Malign melanomda hipoksik süreç ve ilişkili genlerin araştırılması
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Basamaklı karsinogenez sürecinde neoplazinin içinde bulunduğu mikroçevre oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Hipoksi de tümör gelişimi ve progresyonuna katkıda bulunan mikroçevresel etmenlerden biridir. Artmış proliferasyon ve metabolik gereksinim sonucu fizyolojik oksijen düzeyinin düşmesi solid tümörlerin tipik özelliğidir ve tümör hipoksisi olarak adlandırılır. Tümör hücresi meydana getirmiş olduğu bu hipoksik mikroçevreye adaptasyonu sağlamak ve bu negatif durumu kendi lehine çevirmek için aracı olarak önemli bir protein olan hipoksi indüklenebilir faktörü (HIF-1) kullanır. HIF-1, hipoksinin en önemli düzenleyici proteinidir. HIF-1, alfa ve beta (ARNT) olmak üzere iki komponentten oluşur. Normoksik koşullarda HIF-1 alfa proteini hızla ubikitinlenip proteozomda yıkılırken, hipoksik koşullarda stabilize edilip sitoplazmada birikir. Biriken HIF-1 alfa çekirdek içine göç eder ve nükleusta beta alt ünite ile birleşip hipoksiye cevap veren genlerin aktive olmasını sağlar. Hedefe yönelik tedavide hipoksi ile ilişkili genler araştırılmaktadır. Biz bu çalışmamızda malign melanom hücre hatlarında (CRL-1675, CRL-1676) hipoksik süreç ve ilişkili gen ekspresyonlarının araştırılmasını amaçladık. Primer ve metastatik hücre hatları uygun ortamda büyütülerek, Real-Time PCR yöntemiyle hipoksi ile ilişkili 84 genin ekspresyonları incelenmiştir. Ayrıca primer malign melanom hücre hattında hiposik ortam oluşturularak, 1. , 4. ve 8. saatlerde gen ekspresyonları arasında farklılıklar araştırılmıştır. Çıkan sonuçlar literatür eşliğinde değerlendirilerek saptanan aday üç genin (HIF-1 Beta, JMJD6, NDRG-1) kodladığı proteinlerin nevüs, melanom ve metastazlarında ekspresyonları, doku array ve arşiv materyallerinde incelenmiştir. Primer ve metastatik hatlar karşılaştırıldığında toplam 37 genin 2 kat ve üstü farklılık gösterdiği görülmüştür. Primer kutanöz melanomlarda intradermal nevüslere göre NDRG-1 düzeylerinin düştüğü, HIF-1 Beta sitoplazmik boyanmanın ise arttığı saptandı. Yumuşak dokuda saptanan melanomlarda JMJD6 proteinin daha yüksek oranda ifade bulduğu görüldü. Tüm gruplarda üç protein arasında değişik düzeylerde istatistiksel ilişki saptandı. Çalışmamızda primer ve metastatik hücre hatlarında ekspresyon patternlerinin farklılığının saptanması metastatik tümör klonlarında hipoksiye yanıtın farklı olduğunu düşündürmüştür. Ayrıca benign lezyonlara göre hipoksik proteinlerin melanomlarda farklı bir profil ortaya çıkardığı dikkati çekmiştir. Bu bulgular, melanomlarda hipoksik süreçlere ışık tutacak ve tedaviye katkı sağlayacak bilgileri sağlamıştır.
