularda, yeni tasarlanan Modifiye Twin-Star (MTS) apareyi ve Maksillatör (M) apareylerinin dentofasiyal yapı üzerindeki etkilerini radyolojik ve elektromiyografik (EMG) olarak karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmaya, pubertal büyüme dönemindeki Sınıf II Bölüm 1 maloklüzyona sahip, gönüllü 34 birey dahil edildi. 2 çalışma grubu (MTS: n=17, M: n=17) oluşturuldu. m.temporalis' in anterior kısmı, m.masseter ve submental kas kompozisyonu (mylohyoid, geniohyoid ve anterior digastrik kaslar) yüzey elektrot yöntemi (sEMG) ile bilateral olarak incelendi. Tedavi başı, 1. ay, 3. ay ve tedavi sonunda apareysiz olarak, istirahat, maksimum ısırma ve yutkunma sırasındaki kas aktivitesi ölçümleri yapıldı. Her iki grupta da Sınıf I molar ve kanin ilişki elde edildi, overjet ve overbite önemli miktarda azaldı ve profilde iyileşme gözlendi. Witt's değeri, PtV-Pm mesafesi, korpus uzunluğu, yumuşak doku konveksite açısı incelendiğinde MTS grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede daha başarılı ortopedik etki elde edildi. Tedavi başı ve tedavi sonu istirahat ve maksimum ısırma kas aktivite değerlerinin grup içi değerlendirilmesinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmaması, her iki apareyde de nöromuskuler yapının oluşturulan yeni morfolojik modele uyum sağladığı şeklinde yorumlandı. Ancak tedavi sonu istirahat kas aktivitelerinin MTS grubunda başlangıç değerlerine daha yakın bulunması, MTS apareyinin nöromuskuler adaptasyonu sağlamada daha başarılı olduğunu göstermiştir. MTS apareyi, yeni jenerasyon hareketli fonksiyonel apareyler içerisinde hasta odaklı yaklaşımı temsil eden bir alternatiftir.
The purpose of this prospective randomized clinical study, to compare the effects on dentofacial structures of the newly designed Modified Twin-Star (MTS) appliance and Maxillator (M) appliance with radiologic and electromyographic (EMG) methods on mandibular retrognathia dependent skeletal Class II Division 1 malocclusion cases. 34 Class II subjects on puberty were included voluntarily. 2 study group (MTS: n = 17, M: n = 17) was randomly assigned. Muscle activity recordings were taken with surface electrode method (sEMG) during different oral functions: at rest, swallowing and maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) on anterior temporal, masseter and submental area muscles (composition of mylohyoid, geniohyoid and anterior digastric muscles). Class I molar and canine relationship was obtained in both groups. Significant amount of overjet and overbite reduced and improvement was observed in the profile. Witt's appraisal, PtV-Pm distance, corpus length, soft tissue convexity angle was obtained significantly more successful orthopedic effect on the MTS group. No significant difference at rest and maximum voluntary contraction muscle activity was observed at beginning and at the end of the functional treatment in the intra-group evaluation of both MTS and M groups. It can be interpreted as neuromuscular structure adapted to the new generated morphological model. However MTS appliance was more succesful in achieving adaptation because of to be closer last and beginning muscle activity values. MTS appliance is an important alternative as a new generation of removable functional appliance pioneered patient-centered approach which has shown success.
The purpose of this prospective randomized clinical study, to compare the effects on dentofacial structures of the newly designed Modified Twin-Star (MTS) appliance and Maxillator (M) appliance with radiologic and electromyographic (EMG) methods on mandibular retrognathia dependent skeletal Class II Division 1 malocclusion cases. 34 Class II subjects on puberty were included voluntarily. 2 study group (MTS: n = 17, M: n = 17) was randomly assigned. Muscle activity recordings were taken with surface electrode method (sEMG) during different oral functions: at rest, swallowing and maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) on anterior temporal, masseter and submental area muscles (composition of mylohyoid, geniohyoid and anterior digastric muscles). Class I molar and canine relationship was obtained in both groups. Significant amount of overjet and overbite reduced and improvement was observed in the profile. Witt's appraisal, PtV-Pm distance, corpus length, soft tissue convexity angle was obtained significantly more successful orthopedic effect on the MTS group. No significant difference at rest and maximum voluntary contraction muscle activity was observed at beginning and at the end of the functional treatment in the intra-group evaluation of both MTS and M groups. It can be interpreted as neuromuscular structure adapted to the new generated morphological model. However MTS appliance was more succesful in achieving adaptation because of to be closer last and beginning muscle activity values. MTS appliance is an important alternative as a new generation of removable functional appliance pioneered patient-centered approach which has shown success.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Karaciğer, Liver ; Karaciğer hastalıkları, Liver diseases ; Karaciğer yağlanması, Fatty liver ; Probiyotikler, Probiotics ; Simbiyotik, Symbiotic ; Simbiyotik yaşam, Symbiosis ; Sıçanlar, Rats ; Vücut ağırlığı, Body weight