Künt göğüs travması ve hemorajik şok modelinde hipoterminin etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı künt göğüs travması uygulanan ratlarda volüm kontrollü hemoraji ile birlikte uygulanacak olan hipoterminin bakteriyel translokasyon, eritrosit deformabilitesi ve akciğer dokusundamalondialdehit (MDA)ve nitrik oksit (NO) düzeyi üzerine olan etkisinin araştırılmasıdır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamız herbiri 10rattan oluşan 6 grupta yapıldı. Gruplar künttoraks travması uygulanan grup(Grup T) ,hemoraji oluşturulan grup(Grup H), travma ve hemorajinin birlikteliğinde normotermik grup (Grup NT),yine travma ve hemorajinin birlikteliğinde hafif hipotermik grup(Grup HH) ve orta derecede hipoterminin oluşturulduğu grup(Grup OH) ve kontrol grubu(Grup K) şekliyle oluşturuldu. Sodyum pentobarbital (50 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) anestezisi uygulandı. Torakstravması 2.45 Jluk orta kinetik enerji seviyesinde oluşturuldu. Üç fazlı hemorajik şok modeliyle evre 3 hemorajik şok meydana getirildi. 24 saat sonra yaşayan farelerin nörolojik defisit skorları kayıt edildi.Sakrifiye edilen ratlardan alınan kan örneklerinde eritrosit deformabilitesi, karaciğer, dalak, mezenter lenf nodları alınarak bakteriyel translokasyon gelişimi ve akciğer dokusu alınıp -80º muhafaza edilerek NO ve MDA düzeyleri ölçüldü.Bulgular: Nörolojik defisit skoru hafif hipotermik grupta daha düşük saptandı. Grup HH ve OH deki eritrosit deformabilite değerleri Grup NT'den daha düşük değerlerde saptandı(p<0.05). Grup HH ve OH arasında farklılık saptanmadı. Bakteriyaltranslokasyon grup NT de diğer tüm gruplardan daha fazla saptandı (p<0.05). NO düzeyi Grup H de kontrol grubuna göre yüksek bulundu(p<0,05). MDA düzeyi grup OH de grup HH ye göre düşüktü(p<0,05).Sonuç:Hipotermininoksidatif stresi azaltarak eritrosit deformobilitesi ve bakteriyel translokasyon üzerine koruyucu etkileri ortaya konmuştur.Terapotikhipoterminin eritrosit deformabilitesi üzerine koruyucu etkisi NO ve/veya MDA'yı azaltarak sağladığı tesbit edilmiştir.Eritrosit deformabilitesi ve bakteriyel translokasyonolusumunda hafif ve orta derecede hipotermi arasında farklılık saptanmamıştır.Anahtar kelimeler: İki darbe hemorajik şok, hipotermi, eritrosit deformabilitesi, bakteriyel translokasyon
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate effect ofvolume-controlledhemorrhage and hypothermia in rats, whichcreatedbluntchesttrauma, bacterialtranslocation, lungtissuemalondialdehit(MDA) andnitricoxide(NO) levels and erythrocytedeformability.Materials and Methods:Inour study,10 animalswere included ineach of6groups. Groupswere created as an onlybluntchest traumageneratedgroup (group T) andhemorrhagegeneratedgroup (GroupH), comorbidityof traumaandhemorrhagenormothermicgroup (GroupNT), mildhypothermia(GroupHH) and moderatehypothermia(OH group) andcontrolgroups(Group K). Sodiumpentobarbital(50mg/kg, intraperitoneally) anesthesiawasperformed. Thoracic trauma was generated with kineticenergyat the level ofthe middle (2.45 J). Stage 3 hemorrhagic shock has been brought about with three-phase model of hemorrhagic shock. After 24 hours, neurologicaldeficitscores of livingratwererecored. red blood cell deformability in blood samples, development of bacterial translocation in liver, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes and NO and MDA levels in lung tissue that kept for -80 ºC were measured.Results:Neurologicaldeficitscoreswerelower in thehypothermicgroup HH. In the GroupHHand Group OHerythrocytedeformabilityvalues werelower than GroupNT(p<0.05). There was no differencebetweenGroupHH andOH. Bacterialtranslocationin theNTgroupweremorereproductive all othergroups.In theGroup NTgrowth of bacterialtranslocation wasmorethan all othergroups (p<0.05). Thelevel of NO in theGroup of H was higherthan control group (p <0.05). IntheGroup OH level of MDAwaslowerthanGroup of HH (p<0,05).Conclusion: Theprotectiveeffects of hypothermia by reducingoxidativestress on erythrocytedeformability and bacterial translocation have been established. Protective effectsof therapeutichypothermia onerythrocytedeformability may be due to effect of reducing NO and/orMDA. There was no differencebetweenmildand moderatehypothermia for formation oferythrocytedeformability andthe bacterialtranslocationKeywords:two-hit hemorrhagicshock, hypothermia, erythrocytedeformability, bacterialtranslocation
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate effect ofvolume-controlledhemorrhage and hypothermia in rats, whichcreatedbluntchesttrauma, bacterialtranslocation, lungtissuemalondialdehit(MDA) andnitricoxide(NO) levels and erythrocytedeformability.Materials and Methods:Inour study,10 animalswere included ineach of6groups. Groupswere created as an onlybluntchest traumageneratedgroup (group T) andhemorrhagegeneratedgroup (GroupH), comorbidityof traumaandhemorrhagenormothermicgroup (GroupNT), mildhypothermia(GroupHH) and moderatehypothermia(OH group) andcontrolgroups(Group K). Sodiumpentobarbital(50mg/kg, intraperitoneally) anesthesiawasperformed. Thoracic trauma was generated with kineticenergyat the level ofthe middle (2.45 J). Stage 3 hemorrhagic shock has been brought about with three-phase model of hemorrhagic shock. After 24 hours, neurologicaldeficitscores of livingratwererecored. red blood cell deformability in blood samples, development of bacterial translocation in liver, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes and NO and MDA levels in lung tissue that kept for -80 ºC were measured.Results:Neurologicaldeficitscoreswerelower in thehypothermicgroup HH. In the GroupHHand Group OHerythrocytedeformabilityvalues werelower than GroupNT(p<0.05). There was no differencebetweenGroupHH andOH. Bacterialtranslocationin theNTgroupweremorereproductive all othergroups.In theGroup NTgrowth of bacterialtranslocation wasmorethan all othergroups (p<0.05). Thelevel of NO in theGroup of H was higherthan control group (p <0.05). IntheGroup OH level of MDAwaslowerthanGroup of HH (p<0,05).Conclusion: Theprotectiveeffects of hypothermia by reducingoxidativestress on erythrocytedeformability and bacterial translocation have been established. Protective effectsof therapeutichypothermia onerythrocytedeformability may be due to effect of reducing NO and/orMDA. There was no differencebetweenmildand moderatehypothermia for formation oferythrocytedeformability andthe bacterialtranslocationKeywords:two-hit hemorrhagicshock, hypothermia, erythrocytedeformability, bacterialtranslocation
Anahtar Kelimeler
İlk ve Acil Yardım, Emergency and First Aid