L-histidin içeren p(HEMA-MAH) hidrojellerin insan serumundan immunoglobulin G saflaştırılmasında kullanılması ve immunoglobulin-G'nin saflık derecesinin YBSK ile tayini
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZET L-fflSTİDİN İÇEREN p(HEMA-MAH) HİDROJELLERİNİN İNSAN SERUMUNDAN IMMUNOGLOBULIN G SAFLAŞTIRILMASINDA KULLANILMASI VE İMMUNOGLOBULİN G'NİN SAFLIK DERECESİNİN YBSK İLE TAYİNİ YALÇIN, Emine Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi Danışman: Prof. Dr. M. Yakup ARICA Ortak Danışman: Doç. Dr. Gülay BAYRAMOĞLU Ekim 2003, 79 sayfa Afinite kromatografisi destek materyali olarak, metakriloamidohistidin (MAH) ile hidroksietilmetakrilat (HEMA) momomelerinin, a,d,azoizobütirilonitril (AIBN) başlatıcısı kullanılarak UV ışığında fotopolimerizasyon yöntemi ile membran yapıda poH(Mdroksietilmetakrüat-ko-metakriloarnidohistidin) p(HEMA- MAH) adsorbentleri sentezlendj. p(HEMA-MAH) afinite membranlara sulu çözeltilerden ve insan serumundan immunoglobulin G (HlgG) adsorpsiyonu incelendi. Maksimum HlgG adsorpsiyonu pH 8.0'da gözlendi. pHEMA membranlaraHIgG adsorpsiyonu ihmal edilebilir düzeydedir. p(HEMA-MAH) membranlan kullanıldığında sulu çözeltilerden daha yüksek HlgG adsorpsiyon kapasitesine ulaşıldı (13.06 mg/ml). Pseudospesifik ligand bağlı afinite membranlan ile insan serumundan tek basamakta HlgG saflaştırılması gerçekleştirildi. Bu membranlarla adsorpsiyon kapasitesinde önemli bir azalma olmaksızın adsorpsiyon-desorpsiyon işlemi tekrar uygulanabilmektedir. İnsan serumundan doğrudan HlgG saflaştırılması sonuçlan YBSK ile tayin edildi. 0.4 M NaCl içeren Hepes tamponu (pH 7.4, 25 mM) desorpsiyon ajanı olarak kullanıldığında p(HEMA-MAH) afinite membranlanna adsorplanan HlgG'nin %60'ı desorbe edildi. p(HEMA-MAH) kullanüarak HlgG'nin insan serumundan saflaştırma oranı %58 olarak bulundu. Anahtar Kelimeler: Afinite Membran; pseudospesifik ligand; L-histidin; immunoglobulin G; YBSK
ABSTRACT THE USE OF L-HİSTİDİNE IMMOBILIZED p(HEMA-MAH) HYDROGELS IN THE PURIFICATION OF THE IMMUNOGLOBULIN G FROM HUMAN SERUM AND DETERMINATION OF PURITY DEGREE OF THE IMMUNOGLOBULIN G BY HPLC YALÇIN, Emine Kırıkkale University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Biology, M.Sc.Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Yakup ARICA Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay B AYRAMOGLU October 2003, 79 pages The affinity chromatographic support poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co- methacryloamidohistidine) (p(HEMA-MAH)) membranes were prepared from methacryloamidohistidine (MAH) and 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) via UV initiated photo-polymerization, in the presence of an initiator a,d,azoisbutyronitrile. The human-immunoglobulin-G (HIgG) adsorption onto these affinity membranes from aqueous solutions and human serum was investigated. The maximum HIgG adsorption on the L-histidine immobilized pHEMA adsorbents was observed at pH 8.0. The non-specific HIgG adsorption onto the plain pHEMA adsorbents was very iiilow. Higher adsorption values (13.06 mg/ml) were obtained when the p(HEMA- MAH) adsorbents were used from aqueous solution. The HIgG molecules could be repeatedly adsorbed and desorbed with p(HEMA-MAH) adsorbents without noticeable loss in their HIgG adsorption capacity. The result of direct HIgG purification from human serum were determined by HPLC. %60 of the adsorbed HIgG was eluted by using 0.4 M NaCl containing Hepes buffer (pH 7.4, 25 raM) as elution agent. The removal ratios of HIgG from human serum for the p(HEMA- MAH) adsorbents was %58. Keywords: Affinity membrane; Pseudospesific ligand; L-Histidine, Immunoglobulin G,HPLC IV
ABSTRACT THE USE OF L-HİSTİDİNE IMMOBILIZED p(HEMA-MAH) HYDROGELS IN THE PURIFICATION OF THE IMMUNOGLOBULIN G FROM HUMAN SERUM AND DETERMINATION OF PURITY DEGREE OF THE IMMUNOGLOBULIN G BY HPLC YALÇIN, Emine Kırıkkale University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Biology, M.Sc.Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Yakup ARICA Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay B AYRAMOGLU October 2003, 79 pages The affinity chromatographic support poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co- methacryloamidohistidine) (p(HEMA-MAH)) membranes were prepared from methacryloamidohistidine (MAH) and 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) via UV initiated photo-polymerization, in the presence of an initiator a,d,azoisbutyronitrile. The human-immunoglobulin-G (HIgG) adsorption onto these affinity membranes from aqueous solutions and human serum was investigated. The maximum HIgG adsorption on the L-histidine immobilized pHEMA adsorbents was observed at pH 8.0. The non-specific HIgG adsorption onto the plain pHEMA adsorbents was very iiilow. Higher adsorption values (13.06 mg/ml) were obtained when the p(HEMA- MAH) adsorbents were used from aqueous solution. The HIgG molecules could be repeatedly adsorbed and desorbed with p(HEMA-MAH) adsorbents without noticeable loss in their HIgG adsorption capacity. The result of direct HIgG purification from human serum were determined by HPLC. %60 of the adsorbed HIgG was eluted by using 0.4 M NaCl containing Hepes buffer (pH 7.4, 25 raM) as elution agent. The removal ratios of HIgG from human serum for the p(HEMA- MAH) adsorbents was %58. Keywords: Affinity membrane; Pseudospesific ligand; L-Histidine, Immunoglobulin G,HPLC IV
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology
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