Ülkemizde Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalları’nda acil servislerin fonksiyonel mimari açısından değerlendirilmesi
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AMAÇ Ülkemizdeki Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalları’na (ATAD) bağlı acil servislerinin iç ve dış mimari yapıları araştırıldı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu araştırmada, çalışmanın yapıldığı tarihte mevcut olan 26 ATAD’ye anket formları gönderildi. Bu anketle acil servislerin iç ve dış mimari yapıları ve fonksiyonel hizmet durumları sorgulandı. Anketi yanıtlayan 22 ATAD’nin verileri değerlendirmeye alındı. Henüz kurulma aşamasında olan ve hizmet vermeyen iki Anabilim Dalı çalışmaya dahil edilmedi. BULGULAR Geri bildirimlerin değerlendirilmesinde ATAD’den ancak %59’unun (n=13) hizmet verdikleri alanın acil servis alanı olarak planlandığı izlendi. Acil servislerin ambulans girişlerinin %77 oranında uygun olmadığı, %54,5 ATAD’de (n=12) acil servis girişinde ambulansların hasta bıraktığı alanın hava koşullarından korumalı olmadığı görüldü. Gelen yanıtlara bakıldığında ancak %59 ATAD’de (n=13) acil serviste triyaj ünitesinin bulunduğu, yine sadece bir ATAD’de (%4,5) acil serviste temizlenme (dekontaminasyon) odası bulunduğu bildirildi. Halen hizmet vermekte olan ATAD’lerine bağlı acil servislerin ancak %32’sinde (n=8) mevcut lokal risk faktörleri doğrultusunda genişleyebilme düzeyinin yeterli olabileceği belirlendi. ATAD’lerin sadece %18’inde (n=4) özürlü tuvaletinin var olması ülke genelinde özürlülere yönelik mimari değişikliklerin eksikliğinin acil servislerde de olduğunun göstergesidir. Acil tıbbın ülkemizde 12 yıllık geçmişi olduğu düşünüldüğünde ATAD’lerin ancak %68’inde (n=15) seminer odalarının var olması, akademik yapılanmaya fiziksel alt yapı yetersizliği olan yerlerde başlandığının göstergesidir. SONUÇ Ülkemizdeki acil tıp yapılanması içerisinde acil servis mimarisine gereken önemin verilmediğini, verilen hizmetteki bilimselliğin mimari yetersizliklerle gölgelendiğini göstermiştir. Acil servis mimari tasarımı, bilimsel veri ve kurallar çerçevesinde sağlanmalıdır. Bunun için hastane ve özellikle acil servis mimarisi hakkında bilgi ve tecrübesi olan mimar veya mimarlar yetkili kişiler ile hedefler üzerinde bir anlaşmaya varmalıdırlar.
BACKGROUND In our study which was based upon a questionnaire, the inner and outer architectural designs of emergency services of Emergency Medicine Departments were investigated. METHODS In this descriptive study, a standard questionnaire was sent to 26 Emergency Medicine Departments which were operating at that time. In the questionnnaire, the internal, external architectural and functional features were questioned. Answers of 22 Emergency Medicine Departments were analysed.Two Emergency Medicine Departments that were not operating at that time were not included in the study. RESULTS The analysis of the replies revealed that only 59% (n=13) of the Emergency Medicine Departments were designed as an emergency service prior to the construction. The ambulance parking areas were not suitable in 77% of the emergency units while only 54.5% (n=12) had protection against adverse weather conditions. In only 59% (n=13) of the emergency units, a triage unit was present and in only one of the in only one (4.5%), a decontamination room was available. It was understood that only 32% (n=8) of the emergency units were appropriate in enlarging their capacity taking the local risk factors into consideration. There was a toilette for disabled patients in only 18% (n=4) of the units as well. Considering a 12-year of history of the Emergency Medicine in Turkey, the presence of a lecture room is still 68% (n=15) in emergency departments which reflects that academical efforts in this field is emerging in challenging physical conditions. CONCLUSION The results of our study revelaed that emergency service architecture was neglected in Turkey and medical care given was precluded by the insufficient architecture. The design of emergency services has to be accomplished under guidance of scientific data and rules taking advices of architects who have knowledge and experience on this field.
BACKGROUND In our study which was based upon a questionnaire, the inner and outer architectural designs of emergency services of Emergency Medicine Departments were investigated. METHODS In this descriptive study, a standard questionnaire was sent to 26 Emergency Medicine Departments which were operating at that time. In the questionnnaire, the internal, external architectural and functional features were questioned. Answers of 22 Emergency Medicine Departments were analysed.Two Emergency Medicine Departments that were not operating at that time were not included in the study. RESULTS The analysis of the replies revealed that only 59% (n=13) of the Emergency Medicine Departments were designed as an emergency service prior to the construction. The ambulance parking areas were not suitable in 77% of the emergency units while only 54.5% (n=12) had protection against adverse weather conditions. In only 59% (n=13) of the emergency units, a triage unit was present and in only one of the in only one (4.5%), a decontamination room was available. It was understood that only 32% (n=8) of the emergency units were appropriate in enlarging their capacity taking the local risk factors into consideration. There was a toilette for disabled patients in only 18% (n=4) of the units as well. Considering a 12-year of history of the Emergency Medicine in Turkey, the presence of a lecture room is still 68% (n=15) in emergency departments which reflects that academical efforts in this field is emerging in challenging physical conditions. CONCLUSION The results of our study revelaed that emergency service architecture was neglected in Turkey and medical care given was precluded by the insufficient architecture. The design of emergency services has to be accomplished under guidance of scientific data and rules taking advices of architects who have knowledge and experience on this field.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Deniz T., Aydınuraz K., Oktay C., Saygun M., Ağalar F. (2007). Ülkemizde Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalları’nda acil servislerin fonksiyonel mimari açısından değerlendirilmesi. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi, 13(1), 28 - 35.