Kronik hava yolu hastalıklarında karbonmonoksit difüzyon değerleri
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Karbonmonoksit difüz yon (DLCO) ölçümü pulmoner gaz değişimi hakkında bilgi veren önemli ve kullanışlı noninvaziv bir testtir. Biz kronik hava yolu hastalıklarından astım, kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) ve bronşektazi tanılı hastalarda difüzyon değerleri ile hastalık derecesi arasındaki ilişkiyi ve difüzyon değerlerini belirleyen faktörleri araştırdık. Çalışmaya astım tanılı 64, KOAH tanılı 78 ve bronşektazi tanılı 41 olmak üzere toplam 183 hasta ile sigara içmeyen 43 sağlıklı birey alındı. Atak döneminde olan 10 astımlı hasta hariç tüm hastalar stabil dönemde idi. Tüm olgulara solunum fonksiyon testi ve DLCO testi yapıldı. KOAH grubunda DLCO% ve DLCO/VA% değerleri astım, bronşektazi ve kontrol grubundan düşük bulundu (p0.001). Astımlı hastalarda atak döneminde DLCO% değeri; kontrol grubu, stabil dönemdeki orta ve ağır persistan astımlılardan yüksek bulundu (p0.05). Ağır persistan astımlılarda DLCO% değeri ise hafif persistan astımlılardan düşük bulundu (p0.05). Tüm hasta ve kontrol grubu birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, DLCO% ile FEV1% (r 0.49; p 0.0001), FEV1/FVC (r 0.36; p 0.0001) arasında ve DLCO/VA% ile FEV1% (r 0.16; p 0.01), FEV1/FVC (r 0.26; p 0.0001) arasında pozitif ilişki bulundu. Kronik hava yolu hastalıklarında DLCO kapasitesi obstrüksiyona paralel olarak azalmaktadır. DLCO değerleri kronik hava yolu hastalıklarının değerlendirilmesinde ve hastalık şiddetinin belirlenmesinde kullanılabilir.
Measurement o f the diffusing of the carbonmonoxide (DLCO) which is an important and widely used test provides information about pulmonary gas transfer. We investigated relationship between disease severity and diffusion values in patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and bronchiectasis from chronic airway diseases. Totally 183 patients who are diagnosis of asthma 64, COPD 78, bronchiectasis 41 and 43 nonsmoker healthly people were included to the study. All patients were in stable state except from 10 patients with asthma exacerbation. Pulmonary function test and DLCO test were performed to all subjects. DLCO% and DLCO/VA% values in COPD were lower than stabil asthma, bronchiectasis and control group (p<0.001). DLCO% values in asthma exacerbation were greater than control group, moderate and persistent asthma during stable state (p<0.05). DLCO% values in severe persistent asthma were lower than mild persistent asthma (p<0.05). There were significant positive correlations between DLCO% with FEV1% (r 0.49; p 0.0001), FEV1/ FVC (r 0.36; p 0.0001) and between DLCO/ VA% with FEV1% (r 0.16; p 0.01), FEV1/FVC (r 0.26; p 0.0001) when all patients and control group were evaluated. DLCO capacity in chronic airway diseases decreases in accordance with severity of disease. DLCO values may be used to evaluate and determine the severity of chronic airway diseases.
Measurement o f the diffusing of the carbonmonoxide (DLCO) which is an important and widely used test provides information about pulmonary gas transfer. We investigated relationship between disease severity and diffusion values in patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and bronchiectasis from chronic airway diseases. Totally 183 patients who are diagnosis of asthma 64, COPD 78, bronchiectasis 41 and 43 nonsmoker healthly people were included to the study. All patients were in stable state except from 10 patients with asthma exacerbation. Pulmonary function test and DLCO test were performed to all subjects. DLCO% and DLCO/VA% values in COPD were lower than stabil asthma, bronchiectasis and control group (p<0.001). DLCO% values in asthma exacerbation were greater than control group, moderate and persistent asthma during stable state (p<0.05). DLCO% values in severe persistent asthma were lower than mild persistent asthma (p<0.05). There were significant positive correlations between DLCO% with FEV1% (r 0.49; p 0.0001), FEV1/ FVC (r 0.36; p 0.0001) and between DLCO/ VA% with FEV1% (r 0.16; p 0.01), FEV1/FVC (r 0.26; p 0.0001) when all patients and control group were evaluated. DLCO capacity in chronic airway diseases decreases in accordance with severity of disease. DLCO values may be used to evaluate and determine the severity of chronic airway diseases.
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İzmir Göğüs Hastanesi Dergisi
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Bulcun, E., Ekici, A., Şentürk, E., Arslan, M., Akın, A., Ekici, M. (2009). Kronik hava yolu hastalıklarında karbonmonoksit difüzyon değerleri. İzmir Göğüs Hastanesi Dergisi, 23(3), 137 - 144.