Tumor microenvironment has a significiant role in the multistep carcinogenesis process. Hypoxia is one of the microenviromental factors that contributes to tumor development and progression. Decreasing physiological O2 levels due to increased proliferation and metabolic demand, is a characteristic feature of solid tumors and known as tumor hypoxia. To adapt this hypoxic microenvironment and turn this unfavorable condition in its favor, tumor cell uses HIF-1 (Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1) which is an important protein as a messenger. HIF-1 is the most important regulatory protein of hypoxia. It is composed of two subunits: ? and ß (ARNT). HIF-1 ? is rapidly ubiquinated and degraded in proteozome in normoxia whereas it is stabilized and increased in cytoplasm in hypoxia. Accumulated HIF-1 ? then migrates into nucleus and activates hypoxia responsive genes by binding with ß subunit. Hypoxia related genes are investigated in targeted therapy. In our study we aimed to analyze hypoxic process and related gene expressions in malignant melanoma cell lines (CRL-1675, CRL-1676). Expressions of hypoxia-related 84 genes were investigated by RT-PCR method in cell lines which were grown in convenient medium conditions. Besides, differences between gene expressions were examined in primary malignant melanoma cell lines which were exposed to 1, 4 and 8 hours hypoxia. Expressions of proteins encoded by three candidate genes (HIF-1 Beta, JMJD6, NDRG-1), selected after evaluation of our study results by literature, in nevi, melanoma and their metastases were studied in tissue arrays and archival materials. Totally 37 genes were exhibited ?2 fold differences in metastatic melanoma vis-à-vis primary melanoma. NDRG-1 total staining scores were decreased in primary melanoma than nevi. On the other hand, HIF-1 Beta cytoplasmic staining score was increased. JMJD6 protein levels were up-regulated in soft tissue localized melanoma. Statistically correlations were determined between three genes in all study groups. It was suggested that hypoxic response was different in metastatic tumor lineages after differences were detected between primary and metastatic melanomas expression patterns. Furthermore, hypoxic proteins were demonstrated distinct profiles in melanoma with compared benign lesions. These findings will shed light to hypoxic processes in melanoma and provide data for development of new treatment strategies.
Tumor microenvironment has a significiant role in the multistep carcinogenesis process. Hypoxia is one of the microenviromental factors that contributes to tumor development and progression. Decreasing physiological O2 levels due to increased proliferation and metabolic demand, is a characteristic feature of solid tumors and known as tumor hypoxia. To adapt this hypoxic microenvironment and turn this unfavorable condition in its favor, tumor cell uses HIF-1 (Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1) which is an important protein as a messenger. HIF-1 is the most important regulatory protein of hypoxia. It is composed of two subunits: ? and ß (ARNT). HIF-1 ? is rapidly ubiquinated and degraded in proteozome in normoxia whereas it is stabilized and increased in cytoplasm in hypoxia. Accumulated HIF-1 ? then migrates into nucleus and activates hypoxia responsive genes by binding with ß subunit. Hypoxia related genes are investigated in targeted therapy. In our study we aimed to analyze hypoxic process and related gene expressions in malignant melanoma cell lines (CRL-1675, CRL-1676). Expressions of hypoxia-related 84 genes were investigated by RT-PCR method in cell lines which were grown in convenient medium conditions. Besides, differences between gene expressions were examined in primary malignant melanoma cell lines which were exposed to 1, 4 and 8 hours hypoxia. Expressions of proteins encoded by three candidate genes (HIF-1 Beta, JMJD6, NDRG-1), selected after evaluation of our study results by literature, in nevi, melanoma and their metastases were studied in tissue arrays and archival materials. Totally 37 genes were exhibited ?2 fold differences in metastatic melanoma vis-à-vis primary melanoma. NDRG-1 total staining scores were decreased in primary melanoma than nevi. On the other hand, HIF-1 Beta cytoplasmic staining score was increased. JMJD6 protein levels were up-regulated in soft tissue localized melanoma. Statistically correlations were determined between three genes in all study groups. It was suggested that hypoxic response was different in metastatic tumor lineages after differences were detected between primary and metastatic melanomas expression patterns. Furthermore, hypoxic proteins were demonstrated distinct profiles in melanoma with compared benign lesions. These findings will shed light to hypoxic processes in melanoma and provide data for development of new treatment strategies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Moleküler Tıp, Molecular Medicine ; Onkoloji, Oncology ; Patoloji, Pathology