Künt toraks travmalı olgularda travma şiddeti ile skapula kırığı ilişkisinin araştırılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Toraks travma olgularında fizik muayene ve röntgenografide skapular yaralanmanın düşünülmediği olgularda tomografilerde skapular kırık saptanabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı toraks travmalı olguların demografik özellikleri, skapular kırığıyla birlikteliği durumunda oluşabilen farklılıkların ve eşlik eden yaralanma ilişkisindeki değişim oranlarının belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu retrospektif çalışma 2010-2014 arasında acil servise künt toraks travması nedeniyle başvuran hastaların kayıt sistemleri analiz edilerek yapıldı. Tüm toraks travmalı olgular skapula kırığı olan ve kontrol grupları olarak sınıflandırıldı. Olguların yaş, cinsiyet, travma mekanizması, travma tipleri, fizik muayene bulguları ve travma skorları değerlendirildi. Elde edilen veriler % 95'lik güven aralığında, anlamlılık p<0,05 düzeyinde değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Başvuran toplam 2059 toraks travmalı hastanın 77(%3,7)'sinde skapula kırığı saptanmışken (grup 1) 1982 olguda (%96,3) ise skapula kırığı saptanmadı(grup 2). İki grup arasında yaş ve cinsiyet açısından istatistiki farklılık saptanmadı. ISS (Injury Severity Score) grup 1 de yüksek saptandı. [Grup 1: 18,80±13,22, Grup 2: 6.29 ± 8.49; p<0,001]. ISS skoru?9 olanlarda skapula kırık insidansı %11,25 olarak saptandı. Grup 1'de ISS skoru <15 olan olgu sayısı 47 (%61,03) olarak saptandı. Eşlik eden yaralanmalar açısından grup 1'de en sık kot kırığı gözlemlendi(%44,15). Travma tipleri gruplarda değerlendirildiğinde grup 1 de izole toraks travmalı olgu saptanmamışken en sık multitravmalı baş ve fasial yaralanmaların eşlik ettiği saptandı (%36,36). Grup 1'de olguların %90,9'unda tomografik görüntüleme yapılmıştı. Kırık olgularından %97,4'ünde konservatif tedavi yeterli olmuştu. Sonuç: Düşük injüri şiddetine sahip torakal travmalarda ileri deplasman göstermeyen skapular kırıklar saptanabilir. Bu kırıklara konservatif yöntemlerle tedavi yeterli olur. Torakal travmalarda literatürdeki değerlerden düşük saptanmış olsada en sık birliktelik halen kot kırığı ile mevcuttur. Çalışmamız yüksek tomografik görüntüleme oranıyla künt toraks travmasında skapula kırıklarının gerçek insidansı ve daha gerçekçi eşlik eden ikincil yaralanmalarla birliktelik ilişkilerini ortaya koyması açısından önemlidir.
