Tek kart bilgisayar kullanarak yaklaşım tapası tasarımı
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Bu çalışmada orman yangınlarında kullanılabilecek yaklaşım tapaları üzerine inceleme ve tek kart bilgisayar kullanılarak güvenilir, ekonomik ve etkili bir uygulama hedeflenmiştir. Yaklaşım tapalarının özellikleri bileşenleri hedef algılama yöntemleri ve hedefe belirli mesafede paralanma işlevi incelenmiş ve buna bağlı olarak benzer bir fiziksel davranışın tek kart bilgisayarlarla sağlanıp sağlanamayacağı incelenmiştir. Model olarak tasarlanan ve prototip olarak üç boyutlu roket gövdesi için baskı hizmeti alındı elektronik sistemi tek kart bilgisayar üzerine uyarlandı ve çalışması için gerekli olan gerilim, pil güç kaynağı tarafından sağlanıp, TF mini LiDAR lazer mesafe sensörü vasıtasıyla hedef ile roket prototipi arasındaki mesafe değeri ölçülmüştür. Sensörden alınan mesafe bilgisi ESP32 mikroişlemcisi tarafından işlenmiş ve mesafe bilgisi ESP32 mikroişlemcisine kodlanmış bluetooth bağlantısı ile telefona yüklenen Bluetooth Serial uygulaması üzerinden uzaktan mesafe takibi yapılmıştır. Tasarlanan tek kart bilgisayar sisteminde, yaklaşım tapasının çalışma prensibi olan hedefe belirli mesafeye gelindiğinde bir tetikleyici sinyal aracılığıyla patlayıcının paralanma fonksiyonunu gerçekleştirmesi işlemi burada buzzer ve LED şeride gönderilen sinyal ile test edilmiştir. Çalışmalarda işlemci kartına önceden mesafe değer bilgisi girilmiş ve üç boyutlu roket prototipinin uç kısmında yer alan lazer sensörünün önceden belirlenen mesafeye geldiğinde hem buzzer'ın aktif hale gelerek ses çıkarması hem de LED şeridin arzu edilen mesafede elektrik sinyali ürettiği gözlemlenmiştir. Burada yapılan çalışmalar imkânlar doğrultusunda ve belirli zaman aralığında gerçekleşmiş olup yaklaşım tapalarının çalışma prensibine uygun sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen ürün gerek prototip roketlerde gerekse düşük adetten kaynaklanan fayda/maliyet hesapları göz önüne alınarak güvenilir bir alternatif olarak değerlendirilebileceği görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tapa çeşitleri, elektronik tapa, yaklaşım tapası, yaklaşım tapa bileşenleri, patlayıcılar, radar, anten, RF.
In this study, a reliable, economical and effective application is aimed by examining the approach plugs and using a single board computer to using forest fire. The features, components, target detection methods and splitting function of the approach fuzes at a certain distance from the target were examined and accordingly, it was examined whether a similar physical behavior could be achieved with single board computers. Printing service was provided for the three-dimensional rocket body, which was designed as a model and as a prototype, its electronic system was adapted on a single board computer, and the voltage required for its operation was provided by the battery power supply, and the distance value between the target and the rocket prototype was measured by means of the TF Mini LiDAR Laser distance sensor. The distance information received from the sensor was processed by the ESP32 microprocessor and the distance information was coded into the ESP32 microprocessor, and remote distance tracking was carried out via the Bluetooth Serial application downloaded to the phone via bluetooth connection. In the designed single-board computer system, the operation principle of the proximity plug, the explosion function of the explosive through a trigger signal when a certain distance to the target is reached, has been tested with the signal sent to the buzzer and the LED strip. In the studies, the distance value information was entered into the processor board in advance and it was observed that when the laser sensor located at the tip of the three-dimensional rocket prototype came to the predetermined distance, both the buzzer would activate and sound and the LED strip would generate an electrical signal at the desired distance. The studies carried out here were carried out in line with the possibilities and within a certain time period, and results were obtained in accordance with the working principle of the approach plugs. It has been seen that the obtained product can be evaluated as a reliable alternative both in prototype rockets and considering the benefit/cost calculations arising from the low number. Key Words:Fuze types, electronic fuze, proximity fuze, components of proximity fuze, detonators, radar, antenna, RF.
In this study, a reliable, economical and effective application is aimed by examining the approach plugs and using a single board computer to using forest fire. The features, components, target detection methods and splitting function of the approach fuzes at a certain distance from the target were examined and accordingly, it was examined whether a similar physical behavior could be achieved with single board computers. Printing service was provided for the three-dimensional rocket body, which was designed as a model and as a prototype, its electronic system was adapted on a single board computer, and the voltage required for its operation was provided by the battery power supply, and the distance value between the target and the rocket prototype was measured by means of the TF Mini LiDAR Laser distance sensor. The distance information received from the sensor was processed by the ESP32 microprocessor and the distance information was coded into the ESP32 microprocessor, and remote distance tracking was carried out via the Bluetooth Serial application downloaded to the phone via bluetooth connection. In the designed single-board computer system, the operation principle of the proximity plug, the explosion function of the explosive through a trigger signal when a certain distance to the target is reached, has been tested with the signal sent to the buzzer and the LED strip. In the studies, the distance value information was entered into the processor board in advance and it was observed that when the laser sensor located at the tip of the three-dimensional rocket prototype came to the predetermined distance, both the buzzer would activate and sound and the LED strip would generate an electrical signal at the desired distance. The studies carried out here were carried out in line with the possibilities and within a certain time period, and results were obtained in accordance with the working principle of the approach plugs. It has been seen that the obtained product can be evaluated as a reliable alternative both in prototype rockets and considering the benefit/cost calculations arising from the low number. Key Words:Fuze types, electronic fuze, proximity fuze, components of proximity fuze, detonators, radar, antenna, RF.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Savunma Teknolojileri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Savunma ve Savunma Teknolojileri, Defense and Defense Technologies