Betonarme Çerçeveli Yapıların Önüretimli Beton Panellerle Sismik Güçlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye’deki birçok bina heran olması olası büyük depremlere karsı yeterli dayanıma sahip degildir. Yakın zamanda meydana gelmis büyük depremler hem ülke ekonomisine büyük zarar vermisler hem de birçok insanın hayatına mal olmuslardır. Gelecekteki depremlerin bu kadar büyük zararlar vermemeleri için sismik güçlendirme yöntemleri olabildigince çok miktarda zayıf binalara uygulanmalıdırlar. Genelde uygulanan güçlendirme yöntemleri binanın da bosaltılmasını öngören yorucu ve zaman alan insaat islerine yol açmaktadır. Bu çalısmada, Türkiye’deki binaların büyük bir kısmını olusturan betonarme çerçeveli yapılara uygulanabilecek ve yapı bosaltmayı gerektirmeyen bir sismik güçlendirme yöntemi gelistirilmektedir. Bu çalısmada önerilen teknigin prensibi, yapıda bulunan bosluklu tugla dolgu duvarların yüksek dayanımlı önüretimli beton paneller kullanılarak güçlendirilmesi esasına dayanır. Bu amaçla, Türkiye’deki binaların büyük çogunlugunda rastlanan kusurlara sahip dört adet 1/3 ölçekli iki katlı tek açıklıklı çerçeve, deprem yükünü benzestirecek tersinir-tekrarlanır yatay yükler ve sabit düsey yükler altında test edilmistir. Deneylerde iki degisik panel tipi kullanılmıstır.
Many buildings in Turkey do not have sufficient capacity to stand against a major earthquake, which is expected to occur anytime. Major earthquakes in the previous years have caused enormous damage to the economy of the country as well as human lives. In order to prevent such a loss due to a future earthquake, seismic strengthening measures should be applied to as many vulnerable buildings as possible. Commonly used strengthening techniques require great and lengthy construction work which also necessitates evacuation of buildings. In this study, an innovative nonevacuation retrofitting technique is being developed for reinforced concrete building structures which constitute the major portion of the existing building stock in Turkey. The idea behind the proposed technique is to transform the existing hollow masonry infill walls into strong and rigid infill walls by reinforcing them with relatively high strength precast concrete panels Four one-third scale, one-bay, twostorey reinforced concrete frames having the deficiencies commonly observed in residential buildings in Turkey were tested under reverse-cyclic lateral loading as well as constant vertical loading until failure. Two different types of panels were used to strengthen the frames.
Many buildings in Turkey do not have sufficient capacity to stand against a major earthquake, which is expected to occur anytime. Major earthquakes in the previous years have caused enormous damage to the economy of the country as well as human lives. In order to prevent such a loss due to a future earthquake, seismic strengthening measures should be applied to as many vulnerable buildings as possible. Commonly used strengthening techniques require great and lengthy construction work which also necessitates evacuation of buildings. In this study, an innovative nonevacuation retrofitting technique is being developed for reinforced concrete building structures which constitute the major portion of the existing building stock in Turkey. The idea behind the proposed technique is to transform the existing hollow masonry infill walls into strong and rigid infill walls by reinforcing them with relatively high strength precast concrete panels Four one-third scale, one-bay, twostorey reinforced concrete frames having the deficiencies commonly observed in residential buildings in Turkey were tested under reverse-cyclic lateral loading as well as constant vertical loading until failure. Two different types of panels were used to strengthen the frames.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dayanım, sismik güçlendirme, betonarme çerçeveli yapı, bosluklu tugla dolgu, yüksek dayanımlı ön üretimli beton panel, tersinir-tekrarlanır yatay yük, sabit düsey yük, Capacity, seismic strengthening, reinforced concrete framed structure, hollow masonry infill wall, high strength precast concrete panels, reverse-cyclic lateral loading, constant vertical loading
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