Abstract and background: The use of computed tomography is increasing in trauma patients due to the defensive medical practice and technological facilities. Especially in thoracic trauma patients, where physical examination and x-ray is insufficient for an accurate diagnosis, a scapula fracture can be detected by computed tomography. The aim of this study is to detect the effect of demographic features and other personal variations associated with the injuries causing scapula fractures. Materials and methods: This study has been conducted by analyzing the charts and the medical records of the patients admitted to the emergency department with blunt thoracic trauma between the years 2010 and 2014. The patients were divided into two groups as the ones with scapula fractures (group 1) and the ones without scapula fractures (group 2). Age, sex, mechanism of the trauma, type of trauma, physical examination findings and trauma scores were evaluated. The diagnostic techniques and co-existence of other system injuries were investigated. Data obtained were evaluated with 95 % CI and P<0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. Results: Among 2059 cases admitted to emergency department with thorax injuries, 77 (3.7%) had scapula fractures ( group 1 ) and 1982 (96,3%) without scapula fractures (group 2). No statistically significant differences were detected among age and sex between two groups. Injury severity score (ISS) was higher in group 1. (Group 1: 18,80±13,22, Group 2: 6.29 ± 8.49; P<0.001]. The risk of scapula fracture incidence was detected as 11.25% in cases with ISS score ?9. In group 1, the number of cases with ISS score <15 was 41 (61.03%). Motor vehicle accidents were the most common cause of the injuries (Group 1:%66.2; Group 2:%69). The most common associating injury in group 1 was rib fracture (44.15%). The odds ratio of rib fracture in scapula fracture was 2.37 (%95 CI: 1.51-3.72). The odds ratios of subcutaneous emphysema and non-complicated pneumothorax were 1.97 (%95 CI: 0.87-4.4) and 1.2 (%95 CI: 0.56-2.47) respectively. When the trauma types were analyzed among groups; mostly head and facial injuries (36,4%) accompanied to thoracic trauma in group 1. Computed tomography was conducted in 90.9% of group 1 patients. In 97.4% of patients with fractures, conservative treatment was successful. Conclusion: Scapula fractures without an advanced displacement can be detected in low severity thoracic injuries. Conservative treatment will be enough in such cases. Rib fractures are the most common accompanying injury with thoracic traumas although they were detected less the statistics defined in the literature. This study is significant in detecting the real incidence of blunt thoracic traumas and accompanying injuries associated with a high diagnostic ratio using computed tomography.
Abstract and background: The use of computed tomography is increasing in trauma patients due to the defensive medical practice and technological facilities. Especially in thoracic trauma patients, where physical examination and x-ray is insufficient for an accurate diagnosis, a scapula fracture can be detected by computed tomography. The aim of this study is to detect the effect of demographic features and other personal variations associated with the injuries causing scapula fractures. Materials and methods: This study has been conducted by analyzing the charts and the medical records of the patients admitted to the emergency department with blunt thoracic trauma between the years 2010 and 2014. The patients were divided into two groups as the ones with scapula fractures (group 1) and the ones without scapula fractures (group 2). Age, sex, mechanism of the trauma, type of trauma, physical examination findings and trauma scores were evaluated. The diagnostic techniques and co-existence of other system injuries were investigated. Data obtained were evaluated with 95 % CI and P<0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. Results: Among 2059 cases admitted to emergency department with thorax injuries, 77 (3.7%) had scapula fractures ( group 1 ) and 1982 (96,3%) without scapula fractures (group 2). No statistically significant differences were detected among age and sex between two groups. Injury severity score (ISS) was higher in group 1. (Group 1: 18,80±13,22, Group 2: 6.29 ± 8.49; P<0.001]. The risk of scapula fracture incidence was detected as 11.25% in cases with ISS score ?9. In group 1, the number of cases with ISS score <15 was 41 (61.03%). Motor vehicle accidents were the most common cause of the injuries (Group 1:%66.2; Group 2:%69). The most common associating injury in group 1 was rib fracture (44.15%). The odds ratio of rib fracture in scapula fracture was 2.37 (%95 CI: 1.51-3.72). The odds ratios of subcutaneous emphysema and non-complicated pneumothorax were 1.97 (%95 CI: 0.87-4.4) and 1.2 (%95 CI: 0.56-2.47) respectively. When the trauma types were analyzed among groups; mostly head and facial injuries (36,4%) accompanied to thoracic trauma in group 1. Computed tomography was conducted in 90.9% of group 1 patients. In 97.4% of patients with fractures, conservative treatment was successful. Conclusion: Scapula fractures without an advanced displacement can be detected in low severity thoracic injuries. Conservative treatment will be enough in such cases. Rib fractures are the most common accompanying injury with thoracic traumas although they were detected less the statistics defined in the literature. This study is significant in detecting the real incidence of blunt thoracic traumas and accompanying injuries associated with a high diagnostic ratio using computed tomography.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; İlk ve Acil Yardım, Emergency and First Aid