Mini vida destekli distalizasyon için kullanılan palatinal ankraj bölgelerinin 3 boyutlu sonlu elemanlar stres analizi yöntemi kullanılarak karşılaştırılması
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Bu çalışmamızın amacı palatinanın mini vida yerleştirmeye uygun ön ve arka bölgelerinden ankraj alan distalizasyon sistemlerinin kemik üzerine etkilerini 3 boyutlu sonlu elemanlar stres analizi ile in vitro olarak karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmada altı farklı klinik senaryo belirlenmiştir. Modellerin ve senaryoların oluşturulmasında literatürde yer alan BENEslider (PSM, Germany) distalizasyon apareyinin geometrik ölçümlerinden ve çalışma prensiplerinden faydalanılmıştır. Mini vida uzunluklarının belirlenmesinde literatürde yer alan palatinal bölgenin kemik kalınlıkları hakkında bilgi veren Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (KIBT) çalışmaları referans alınmıştır. 9 mm uzunluğundaki mini vidalar ön palatinal bölgeyi temsil eden kemik bloklara monokortikal olarak yerleştirilmiştir. 7 mm uzunluğundaki mini vidalar arka palatinal bölgeyi temsil eden kemik bloklara farklı senaryolarda hem monokortikal hem de bikortikal olarak yerleştirilmiştir. Distalizasyon kuvveti 2 N olarak belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen kuvvetler ve momentlerin etkisi altında kortikal ve süngerimsi kemikte oluşan gerilmeler hem osseointegrasyon varlığında hem de yokluğunda incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre ön palatinal bölgeye uygulanan mini vida destekli distalizasyon apareyleri ile kortikal kemik üzerine iletilen gerilimler arka palatinal bölgeye göre daha düşük bulunmuştur. Bikortikal ankraj planlanarak arka palatinal bölgede yer alan mini vidalar çevresinde oluşan stresin azalması sağlanmış, fakat kemik üzerindeki gerilimlerin azaltılmasında ön palatinal bölgede yer alan mini vidalar kadar başarılı bulunmamıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Mini Vida, Distalizasyon, Palatinal Ankraj, Bikortikal Ankraj, Sonlu Elemanlar Stres Analizi
The aim of this study is to compare the effects of distalization systems, which are anchored from the anterior and posterior parts of the palatina suitable for mini screw insertion, on the bone with 3-dimensional finite element stress analysis. Six different clinical scenarios were identified in the study. In the creation of models and scenarios, the geometric measurements and working principles of the BENEslider (PSM, Germany) distalization appliance in the literature were used. In the determination of mini screw lengths, Conical Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) studies that provide information about the bone thickness of the palatinal region in the literature were taken as reference. 9 mm long mini screws were placed monocortically in bone blocks representing the anterior palatinal region. 7 mm long mini-screws were placed in bone blocks representing the posterior palatinal region in different scenarios, both monocortically and bicortically. The distalization force was determined to be 2 N. The stresses in cortical and cancellous bone due to the determined forces and moments were investigated both in the presence and absence of osseointegration. According to the analysis results, the stresses transmitted on the cortical bone with mini screw-supported distalization appliances applied to the anterior palatinal region were found to be lower than the posterior palatinal area. Bicortical anchorage was planned to reduce the stress around the mini screws in the posterior palatinal region, but it was not found as successful as the mini screws in the anterior palatinal region in reducing the stresses on the bone. Keywords: Mini Screw, Distalization, Palatinal Anchor, Bicortical Anchor, Finite Element Stress Analysis
The aim of this study is to compare the effects of distalization systems, which are anchored from the anterior and posterior parts of the palatina suitable for mini screw insertion, on the bone with 3-dimensional finite element stress analysis. Six different clinical scenarios were identified in the study. In the creation of models and scenarios, the geometric measurements and working principles of the BENEslider (PSM, Germany) distalization appliance in the literature were used. In the determination of mini screw lengths, Conical Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) studies that provide information about the bone thickness of the palatinal region in the literature were taken as reference. 9 mm long mini screws were placed monocortically in bone blocks representing the anterior palatinal region. 7 mm long mini-screws were placed in bone blocks representing the posterior palatinal region in different scenarios, both monocortically and bicortically. The distalization force was determined to be 2 N. The stresses in cortical and cancellous bone due to the determined forces and moments were investigated both in the presence and absence of osseointegration. According to the analysis results, the stresses transmitted on the cortical bone with mini screw-supported distalization appliances applied to the anterior palatinal region were found to be lower than the posterior palatinal area. Bicortical anchorage was planned to reduce the stress around the mini screws in the posterior palatinal region, but it was not found as successful as the mini screws in the anterior palatinal region in reducing the stresses on the bone. Keywords: Mini Screw, Distalization, Palatinal Anchor, Bicortical Anchor, Finite Element Stress Analysis
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği = Dentistry