Plazmit DNA saflaştırılması işleminde kullanılmak üzere magnetik afinite mikrokürelerin hazırlanması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZETPLAZM T DNA SAFLAŞTIRILMASI ŞLEM NDE KULLANILMAKÜZERE MAGNET K AF N TE M KROKÜRELER NHAZIRLANMASIÜRÜN, MeralKırıkkale ÜniversitesiFen Bilimleri EnstitüsüBiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans TeziDanışman: Prof. Dr. M.Yakup ARICAKasım 2006, 53 SAYFABu çalışmada, metilmetakrilat (MMA), metakrilikasit (MAA) veetilenglikoldimetakrilat (EGDMA) monomerleri kullanılarak süspansiyonpolimerizasyon yöntemi ile m-p(MMA-ko-MAA) mikroküreleri sentezlendi.Sentezlenen mikrokürelerin karakterizasyon çalışmaları (spesifik yüzey alanı, partikülboy ve boyut dağılımı, yoğunluğu, şişme oranı, ESR spektrumu, SEM mikrografı,FTIR spektrumu, karboksil grubu tayini) yapıldı ve DNA adsorpsiyonu çalışmalarındakullanıldı. Afinite mikrokürelerin sulu çözeltiden ve bakteriyel hücre lizatından DNAuzaklaştırılması ve saflaştırılmasında performansı incelendi. Tüm afinite mikroküreleriçin maksimum adsorpsiyon kapasitesi pH 4'de gözlendi ve adsorpsiyon miktarı 2.97mg/gr olarak bulundu.Bakteriyel hücre lizatından plazmid DNA izolasyonu için miniprep DNAizolasyon yöntemi kullanıldı ve elde edilen plazmid DNA'ların Aâ??â??â??/Aâ??â??â?? oranı 1.7-2.0arasında bulundu.Anahtar Kelimeler : Magnetik küre, Plazmid DNA, Adsorpsiyon
ABSTRACTTHE PREPARATION OF THE MAGNET C AFF N TY MICROBEADS FORTHE PUR F CAT ON OF PLASM D DNAÜRÜN, MeralKırıkkale UniversityGraduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesDepatment of Biology, M. Sc. ThesisSupervisor : Prof. Dr. M.Yakup ARICANovember 2006, 53 pagesIn this study, the microbeads of m-p(MMA-ko-MAA) was synthesized by usingmethylmethacrylate (MMA), methacrylitic acid (MAA) andethyleneglycoldimethacrylate (EGDMA) monomers by the suspension polymerisationmethod. In order to use in the DNA adsorption study, characterization of themicrobeads synthesized (the specific surface area, height, distribution of dimension,density, proportion to swallow, ESR spectrum, SEM microscopy, FTIR spectrum,carboxyl group indication) was carried out. The performans of the microbeads duringthe DNA removal and purification from the aquous solution and bacterial cell lysatewas studied. The maximum adsorption capasity for all microbeads has beenobserved at pH 4 and the adsorption amount has been found as 2.97 mg/gr.Miniprep DNA isolation method was used for plasmid DNA isolation frombacterial cell lysate product and the adsoptions propotions of plasmid DNA isolatedhas been found in the range of 1.7-2.0 .Keywords : Magnetic bead, Plasmid DNA, Adsorption
ABSTRACTTHE PREPARATION OF THE MAGNET C AFF N TY MICROBEADS FORTHE PUR F CAT ON OF PLASM D DNAÜRÜN, MeralKırıkkale UniversityGraduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesDepatment of Biology, M. Sc. ThesisSupervisor : Prof. Dr. M.Yakup ARICANovember 2006, 53 pagesIn this study, the microbeads of m-p(MMA-ko-MAA) was synthesized by usingmethylmethacrylate (MMA), methacrylitic acid (MAA) andethyleneglycoldimethacrylate (EGDMA) monomers by the suspension polymerisationmethod. In order to use in the DNA adsorption study, characterization of themicrobeads synthesized (the specific surface area, height, distribution of dimension,density, proportion to swallow, ESR spectrum, SEM microscopy, FTIR spectrum,carboxyl group indication) was carried out. The performans of the microbeads duringthe DNA removal and purification from the aquous solution and bacterial cell lysatewas studied. The maximum adsorption capasity for all microbeads has beenobserved at pH 4 and the adsorption amount has been found as 2.97 mg/gr.Miniprep DNA isolation method was used for plasmid DNA isolation frombacterial cell lysate product and the adsoptions propotions of plasmid DNA isolatedhas been found in the range of 1.7-2.0 .Keywords : Magnetic bead, Plasmid DNA, Adsorption
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry ; Biyoloji, Biology