Relationship between international index of erectile function and international prostate symptom scores degress in patients with benign prostate hyperlasia after 50 years old
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Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı alt üriner sistem semptomu olan hastalarda uluslar arası erektil fonksiyon skoru ile uluslar arası prostat semptom skoru değerleri arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir. Yöntem ve Gereç: Yirmi beş ile 81 yaşları arasında toplam 263 hasta dijital rektal muayene, transrektal ultrasonografi, serum biyokimya analizi, prostat spesfic antijen ile değerlendirildi. Prostat ve erektil fonksiyon sorgulama formları tüm hastalar tarafından dolduruldu. Bu değerlendirmelerden sonra, 50 ile 78 yaşları arasında 82 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastalar alt üriner sistem semptomlarının ciddiyetine göre hafif, orta ve ciddi olarak; erektil fonksiyon sorgulama form skorlarına göre normal veya hafif, orta ve ciddi erektil disfonksiyon olarak ayrıldı. Bulgular: Ortalama yaş 61.36.9 yıl idi. Ortalama uluslar arası prostat semptom ve uluslar arası erektil fonksiyon skorları sırasıyla 14.86.6 ve 13.48.7 idi. Sorgulama formlarına göre hastaların alt üriner sistem semptomları ile erektil disfonsksiyon dereceleri arasında ilişki bulnmadı (Pearson x22.886, p0.581). İki sorgulama formu değerleri arasında negativ, fakat istatistiksel olarak anlamsız korelasyon izlendi (r-0.227, p0.102). Sonuç: Benign prostat hiperplazisi ve erektil disfonksiyon yaşlı hastalarda en yaygın patoloji olmasıonda rağmen, bu iki patoloji araısndaki ilişki sadece aynı cins ve aynı yaşama başlamasına bağlıdır.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the relationship between International Index of Erectile Function Score and International Prostate Symptom Score values in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. Materials: A total of 263 patients between 25 and 81 years old were evaluated by digital rectal examination, transrectal ultrasonography, serum biochemical analysis and Prostate Specific Antigen. Prostate and erectile function questionnaire forms were filled by all patients. After these investigations, 82 patients between 50 and 78 years olds were enrolled into the study. The patients were divided based on the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms as mild, moderate and severe, and based on erectile function questionnaire form score as normal or mild, moderate and severe erectile dysfunction. Results: Average age was 61.3±6.9 years old. Average International Prostate Symptom Score and International Index of Erectile Function scores were 14.8±6.6 and 13.4±8.7, respectively. There was not found any differences between degree of the lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfuncton according to questionnaire forms of patients (Pearson x 22.886, p0.581). There was negative, but statistically insignificant correlation between two questionnaire forms' values (r-0.227, p0.102). Conclusion: Although benign prostate hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction are the most common pathologies in elderly patients, the relationship between benign prostate hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction is due to only being in the same gender and ages.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the relationship between International Index of Erectile Function Score and International Prostate Symptom Score values in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. Materials: A total of 263 patients between 25 and 81 years old were evaluated by digital rectal examination, transrectal ultrasonography, serum biochemical analysis and Prostate Specific Antigen. Prostate and erectile function questionnaire forms were filled by all patients. After these investigations, 82 patients between 50 and 78 years olds were enrolled into the study. The patients were divided based on the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms as mild, moderate and severe, and based on erectile function questionnaire form score as normal or mild, moderate and severe erectile dysfunction. Results: Average age was 61.3±6.9 years old. Average International Prostate Symptom Score and International Index of Erectile Function scores were 14.8±6.6 and 13.4±8.7, respectively. There was not found any differences between degree of the lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfuncton according to questionnaire forms of patients (Pearson x 22.886, p0.581). There was negative, but statistically insignificant correlation between two questionnaire forms' values (r-0.227, p0.102). Conclusion: Although benign prostate hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction are the most common pathologies in elderly patients, the relationship between benign prostate hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction is due to only being in the same gender and ages.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Geriatri Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Başar, M. M., Yılmaz, E., Ünal, S., Başar, H., Batislam, E. (2005). Relationship between international index of erectile function and international prostate symptom scores degress in patients with benign prostate hyperlasia after 50 years old. Türk Geriatri Dergisi, 8(4), 165 - 168.