Deri tümörlerinde epitelyal mezenkimal geçiş ile ilişkili proteinlerin araştırılması
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Epitelyal mezenkimal geçişin (EMT), tümör hücrelerinin malign davranışları için gerekli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, deri skuamöz hücreli karsinomu (SHK), in situ SHK (SHK-INSK), bazal hücreli karsinom (BHK) ve aktinik keratozdaki EMT ilişkili proteinler olan. Smad1, AREB6. GIT1'i immünohistokimyasal yöntemle değerlendirmektir. 37 SHK, 34 BHK, 9 in situ SHK, 12 AK ve 7 normal deri doku örneğinin dahil edildiği prospektif bir çalışmada Smad1, AREB6 ve GIT1 düzeyleri immünohistokimyasal yöntemlerle araştırıldı. SHK, BHK, in situ SHK, AK doku örneklerindeki Smad1 protein ekspresyon düzeyleri, normal deri dokusundan anlamlı düzeyde yüksekti (p<0,001). SHK'da Smad1 protein ekspresyon düzeyleri, AK'dan istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek saptandı (p=0,002). SHK grubunun AREB6 protein ekspresyon düzeyleri, BHK (p<0,001), in situ SHK (p=0,001), AK (p=0,002) ve normal deriden (p<0,001) örneklerinden anlamlı düzeyde yüksekti. SHK (p<0,001), BHK (p<0,001), in situ SHK (p=0,008) ve AK (p=0,002) örneklerinin GIT1 protein ekspresyon düzeyleri, normal deriden anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu. SHK örneklerinin GIT1 protein ekspresyon düzeyleri, BHK (p=0,007), in situ SHK (p=0,002) ve AK (p<0,001) örneklerinin GIT1 protein ekspresyon düzeylerinden istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksekti. İyi ile orta diferansiye SHK; evreye göre kategorize edilen SHK; infiltratif ile nonifiltratif BHK örnekleri arasında AREB6 ve GIT1 ekspresyon düzeyleri açısından anlamlı fark yoktu ancak.SMAD1 iyi diferansiye SHK'da orta derecedeki karsinomlara göre daha düşük eksprese olmaktaydı (p=0,039). Sonuçlarımız, Smad1, AREB6 ve GIT1 EMT ilişkili proteinlerin beklendiği gibi invaziv aşamada daha yüksek düzeyde eksprese olduklarını göstermektedir. Bu proteinler non-melanotik deri tümörlerinde tedavi ve metastazın önlenmesinde yeni bir moleküler hedef olarak faydalı olabileceğini düşündürmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Skuamöz Hücreli Karsinom, Bazal Hücreli Karsinom, Smad1, AREB6, GIT1.
Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is thought to be an essential feature of malign behaviours of tumor cells. The aim of the study was to evaluate the Smad1, AREB6, GIT1 which are EMT-related proteins in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), in situ SCC, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and actinic keratosis (AK) by immunohistochemical staining. In a prospective study that included 37 SCC, 34 BCC, 9 in situ SCC, 12 AK and 7 normal tissue samples, levels of Smad1, AREB6 and AREB6 were investigated by immunohistochemical metod. Smad1 protein expression levels were significantly higher in SCC, BCC, in situ SCC and AK than in normal skin tissue (p<0.001). Smad1 protein expression levels were determined significantly higher in SCC than in AK (p=0.002). AREB6 protein expression levels were significantly higher in SCC than in BCC (p<0.001), in situ SCC (p=0.001), AK (p=0.002) and normal skin tissue samples (p<0.001). GIT1 protein expression levels were determined significantly higher in SCC (p<0.001), BCC (p<0.001), in situ SCC (p=0.008) and AK (p=0.002) than in normal skin tissue. GIT1 protein expression levels were significantly higher in SCC than in BCC (p=0.007), in situ SCC (p=0.002) and AK (p<0.001) samples. There was no significant difference, in terms of AREB6 and GIT1, between well and moderate differentiated samples of SCC; between the samples categorized according to the stages of SCC; and between infiltrative and non infiltrative BCC but SMAD 1 was expressed lower in well differented SCC than in moderated carcinoma (p=0.039). Our results have demonstrated that EMT-associated proteins Smad1, AREB6 and GIT1 are higher level in invazive stage as expected. These proteins as a novel molecular target, can be useful for treatment and prevention of metastasis in non-melanotic skin tumours. Key words: Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Smad1, AREB6, GIT1.
Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is thought to be an essential feature of malign behaviours of tumor cells. The aim of the study was to evaluate the Smad1, AREB6, GIT1 which are EMT-related proteins in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), in situ SCC, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and actinic keratosis (AK) by immunohistochemical staining. In a prospective study that included 37 SCC, 34 BCC, 9 in situ SCC, 12 AK and 7 normal tissue samples, levels of Smad1, AREB6 and AREB6 were investigated by immunohistochemical metod. Smad1 protein expression levels were significantly higher in SCC, BCC, in situ SCC and AK than in normal skin tissue (p<0.001). Smad1 protein expression levels were determined significantly higher in SCC than in AK (p=0.002). AREB6 protein expression levels were significantly higher in SCC than in BCC (p<0.001), in situ SCC (p=0.001), AK (p=0.002) and normal skin tissue samples (p<0.001). GIT1 protein expression levels were determined significantly higher in SCC (p<0.001), BCC (p<0.001), in situ SCC (p=0.008) and AK (p=0.002) than in normal skin tissue. GIT1 protein expression levels were significantly higher in SCC than in BCC (p=0.007), in situ SCC (p=0.002) and AK (p<0.001) samples. There was no significant difference, in terms of AREB6 and GIT1, between well and moderate differentiated samples of SCC; between the samples categorized according to the stages of SCC; and between infiltrative and non infiltrative BCC but SMAD 1 was expressed lower in well differented SCC than in moderated carcinoma (p=0.039). Our results have demonstrated that EMT-associated proteins Smad1, AREB6 and GIT1 are higher level in invazive stage as expected. These proteins as a novel molecular target, can be useful for treatment and prevention of metastasis in non-melanotic skin tumours. Key words: Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Smad1, AREB6, GIT1.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Patoloji, Pathology